Why is this so painfully mediocre?
Violet Evergarden
It's not?
Mediocre is constantly make OPs about a show you really don't like.
Mediocre source material + poor directing
Why is this thread so painfully mediocre?
Because anything popular or hyped must be hated on Sup Forums.
I seriously starting to doubt kyoani's taste when it comes to picking adaptation materials...
because it's trying to cash in on a mobage
Alright, you're going to have to take me step by step through your mental gymnastics to make this connection
Kyoani ? more like 10 years too late to the filtering party.
Are you clinically retarded? I knew instantly what he's talking about.
>Why is this show by a studio that specializes in mediocre shows so mediocre?
Because you're expecting far too much and letting the reactions of others influence your expectations.
It's a decent show so far with a very high budget. Nothing groundbreaking in terms of the show itself. People treated it like the 2nd Coming. You should have known better.
The director doesn't know what the fuck is he doing.
Because its a mostly female studio making an anime for women.
Why can't you know perfection when you see it?
dumb hater
Well Kyoani might be a bunch of 30~ year old ladies so they might like this
Because r/anime and the "ironic weeb" "community" in general are hyping it up which makes it seem worse than it really is when you actually watch it. It's not bad, but it's not good either.
Also the fact that there's no fan service and generic cliches means Sup Forums hates it
It's literally an animal with substance which is great because the last one I saw with that was spice and wolf
>It's literally an animal with substance which is great because the last one I saw with that was spice and wolf
How? Do you not watch any anime? There's been tons of anime with substance since then
I don't watch much anime but I'm an expert on every anime I've never watched
I don't know, i love it.
I mean there's very few that don't have these cliches and other nonsense that really takes away from the anime. So far not a single comedic relief element absurdly shoe horned into it like some goofy anime wood. I'd what it is but when a developer wastes time to do something really pointless and cheesy it really turns me off
Have you even watched the show? It's ridden with cliches.
>A girl like that fighting ww1 man twice her height
>Also the fact that there's no fan service and generic cliches means Sup Forums hates it
Someone got the webm of Violet taking her shirt off?
I'm sorry, is this your first anime?
>light novel source
No its not. There's no inappropriate interruptions that take precious seconds away from the character development. There's no abrupt comedic relief or immersion breaking tropes and shit. No fan service to distract the viewers
>It's not bad, but it's not good either.
Pretty much this, which's the definition of being mediocre. This is another example of the show being overhyped into disappointment. If you can watch this without ever seeing the trailers beforehand and all the fan hypes that went with it. It's probably enjoyable.
>Also the fact that there's no fan service and generic cliches means Sup Forums hates it.
Yet it's basically otaku pandering archetypes and cliches on a plater. Have we not seem generic emotionless pretty fighter girl before? And a fish out of water story settings? And please don't tell me that you couldn't predict the outcomes of every single herp-derp-I-take-things-literally-cause-I-was-a-soldier hijinks we've had so far in the show.
I don't like it just because of all the normie newfags I see and hear going apeshit over how it's the best show on the planet because it looks nice.
The same kind of people who say KyoAni only makes masterpieces.
This is not a generic shonen action series. This shit is trying to be more than that.
Literally one but it didn't waste tons of time on over the top reactions. It blended right in and it was quick and over like your sex life
>There's no abrupt comedic relief or immersion breaking tropes and shit
Please watch the anime before spouting bullshit lies.
Literally one. Every other anime you've seen would have had a dozen by now.
Hell they even do entire anime on these retarded tropes that's how bad this shit is
Why would Sup Forums be bothered by the hype generated by those parties? What is implied by that?
Like that one "romantic conedy" anime where the Mc is literally cock blocking himself the entire anime and then the ultimate twist is that it's called a romantic comedy but it's not romantic nor is it funny
>>This is not a generic shonen action series. This shit is trying to be more than that.
I really like it.
Serious story with serious characters. God knows I needed a break from self-insert characters and otaku pandering.
I like it for this reason too.
Based on what we've seen so far, Violet's character is entirely defined by her past suffering and single-minded devotion to the one man who was kind to her. She has stated no desire other than to see the major and to understand what he meant when he said I love you. I'm hoping that will change at some point, but so far her character comes across less as a recognizable human than as a teenager's fantasy of a devoted woman who does nothing but think of them and spout cliched love dialogue 24/7.
You can just watch 3-gatsu and get all that but 1000000000000000000000000 times better, and 3-gatsu is not even on my top 5 of the season.
Not him but I dropped 3-gatsu S1 for having those annoying shitty comedy bits that never really fit the tone of the series, are those still there in S2?
>There's no abrupt comedic relief or immersion breaking tropes and shit
>little girl supersoldier looking for love
Are you legit retarded?
>Serious story with serious characters
Jesus christ
I hope so too. It does appear to be entire linear so far. The only reasonable reach is "I want to know what love is" and "where is Gilbert?"
I sort of wish the story wasn't so robotic in this way I wish it started off before him and her met because I can already see the ending as "she finally meets him and they fall in love and live happily forever" this doesn't seem to be deep enough to have crooked paths yet
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
>God knows I needed a break from self-insert characters
That's literally themetic of the story. It's not some dumb trope shoe horned in there so the publisher can make bank on selling sex toys to losers who wanna get off to cartoons
user that's a high school setting and I'm so damn tired of japanese escapism via high schools.
Stop spamming you're shitty OC you attention seeking fuck.
Yes, also, you suck.
>not a shoujo self insert
Daily reminder you all have shit taste because your senses are dull but you want to pick everything apart while forcing your opinions as an irrefutable fact
Shame, are the 'character literally drowning in his own thoughts' visual metaphors still dime a dozen? There were like 6 of those in the episodes I managed to watch.
I like it, because of my cute autistic wife violet also hands.
If feels exactly like watching Kyoukai no Kanata, what the fuck.
Also what's with the insert song, I know someone at Kyoani has boner for Minori Chihara but it was completely unnecessary.
There's two stupid comedy moments in ep 2 with Hodgins and some old dude eating fag's yakisoba.
It's a romance drama adapted from a shitty LN. It was doomed to being mediocre from the beginning. Has pretty visuals, shame you have to fuck around with the contrast/gamma options to remove the shitty white filter from it.
>***,215位/***,213位 (***,424 pt) [*,**0予約] 2018/04/04 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
I guess it's pretty much confirmed to sell below 8k.
Yeah because the main focus of the show is about Violet romancing different guys around her.
Attractive male characters =/= Shoujo
I'll stop believing if it hits episode 6 and those averages don't improve.
Please KyoAni do justice to the story you gave a Grand Prize to.
What makes you think the story was any good to begin with? Apparently Violet Evergarden is a Kodansha reject.
>Saber loses her ahoge and gets PTSD
wow I thought there's was only 1 fateshit anime this season
wait, that's the author? talk about depressive looking
That's Naoko 'Koe no Katachi was a Mistake' Yamada, the has-been that directed Keion.
That would be Yamada-chan I believe.
Man, Franxxfags will have a field day with us once their show goes up for pre-orders, apparently Japan is loving it.
Why is the directing so overdone in every scene
With visuals like that it just stands out and feels bizarre
I wish Hibike was the show shilled by netflix because this is just embarassing so far.
I just realized this, but where is the OP and ED?
I'm just waiting for the english dub before watching the 2nd episode
wow, this show is so bad. Can't wait until my favorite anituber, Digibro, makes a video roasting this terrible-looking trash!
>not waiting for the French dub
First episode was very pretty, but also very boring. One of KyoAni's worst shows, honestly. Can't see anyone outside of artfags enjoying this.
>Take a non-chronological story and put it in order they said, who cares about the pacing they said, what could go wrong they said
Your life is constantly mediocre too and I bet you still enjoy it, so stop making these threads
I'm one of the biggest Kyoanifans but this actually feels unironically pretentious and tryhard for such a simple story and one dimensional characters. Not even the visuals save the show since they get ruined by that hipster gray filter. I hope it does badly so Kyoani gets the message, this is not a good show so far and Ishidate has proved time and time again to be a subpar director.
why would artfags like this? i'm a professional photographer and i can confirm the artwork in this "show" is terrible. seriously, lens flare in anime? why?
How many edits do you have?
>professional photographer
Why is Violet so damn beautiful, my god she's gorgeous.
Is it really necessary for their shoulders to be this large?
Their heads seem so small. Who would like such a design?
What time does it show up on Netflix?
Today's episode was horrible. At least we'll get to watch a great episode of the real AOTS tomorrow: Märchen Mädchen.
They're fujo centered designs
It is a good show, what do people need now? more fan service?
That's a big nose
It needs to be made by another studio, then there'd be no shitposting.
The way this story is being told needs to improve.
How so? Got any 2ch shit or twitter shit you'd like to share?
All I've seen from twitter is the explosive amount of fanart the anime is getting and being no.1 on the new follower aspect of things
>amazing animation
>great direction
>good pacing
>the absolute most generic, forgettable characters and plot
It happened with Kyoukai no Kanata. It happened with Phantom world. Why the fuck don't they just hire new writers?
It's Kyoani, what the fuck did you expect? The only thing they do well are gorgeous character designs, and sometimes a bit of nice animation here and there, but otherwise they usually range between mediocre and complete, unadultered shit.
>It's not bad, but it's not good either
That seems to fit the definition of mediocre perfectly.
So all you've seen from twitter is things that prove him right?