>wears high-heels and dresses up like a faggot most of the time
>spergs out and wonders why women at his work place doesn't like him
What the fuck is his problem?
Violet Evergarden
So I didn't missee those heels. What the fuck was that shit?
>is the average Sup Forums user
He's a nice guy, sadly.
>what are wyatts
I want /fa/ to go and stay go.
what women are at his workplace? isn't he a hitman for some random mafia?
Well at least he is confident enough to ask women out to have lunch with him.
No betafag would do such thing.
tfw bros why do women only like rich men?
They want a provider
your best bet is some poly slut
Wait so is tumblr producing this shit? Does this also explain the filters??
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
What are you talking about?
are you telling me there are two animes this season with a cross dressing guy? not even a trap, but just some guy who likes womens clothing? the other one is in Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Working with women are pain in ass.
Didn't heels use to be popular in men's fashion once upon a time?
who cares?
Best boy right here.
Are you running out of things to discuss to call some random old man character best boy?
My bad. I'll make sure to make my next post about how ugly the filters are and how boring the show is for the 100th time. We only want the highest quality of discussion here after all.
Good girl.
OP didn't even post a pic of the heels
>wears high heels
wait, what?
I noticed his really gay pants but not the heels someone got a screenshot?
Here you go.
Never coming back
Heels were literally invented for men
Manlets, they never learn.
maybe he's gay or short
what in the fuck
HorribleSubs or Cartel?
Amazing ep I loved it. I want this to be a 10/10.
Who is the target audience of this show?
manlets when will they learn?
Is this KyoAni's plan to educate us about footwear history?
How does that explain the women pants, though?
>supposed to be set in Europe
>every character acts like a Japanese
Come the fuck on. We don't bow like that or speak like at all.
Just be grateful that the show didn't end up like this, faggot.
damn, those are some hot ass heels
How bout his cross shaped heels in the LN art?
>tfw you belong in yuri on ice
>be made by kyoani
The height of suffering.
would be good if he was a sexy nun
Now THAT's an actual good design. Unf.
>english taxes went into this
You mean manlets
This is revisionist bullshit. The heels worn by men were much shorter, not high-heels like those. You can still buy shoes with heels for men anyway.
A heel thats an inch thick is basically just a boot.
Probably the same size heel as the steelcaps that I wore today.
People thinking they wore something like stilettos are probably just retarded tho.
Fuck off.
U mad?
>U mad
>retarded spammer who's forcing his shitty OC in every VEG thread uses Facebook-tier insult
I bet you're also a generalfag.
I know BBC is pretty much pozzed but holy fuck, this is just cringy
>bongs paid for this
Is he gay?
Eat your yakisoba, Apollo.
Now that you mentioned it. Spaghetti has different consistency from yakisoba. The "noodle" is way harder and more slippery so it is harder to use chopsticks to eat.
As far as the anime goes? I don't think so.
No, seriously, seems like KyoAni wants to be as far as they can from the people who started supporting them back when they were only a small studio. Now they want to appeal to the kind of people that doesn't buy anime. If they keep walking down this path we might see their downfall in our lifetimes.
Leave Benedict alone!