How do you feel about changing waifu after 7 years? Should I do it?
I don't feel the same for her as I did before, but at the same time I don't want to abandon her because we've been together for quite a long time.
How do you feel about changing waifu after 7 years? Should I do it?
She won't notice because she's not real.
Falling out of love is such an awful feeling. Treasure the time you have spent together and explain that breaking up is for the best.
>i've been together with a drawing
Rei's been with me for awhile, but recently I've been having adulterous thoughts about R. Dorothy Wayneright. I want to be a one waifu man, but sometimes it's so hard.
Ask /ww/
You'll be shat on, hard.
No reason to live unhappy. Do what ya gotta do.
Alright... say hi to my new waifu.
you'll never love her as much as that one guy. you know the one.
/wwhat now?
That one with the shrine?
I guess it's okay as long as you don't have two "waifus" at the same time. Now that's just wrong.
There's nothing wrong with polygamy, user.
If only I lived alone...
Well, for a purely biological point of view even rape is OK. I'm happy with just one, though. If I had two or more waifus I'd eventually choose favorites and it's just mean.
I wouldn't know. I had a girl I used to call my waifu for that long a time but all I did for her was involve and discuss her in powerlevel arguments. What I felt was adoration rather than pure love so she was not my waifu, I know because my relationship and the feelings I have for my actual waifu are completely different.
I don't think falling out of love is possible if you really loved her.
One does not """""""""""""""""""""""""""change""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" waifu, waifu changes you because she's done with you. Understood!?
The one who didn't actually love her, and just used her as a way to act like he owned something? The one who vanished when the truth got to him? Yeah, what an aspiration, to be a fake husbando.
What? I never heard about this. Any caps?
nothing matters now that the newfag mods delete waifu threads
Only a fucktard would have Rei as their waifu.
/wwd/ the weekend waifu drawthreads.
>tfw still a no waifu bachelor
Those threads are shit though. Waifu Wednesdays on the other hand are always comfy though. I hate the mod for deleting them.
Rei relucatantly became my waifu, because she gets the most merch and fanart support.
It is fuckin impossible to find a good Misato dakimakura, that just has her looking like herself. Fanart is even shitter, literally all bimbo art. Why isnt she loved more, shes so precious? Why Rei and Asuka?
She is a fucking clone that is replaced several times through the anime
You're both fucking faggots. First guy more so, but what kind of retard gets a waifu based on merchandise? That's not how it works, asshole.
Kill yourself.
>like both girls
>wanna make love, be with one of them, share your heart, and generally indulge in imagination to fill the hole caused by lack of intimacy in my life
>feel more partial to misato because i relate and adore her more, whereas Rei feels like a sister
>Misata merch and art is a shit
>Rei is mountainous abundance
>Rei it is
>i love her
Why were they deleted? Typical mod faggotry?
That's retarded reasoning.
>she is like a sister to me
>but she's the only one I can fuck
>she is my waifu
That's redneck hillbilly logic.