How will your waifu react upon discovering your fetishs?

How will your waifu react upon discovering your fetishs?

>Implying we wouldn't tell our waifu's of our fetishes.


Some people have weird fetishes than they feel uncomfortable disclosing.

For example, how do you tell your waifu that you had a fetish of fucking in public for the whole world to see, making it an exhibition, a show.


she is all my fetishes

I'm tame, my waifu is probably more perverted than I am.

I'm so vanilla I don't even have a waifu.

in that case, her reaction when she discovers you are a boring vanilla guy that wont be able to satisfy her perverted fetishes.

That I'd like to try fucking in public.

But between the shock to her, her discomfort with doing such shameful things in plain view and labeling me a filthy flasher/exhibitionist pervert too many things can go wrong.

Good luck telling someone who's self conscious about her height or weight or breast size that the thing they dont like about themselves it what you love. They dont like to attention drawn to their "shortcomings"

Not him, but in my case, my fetish is pretty vanilla on the surface, but can be turned kinky at a moments notice.

You really think we'd be married if we weren't sexually compatible?
She's the more aggressive one anyway, a tame lover makes for a good receiver.

Well obviously you don't say "I like small boobs", but instead say "your boobs are perfect"

don't worry, eventually you will find someone to lo- put up with you

She's a huge pervert, just like me, so it'd go smoothly.

She's into doing it in front of acquaintances, not in public though.

>She's into doing it in front of acquaintances, not in public though.
you gotta start somewhere.

I guess she'll be p-proud of me.
It's NTR.

My anime girlfriend would probably be fine with my children fetish. I enjoy sex with young kids as a personal preference. Nothing wrong with a fetish and she is intelligent enough to understand that.

>having a perverted waifu
sluts !

She may blush hard, hit me a little, but eventually try out just to satisfy me.
But honestly, I'm more interested in knowing what her fetishes are, so I can please her!
We should post our respective waifu and guess what her fetishes are.

You missed me, and there's nothing wrong with having a perverted waifu. It's fun.

I think she'd be ok with it.

I doubt she'd be pleased, in fact she'd probably be disgusted.


How would your waifu feel if you did this to her?

She'd make a disgusted expression while calling me disgusting.
She's pretty prudish and nagging.
She would forgive me though, because she would know I truly love her and would never force any fetish on her.

She'd kick me.

She'd smile smugly and take off her stockings.

She'll be embarrassed and very confused.

Weirded out and a bit incredulous at my interest.

Are you trying to tell me you aren't already in a yuri relationship with your wife?

Normal. We do that a lot, usually the other way around though.


That would require that user be female.



I think that's a safe assumption

We're all girls on Sup Forums.

She'd kick me on the face then call me a pervert. Shame because I love feet, especially hers.


She may feel embarrassed and confused. Maybe will make me stop. Then she would ask for an explanation. After giving it some thought she may give in.


No, medusafag. yes

>waifu is a lesbian
I guess she wouldn't understand

There are a lot of us here it seems.

>not also being a lesbian

>not being a lesbian for his waifu


Honestly, the sad truth. My waifu is from an eroge VN

I'm a simple man
Just some anal

That isn't sad user.
Well, depending on what kind of ero.

Mine is too, and I don't consider it sad. If anything, I'm glad she's as lewd as I am.

I don't remember Illya having a switch


Nobody with that waifu isn't a peefag.

I hate myself because of it, but I think if she is willing to leave it in the past, then everything will be alright.

I don't think there's any reason to hate yourself, but to each his own.

Ara ara ufufufu!~

deformed face
god I hate you moe faggots


I'm in love with a woman who tried to keep it a secret she was fucking the MC's friends. How would that make you feel? Like I said, I'm willing to put things in the past, bit I believe there is a balance between symbolism, spirituality, practicality, and reality.

Personally I think that love means accepting who and what your significant other is, along with everything they've done. My waifu has done some unusual things too. Letting it torment you isn't how I'd go about it, but we all have different ways of dealing with things.

She would act accordingly

This , every waifu has their negatives , perhaps they have done shameful or bad things in their series
only moe uguu perfect kawai waifu garbage don't have them

I want to lick my waifu's armpits

She would call me disgusting then punish me

Thanks, this makes me feel better. I've always thought, even though I am a Catholic, I have a Taoist way of thought.

>Trap fetish
>Not even just the act of being crossdressed

Well, I'm mainly a diaperfag, though.

Somehow your post makes me really angry.

I'm glad to know it helped, it's not something you should feel bad about in my humble opinion.
For reference, my waifu owns and runs a high-class brothel. I've never felt one way or another about it, it's just a part of who she is.


My waifu masturbates and cums several times
is she pure?

Purity depends on many factors, and different people use different standards to judge that. In the end, what matters is if you consider her pure.
But if that's all she's done, then yes, unless you take an extreme stance on things she is pure. Not that there's anything wrong with it either way, if you ask me.

Does she know about the dick?
Does she want the dick?

I-I wish I could see my waifu masturbate.

I hate myself for having so many weird fetishes

Post a cute image of your waifu !

My waifu saw a dick and then she ran away crying. She said it was disgusting and ruined her day.


Oh, I guess that also makes sense.

she embodies the most important ones so she will be flattered

>He was into android girls all along

>labia expansion
>clit dick
>hyper blueberry
not very fondly

She seems pure

>hyper blueberry
I dont know what this is but based on the previous two I dont think I want to know.

but damn it, I am curious.

>android girls
Gynoids, then.

Not if they have dicks.

It usually takes on the meaning of man in the meaning of human.

Don't tell them ;_;

There's a word for it, just saiyan.

Is it one of those "she's actually squirting so much it's mistaken as pee"?

No, this is really a manga about a middle school girl who pisses herself so much she needs to wear diapers 24/7

That's delicious


I hope her ass is prepared.

Probably get scared.

What would she be scared, your fetish isn't guro or something, right?

I have some pretty vile fetishes. She'd either be completely revolted, or she'd gradually come around to some of them in a desperate attempt not to lose my affection.

I like anal hooks andskin jacketing on the more extreme end, but not guro. Ryona maybe, but it's rarely done tastefully.

Something that isn't there can't react