
Kakyoin should've survived instead of Joseph.

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Jotaro only fucks dolphins


based hairposter

when can I watch the live action film reeeeeeeeeeeee

Gappy makes me happy.

Joshuu makes ME happy

March 2018.

Also a reminder to report all shitposters.

Joshuu doesn't make anyone happy.

You came earlier today, based hairposter

>there will never be a jojo ED as feelsy as last train home


Reminder that 3 is the worst part and 2 is the best

Fuck off falseflagger
Joseph was supposed to die anyway, but I agree that Kakyoin should've had better character development before dying. Kakyoin should have won.

That's because Araki is more of a "tell, don't show" (AKA shit writing) kind of person. Remember how supposedly Jotaro showed the cigarette trick to Polnareff? At first I thought the latter had already realized it wasn't Jotaro, but an impersonator, because we were never shown that kind of shit and it seemed very OOC of Jotaro, so the him asking Oingo to do the trick was a test, which of course wasn't the case. Any positive interaction between the Crusaders is then a very important sign of a strong friendship between them, not to mention how Kakyoin acknowledged that the Crusaders were his very first true friends. It's not farfetched to assume that he and Polnareff were good buddies, just like Kak and Jotaro, and Jotaro and Pol.

In the anime sure. If you mean the manga then you need to be euthanised.

To be fair Stardust Crusaders was written nearly 30 years ago, he’s improved vastly on that front to the point where it feels he’s not telling enough.

why didn't jotaro help polnareff with diavolo

Because Vento Aureo was a fanfiction spinoff and none of it mattered.

Polnareff didn’t call. Jotaro had a family and was busy pursuing other Arrow related cases and Polnareff was investigating Passione because, before getting budded by DIO, he was investigating crime syndicates in Europe to find his sister’s killer. He probably didn’t want to risk Jotaro or Joseph’s lives or the lives of their families, so he continued his investigation after learning about the Arrows and got jumped by Diavolo who crippled him. After experiencing King Crimson’s ability he was probably even more reticent to get other people involved since it’s almost unbeatable, which is why he waited until a group challenged Diavolo of their own volition and he determined they were trustworthy.


If I remember correctly Polnareff was trapped in Italy after his clashes with Passione. They have all the phones, pay off all the police, are in bed with all the crime bosses, etc. if Diavolo were to discover Polnareff was still alive and find out the secret of the arrow he would simply kill him, kill Jotaro, take the arrow for himself.

>implying diavolo could kill jotaro
Literally all Polnareff has to do is describe what King Crimson could do, and Diavolo is fucking done for as soon as Jotaro time-stops.

based hairwindow poster

>Diavolo predicts then erases the femtosecond that Jotaro's time stop takes place

If Jotaro does anything to do Diavolo in frozen time, Epitaph will predict it and show Diavolo and he’ll erase it. So it comes down to if Jotaro is fast enough to realise when time was erased, freeze time again before getting hit, then killing Diavolo in that moment before Epitaph’s predictions are running again.

Jotaro basically is the same as DIO, and Diavolo doesn't stand a chance against DIO. King Crimson is a bargain bin The World.

KC is so much better than The World it's not even funny. KC is so unbeatable that Araki had to create a literal deus ex machina because he couldn't think of an actual way to beat it.

>can only "erase" time
>can't interact with anything

>can stop time
>if it weren't for jotaro, for even longer than in SC
>can interact with whatever the fuck he wants


Why are people fine with jojo having mediocre writing? Not complaining, I just find it weird

The entire point about Joseph is that he lives a long life in the face of the Joestar curse of dying young.
Him getting killed by the villain would betray the point of his entire life.

I think he's even mentioned to still be alive in Part 6?

wait how would diavolo be able to piece together what SP can even do? he would see in one moment jotaro standing in one place, then the next moment he would see a hole in his chest. king crimson can't fucking enter stopped time.

>too much of a pussy to even take on a bunch of teenagers in a group with kc's ability

>purposely gathered all the heroes in one room to fucking destroy them all at once
>so powerful everyone got the fuck out of there as soon as they realized dio was near

yeah, im sure jotaro's the world can't take on shit crimson

That’s all he needs to know, he then erases the time he saw his chest get so utter in and it never happened.

Are you even aware of how King Crimson works?

>that's all he needs to know
>couldn't predict that sc requiem would knock his retarded ass to sleep
>couldn't predict how giorno would take the arrow
>couldn't predict anything that would be far easier to predict than an attack in stopped time

Truly hilarious.

Are any of us aware of how it works?

>polnareff didn't want more of his friends to die because of him

its literraly impossible to hate him , Polnareff is such a great character

>Kakyoin should've survived
>instead of Joseph

Why are you fine with your mediocre life? Not complaining, I just find it weird.

Jotaro defeated Dio because of "muh same type of stand". Stands aren't powers levels. If they were, Jotaro wouldn't defeat Dio in the first place

Araki is more of a "show but then tell for good measure" guy though.

You've also misinterpreted the joke here. First Polnareff and Joseph would have attacked the enemy as soon as they suspected foul play, or a real test would have been "bring out your Stand". Polnareff telling us that yes, Jotaro does that kind of stuff, offscreen, is a genuine part of the joke, altough the main show being Oingo actually trying to do something that ridiculous.

Jojo has very good "micro-writing", as in Araki is great at making the current page you're reading hype/fun/sad and make you want more at the end of the chapter. That takes writing skill. He neglects "macro-writing" since the overall plot is not that developed, and plotholes appear every two volumes, but that's a writing choice though. It's not like he tried and sucked at it anyway.

It takes a special kind of guy to appreciate Jojo. That's why it's not that popular but has a really loyal fanbase.

To be really fair, it's not like this matchup would be 100% in favor of one or the other. Diavolo's prediction ability is strong but flawed. His visions are imperfect and he needs to be on guard for visions, or consciously activate this ability.

However, I don't consider the frozen time to be really "out of the time dimension", since MiH could shorten it. Diavolo would be perfectly able to erase a moment including the time stop, thus make everything Jotaro would do in this stopped time inconsequential, and set himself up for the kill. And Diavolo would be able to get that his enemy was going to make some kind of attack should he see the gaping hole in his chest.

I think that theorically Diavolo wins, but in practice, there's a lot that could happen.

This to all points.


>Kakyoin thread
Kakfag will be happy.

Polnareff is garbage and you know it. He's a fucking loser with no eyebrows and the worst fashion sense in part 3.

It's kind of surprising there wasn't a camrip of the movie.

Is there any news about a U.S. release date?


Not really surprising, it flopped.

your mom is a fucking loser with no eyebrows and the worst fashion sense

Go to bed, Kakyoin

If epitath predicts jotaro using time-stop he can't prevent it from happening





ing in my skin

Not really. Polnareff is great. All of them deserve to live.

Whoops, I accidentally remembered the last thread instead.
Joseph is a good character as well, very charming. Also deserves to live.

im gay

All I know is it'll be released on March

Pink Dark Boy is the worst manga I've ever read. I hated it so much that I tried to take the first few issues back for a refund, but the store clear told me the trash bin was outside.

Worst fifty-cents I've ever spent.

I’ll have you know that Rohan Kishibe doesn’t put his heart and soul into every fucking panel of PDB for uncultured shits like you to slander me because you can count your brain cells on one hand.

I think what you should do is put on shutter shades and shave his head while he lurks in his underground bunker, that'd show him.

I wouldn't even wipe my dogs ass with your shitty excuse for writing.

Shut up, Rohan.

It all went to shit after Dark Side Of The Moon arc. Killing Pink Floyd right after he discovered his own way of living was so brutal and unneeded

What are you talking about? That was necessary. Pink Floyd was able to create a great legacy that could only have been possible with his death.

>the nothing will ever top Battle Tendency

>the nothing
You mean King Nothing?

By legacy you mean Shadowplay resistance? I mean it was cool when they clashed with Ordinary World, but that's about it. Not to mention that they introduced Melancholy Man, who's the edgiest shitfest of a character


based based hairposter poster

Maybe, if King Nothing actually did something, instead of being a shitty Highway Star

That's why he's called King Nothing, you dong

Wow it's fucking King Nothing

>not fucKing Nothing

t. Josuke
Has Araki ever addressed why he fucked over Kakyoin so badly before his death?

>Gets almost permanently blinded and put out of commission for half the season
>Has to wear some cool ass shades like they'll do fuck all
>Jobs immediately before Jotaro rapes another stand user once again
>Gets killed by Dio before he even realizes how fucking OP it is
>His death is unemotional in both the manga and anime

His suffering almost surpassed Polnareff's fucked up life if it wasn't for Part 5. Also it's pretty crazy to think that the Ceasar, Johnathan, Avdol and Iggy, Baron Zeppeli, and even Johnathan's dad death scenes all had were amazing and got me tearing up yet Kakyoin's was only depressing without any type of effort put in like he toned down his death on purpose.

But for his last moments, at least his fight with Dio was sadly short but entertaining and orgasmic and he saved everyone else.

Why do people want to watch a horrible live-action movie?
Just because it's JoJo?
Please, don't subjugate yourself to bad content just because it says JoJo
Inb4 "JoJo itself is shit anyways" or "Part x is shit"

what in the damn

I personally an just curious. I know its gonna be garbage but I want to see it anyway

>2 spammed shitposts on every JoJo thread

it's no wonder this fandom has such a bad reputation

Based bad reputation poster

Report them and move on.

Thanks to Polnareff there's Benimaru though
Also, who doesn't love Polpol's cleavage? Only fags

Part 6 anime when?


His death was fast and unsatysfying?
I love this about JoJo, shonen where death just happens
Ceasars death was a huge blast when i read mango for first time and then puff.
All the deaths in parts 3, 5, 6 and 7 made JoJo even better.

You know what? You're right. You and are both right. I also loved that about JoJo. Will's death felt kinda forced, Caesar's and Kakyoin's deaths were better, but the characters themselves weren't as good as they could've been. From 4 onwards, most of the deaths are just perfect.

Oh Noooooo!

All he would have lived to do was lay eggs with Jotaro.

Araki's always had a knack for well timed deaths, it's probably stemming form his horror movie watching. The lack of them until it really counts in Part 4 are all pretty painful to read (and watch, the one thing DiU anime did right was Shigechi's death / the desk). In Part 5, the quick sudden deaths everytime Diavolo turns up instantl makes him a threat, much more than Kira and brings him prominent to the reader. When there's even a mention of him nearby, then you know the entire crew is in danger. Abba and Narancia's deaths being quick sharp gut punches work really well for Diavolo. In 6 and 8, the deaths are rarer but major events that happen around them. Foo Fighter's death speech about identity is a core thing for Stone Ocean all the way through and hits like a truck. Kirafumi's deaths are drawn out too but holy fuck are they painful to read, especially alongside Gappy and the household getting annihilated. Part 7, Hot Pants aside, each of the deaths really closes out their arcs, Mountain Tim, Gyro, Diego all three of them have their death exactly that's fitting for their character to close their story off. They've all be placed perfect and become a striking moment in the series. Every part has that one key death that hits.
Sometimes that means, with Kak or Mountain Tim it is a sudden death or losing to minor character. Makes think of Yang's death in LotGH. I see a good chunk of people moan about how unsatisfying it was that he's just kinda shot but a unnamed infantry. But that was the point of what Yang would talk about war and how easily even great minds can just be bumped off. It's sad, sudden and a little frustration but it's proving the entire character's story.
Araki has gotten way better in writing but from Will to Josefumi, deaths have always been a great thing in Jojo.

just like your mom

I love~~~
'Fish Sausages'.

What's with the shit on Caesar's face?

just imagine, it's the battle against Red Hot Chilli Pepper, and it manages to enter the toy plane, he get closer and closer to the ship where Joseph is, nobody can't do anything and everything seem lost until "Emerald splash" a barrage of green bullets hit the toy plane and it crashes into the ocean, "you didn't really thought that i would allow mr Joestar to go alone, right?"

>OP's post says Kakyoin should've surived instead of Joseph
Part 4 would've never happened then, because no Joseph would've come to Morioh to visit his non-existent son.

Because he's a shit jobber that managed to lose more fights than the guy who gets flack for being the group's jobber

Technically Josuke was already written in his will before Stardust Crusaders, that's one of the first things Jotaro says to him when they first meet.