Stand back I'll use my Wind Tunn-

Stand back I'll use my Wind Tunn-

Other urls found in this thread:


Think he ever tried to suck his own dick with his tunnel hand?

I can only imagine these things were a response to the author going "Oh shit I gave a character a power that solves fucking everything."

That's exactly why they exist.


In one episode doesn't an enemy crab or something rip his hole and thus make it worse??

Except the power solves its own OP problem. The more he uses it the bigger it gets, and actually strong opponents won't fall for it unless he borderline beats them up close anyway

I know what you meant but your question still made me laugh


It was a praying mantis.

Well they were the only counter to the plot hole

What if a jewel shard went in Mirokus wind hole?

What if all the shards went in his wind hole?

>have hand dark hole
>bees somehow can stop it
why he's afraid of bees?

>You will never make Sango pregnant.

I feel like this was actually brought up once but it's been so many years

Is Raid that good to be shilled? why do I never see any other company's product when it comes those types of pics

Why didn't they just throw the goddamned things into his wind tunnel?

Kinda like Kleenex where a particular brand overtakes the public's perception of that product or entity
theres a word for it but I don't remember off hand

because who knows what happens to stuff that gets sucked in. Maybe it comes out some other place, or maybe the shards would enter Miroku like the poison from the bees.

Inuyasha wanted to use them to become a full demon

*two times

...or was it three?

He's been sucking up evil demons since forever.
Really, the only thing that seems to affect him is poison.
And if they got the miasma or evil taint out of the jewel shard and threw it into his wind tunnel then they'd not have to worry about the damnable things anymore.

>3 kids in 3 years
just how stretched out is her pussy now?

Pretty easy to make a pussy tight again with proper exercise or simply threading which any surgeon can do.

I know what you're talking about. People start using that brands name to describe the product in general.


Nigga she's basically a ninja. Her snatch is a goddamn vice.

Why didn't Sango ever kill the bees and then had Miroku use the wind tunnel?

How different would the story be if Sango didn't tag along?
I like her but she never really accomplished much outside her brother subplot for they could keep milking the manga

being best girl is its own accomplishment

Sango had to throw her boomerang at the wormy demon clouds while Inuyasha fought the main demon so Kagome could line a shot up to shoot them in the jewel shard.

A character and subplot can exist for their own sake. Her and Miroku's involvement is engaging in it's own right and it gives the main couple someone to interact with so the whole show isn't


>170 episodes of this

Still better paced than Ranma.

I disagree if only because Inuyasha had a goal for their adventure where Ranma was built more as a SoL

>Not starting thread with
>*blocks your Wind Tunnel*

The poison from the wasps enters into his body if he sucks them in, because they were made by the guy that made the hole.

They sting him on the way in iirc. Demon bee venom ain't something to fuck wit


>With respect to a trademark, the act or process of becoming so widely identified as a reference for a type of product as to cease representing a particular brand or manufacturer of that type of product
You learn something every day!

This inuyasha thread is fucking weird, post best songs. Ending 1 is god tier.

so super pregnant all the time

Shes happy i dont give a fuck

>twin girls that has mom's eyes and hair color
>son with a different hair color and eyes than both parents
Ummmm.... those aren't his kids, huh?

Miroku is themost lecherous she can't get a break from the Monky D

user asking the real questions.

She’s got child bearing hips, pissy was probably back to normal to be able to pop 2 more kids

Babies usually pop out lighter.

When theyre natural yeah i guess so, i wonder how many kids she can pop out with those hips of hers, shes a good woman if she can keep it up.

>tfw sango will never drunkenly try to get it on with you

that's not how it works user

Feels bad man

>tfw the only thing you liked about inuyasha was the period instrumentals

what soundtrack are they on friends?

indeed my dude


im sensing some sarcasm over here

Final Act is really good user.

Inuyasha is more a fun adventure than anything.

Miroku wanted something like 10 to 20

Based miroku working that woman.

as weird as it is to say, Final Act felt rushed. I mean I guess it's good that they got to wrap up the story in animated form but Id have like to have some time spent on things

Miroku should have been the MC

while inuyasha and kagome are shouting each other's names 10000 times an episode, the screentime is instead given to him banging sango

was sango the original taimanin

>better paced
What pace ?

That's Shippo you tard

Did you even watch the show?

>Nigga she's basically a ninja. Her snatch is a goddamn vice.
Please don't bring up ninja vice snatches. It brings back bad memories.

Bitch, please. All those Taimanin sluts are just discount Takis

user Sango was actually a competent kunoichi, Taimanin is just a transitory phase to Meat Toilet.

But they still somehow win


I don't know how each title works

You know looking it up now, Im surprised at how many episodes the show actually is. 193 counting Final Act. That's actually not all that bad. Something like Bleach or Naruto has more filler episodes than Inuyasha has in it's entire series. This actually seems pretty manageable if you can pluck out some of the filler

Literally all I know about Taimanin is that this happens, but with pregnant ninjas. Solely because of that I'll play them eventually out of morbid curiosity, but I've got a massive backlog of shit I actually care about until then.

Need more Yukikaze.

Frankly I preferred Rinko

Too old, also cowtits eeew-


Not even once. You may as well be a boy if you're not this big

It's not that good either considering several plotlines literally fizzle out fucking completely.

not the user you were replying to, but hes prob talking about the kid sango's carrying

worst character in the anime
>hurr i killed a bunch of innocent people but i'm a good guy now because i like kagome
kagome should have let inuyasha kill him

To be fair I think a lot of these pacing issues are, at the very least, partially caused by binge watching and I think the show was meant to, and really should be viewed on an episode to episode bases.

See when you're young, and watching the show weekly, you're not really focused on the end goal. Not immediately anyways. You know when you pick it up you're in for the long hall. The conclusion isn't the draw so much as the objective, and I think when you're invested in the quest itself, it's normal and even preferable to want to keep coming back just to see what the gang is doing every week. Will it be a romantic episode, or a funny one? Will there be a lot of action or will it be full of drama. The show repeats itself a lot, Im not defending it by any stretch, but when you look at it at an episode by episode bases it's much more enjoyable. It's far better than something like Bleach where they can't fit a full fight into a single episode or we'll spend three episodes watching Ichigo stare blankly not getting something that's beat over his head. Fuck even Dragon Ball tends to draw shit out to a terrible degree.

I think it this modern, batch downloading, netflix, binge watching era we forgot the draw of a weekly adventure. That sometimes the main
story really isn't as important as the episodic story and that at one point what we wanted was to wait for the one day of the week where our favorite aired to just really sit back and have fun for some 20 odd minutes after a rough week of work or school or whatever.

The show has it's problems sure, but I think we're also kind of missing the point sometimes.

Back then animes were simply like that, you either got the item collecting bullshit like in Sailor Moon, CCS or Dragon Ball, or the vague sitcom-like plot with no real main narrative like Harlock, Maison Ikkoku or Urusei Yatsura.
It was a mix of mangakas trying to earn a living by squeezing their successful series as far as they could and TV stations just looking for shit to occupy that timeslot.
Nowadays anime is more of a business and they like giving you a story with popular characters so they can make money off goods, videogames, and other IP related shit.

Well even ignoring the business aspects, It seems fans just cant sit back and be invested in anything without a flow chart telling them how to get to the good parts. Even in shorter series. No one takes time to just get absorbed in world building or character interaction. Everything has to be DEEPEST LORE or MUH PLOT. Any episode that doesn't have a massive revelation is filler. Maybe Im just showing my age but it just seems like even when it comes to their hobbies nobody has an attention span anymore.

Bleach and Naruto also went on much longer though, so of course they'd have a higher filler count. Of the 220 original Naruto episodes over 100 are filler. Inuyasha coupled non-existent pacing with a large percentage of filler which made it feel even worse than it was.

>Train Sex Ninjas to beat Cock
>Lose all the time to Cock

Well that goes to my other point

here. Overall pacing aside the average single Inuyasha episode will at least have something happen within the contents of one or two episodes. I went through the Bounto arc of Bleach not too long ago and not only was it horrendously paced, but very few episodes can stand on their own. So yes the overall pacing may be worse but the quality of the individual episodes is generally much higher. I mean I bet there are a lot of duds but I can't really think of anything especially AWFUL off the top of my head.

Cant beat the cock

Nothing beats the cock

I had a roommate like this a few years ago. He'd sit there coding or watching twitch and he'd have Naruto Sheepuden on a separate screen x2 speed and had a list of episodes to skip. He'd always be checking his phone and missing half the episode too. When his girlfriend was over watching movies or Netflix they'd just be on their phones the whole time. They were only a few years younger than me but man, it just seemed like they never had enough stimuli. He was also the kind of person that would watch someone play a new game on twitch or read the synopsis of a popular piece of media and talk about it as if he's watched/played it. It's like consumption of media has just become a task to some people, or they're too lazy, they'd rather watch someone else do it for them. I don't get it.

In retrospect the problem with Inuyasha wasn't so much pacing, as it was repetition. Most every episode feels pretty samey, and entire arcs started to feel that way as well. The OP of this thread is a good example.
>Episode starts with some shit, who cares.
>Monster shows up, it has a jewel shard.
>Battle starts, Miroku tries to use wind tunnel, bugs show up.
>Turns out Naraku was behind it all along.
>Battle ends with Naraku running away.
Bam, now repeat for massive hit.

sango really got me into ponytails early on

And Im not defending that really, It actually was pretty bad. But when you have to wait a week between episodes, and they're rotate it with a comedy episode one week, an action another, a drama a third and then a romance or two, it's not like there's not something to enjoy. The world was fully realized and the major characters where hardly without their charms.

I guess my point is how bad is the repetition really? I mean it was very repetitive I don't mean in that sense, but I don't think repetition is enough to ruin a show. Im not saying it's anime of the year of all years, but well as far as a long running adventure show goes? I liked it. I liked the world and the characters and even if we retread ground a good bit coming back every week was something to look forward to.

Wind Tunnel was probably a bad idea from the word go though. That was a bit OP a weapon.

Not the cock

I cannot believe how shit hentai character designs are. Sango is worlds more attractive than these bimbos.


catching this on Toonami every other day felt nice, but binging it felt weird

Star Wars might be the new Inuyasha of our time.
"So I'mma kamikaze into this giant Star Destroyer to- ...Oh, it's those things again that prevent this from happening"
I mean they'll have to explain why this doesn't win every battle all the time.

It never played on Toonami

Fucking, Adult Swim then. Whatever. Be more autistic, why don't you. It's the same bloody network.