Kill Me Baby

>Kirara Fantasia announces new VA for Agiri
S2 soon

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>new VA for Agiri
Fucking heresy!

Almost made a new thread for it.

Kill Me Baby's Agiri seiyuu (after her whole cocaine scandal) Ai Takabe got replaced for Kirara Fantasia. Replacement is Minami Shinoda (Flying Witch MC, Interview with Monster Girls Dullahan)

Hope she doesn't get affected by the get-high curse too.

For real? Hype.

>new VA

Never ever

Why the fuck did they change the VA. She was innocent!

Ai Takabe isn't a real VA anyway.

>not just having the old Agiri seiyuu voice her character from prison

I'm mad.

>Cocaine possession.

Jesus Christ. They're already selling amphetamines by the tonne the world over, you'd think that someone would tell world governments to chill the fuck out.

Also props to Takabe Ai. She played a character who sounded baked on weed while she was jacked on coke. That's some good acting right there.

She was already release because not enough evidense.
Fucking self regulation.

>S2 soon
how will the funding compare to S1?

They'll be given $25 instead of $20 this time

Woah woah, lets not overspend there. That already surpasses the S1 budget by at least two cans worth and a half stick of gum.


I hope not S2 then.


Don't get your hopes up.

Kill Me Baby is objectively the best anime ever made.


Still get me kek every time when I remind of this scandal.

That's horrible.

> Jesus Christ. They're already selling amphetamines by the tonne the world over, you'd think that someone would tell world governments to chill the fuck out.
Gotta glorify heavy alcohol drinking culture.

why was the ED so much better than the OP

No, she was let off because getting ostracized from things like this was enough punishment



Go on


is there voice sample?


And a bonus. The world of Kirara Fantasia is quite dangerous.

The dancing

how the mobage doing?

no way they won't sneak a coke joke in there

nice twist