Don't mind me, just remaining the greatest anime movie of all time.
Don't mind me, just remaining the greatest anime movie of all time
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I feel like most people who make these kinds of threads are newfags that just streamed it on kissanime or something.
How can it be the best movie of all time if its actually 3 movies
How can it be the best movie of all time if 2 of the 3 movies are bad?
Only 1/3 of the movie is the GOAT,
The other 2/3 is just well-animated rubbish.
Only Cannon Fodder sucks
That's not EoE.
>screwtube had all the English subbed videos removed
Maybe I'd think so if I've only ever watched ten anime movies, six of them ghibli and two kon.
Nope, Stink Bomb does too. Otomo is the definition of style over substance.
>6+2+1 = 10
Yeah I even gave you a free space for akira or jin roh, bless your heart. How close did I get? Nail on the head?
Cannon fodder is a masterpiece.
>not appreciating beautifully shot commentaries on the military-industrial-educational complext
I sure hope the rest of you guys aren't this plebeian. I imagine you need 12 year old magic girls leveling up and getting panty-shot to appreciate animos huh
You should've watched those movies, not watching them doesn't make you better than others.
>Cannon fodder is a masterpiece.
Neo-Tokyo was better thanks to The Running Man, but yeah, Memories is great, definitely blows everything from the last decade out of the water,
Magnetic Rose is far better than anything from Neo Tokyo.
Magnetic Rose is the only masterpiece. The other two were ok but not quite as good.
that's not Beautiful Dreamer
>the greatest anime movie of all time.
It's not like there's any competition
Nobody cares what a worthless fedora tipper like you thinks.
How can that be the best anime movie of all time if these exist
>Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
>End of Eva
>Mononoke hime
>Tokyo godfathers
>every Oshii movie
The movie can't stand on its own if you have to marathon a shit series first.
Also eva is just pure pretentious garbage by Ano
This scene was kino though
Not even Kons best looking work. Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika are both superior despite their lackluster written aspects. Theres also dozens of other movies that are superioer to Magnetic Rose, even if all you look at are scifi flicks it will have a hard time reaching top3.
>tominobabby actually believes this
By far one of the most idiotic fanbases around Sup Forums and /m/.
Easy to claim something's better without going to any detail, eh?
Worthless idiots like yourself will never be listened to.
Is this coming from someone who stars a thread using the most generic phrase ever uttered on this board?
Don't mind me, just remaining the greatest anime movie of all time, by the way
People actually unironically think this, gundam post oyw was a mistake
Paprika was bad.
Nice Music. Nice Directing. Nice concept. But the Characters were uninteresting and the plot was incomprehensible.
Paranoia agent is Kon's best work.
>Paranoia agent is Kon's best work.
paprika wasnñt his best work, but it was at least an 8/10. stop lying
I know that so many weebs are gonna call me plebby for saying this is far and away my favorite anime film, but I don't care.
Funny thing is that I can see why, I am just wondering how low a persons IQ must be to find enjoyment in the utterly generic plotline and the cardboard cutout antagonists. Its probably really entertaining while drunk.
He said it was his favorite anime film. Not that he enjoyed it. But you don't have the audacity to talk about other people's IQ with spelling errors like that and with the fact that you drink.
I didn't make the thread, idiot. I'm just correctly highlighting your stupidity.
>favorite anime film. Not that he enjoyed it
Something being your favourite quite literally means that you liked/enjoyed it the most.
>spelling errors
Here, have a few '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
>the fact that you drink
Baseless assumption.
Whoah... you're sophisticated, claiming people's inteligence by their preference in cultural products...
Haven't seen a single other anime that captures that Alien-style beautiful, slow, purpose-built spacecraft scene with great music
I want to edit the first 10 minutes with the Alien soundtrack
Yeah, pretty sure that you dont have any form of prejudice towards people whose favourite movie series is The Fast and the Furious.Youre not going subconciously assume for them to be retarded.
Don't project over me, clown.
As I suspected. You have no right to talk about people's IQ
When you're the only living soul on Sup Forums that isn't underage and actually watched Memories on VHS.
>omg XD like youtube dubs arent working XD!!!
>EoE is better XD!!
The absolute state of Sup Forums. Moot was right to bail on this shithole imageboard.
Why the fuck would you want to replace a soundtrack that's actually perfect?
With western shit no less. Jesus christ.
>watches movies on VHS
>thinks he ever experienced the movie
I'm not allowed to think both are 10/10 soundtracks ecks dee
before i started to actively watch anime i thought that the people who act like retards are the ones whove only consumed works of the medium for about a year. but the longer i browse this board, and the more anime i watch myself, the more apparent it becomes that people like you are even less knowledgable of the medium and its accomplishments than the newfags you hate so much.
Thanks for the rec, this thread is a trainwreck
I just downloaded it and it's ready to play on my home theatre.
What can I expect about the movie?
That depends on your intelligence. The fact that you're even asking this question suggests the film isn't for you.
>I just downloaded it
on nyaa? searching for "memories" gave me a bunch of bleach movies so I didn't even bother wading through the results only to find an unseeded download
how full of yourself can you get
>magnetic rose is intellectually stimulating
now ive heard it all
Brainlets are sensitive to the truth, as usual.
But the best is Ideon: Be Invoked.
>people shitting on Stink Bomb
What the FUCK
I'm sorry mr. Smart.
I actually did it for bumping because reasons. I saw the trailer long time ago and recently I found a webpage to download it
I found it on a dark spic website. The translation quality is excelent and I think I can activate the subtitles and the original voices.
Btw, I'm sorry but I won't podt the link. I already did the same thing before and in a short time the site was down. I'm a bit paranoic about thid
To be fair, anime movies just tend to suck. I wish it weren't so.
Ignore mr. intelligence there and try enjoying the movie. It isn't really deep but if you enjoy distinct directorial style you'll enjoy the movie. I watched it cause I'm a fan of Kon's muh transitions.
you must really hate the medium if thats the conclusion youve reached.
Cool. Thanks
>It isn't really deep but if you enjoy distinct directorial style you'll enjoy the movie
That's one way of admitting you're an idiot.
You're just as stupid as the retard you quoted. Never ceases to amaze me how many morons like you worship Tomino and his god awful character writing.
Stop using words you don't understand. Anime movies just suck. Anime movies is not a medium
the average anime movie has significantly higher production values than the average tv show, though. if you cant even find enjoyment in dazzling visuals, properly animated sequences and large amounts of acoustic detailing, well then you clearly hate the medium itself. my best guess is that you think of them as badly paced with lackluster amounts of character development, since those tend to be a movies weak aspects. maybe you should be reading books instead?!
Reminderr to check out Robot Carnival, Neo Tokyo and Mind game while you're at it.
how can an opinion be so wrong.
if you cannot appreciate well done animation independently of the plot itself this is not the medium for you, just read books instead.
There you go again.
do you expect people to take you seriously
if you type like this?
It would make it better if the commentary was insightful instead of crap.
>anime movies just tend to suck
On the contrary, feature film anime is the best the industry has to offer. The best anime works are all feature films.
>I'm mentally challenged that I didn't get a simple narrative in a single watch so it must be intellectually sophisticated.
Average height people look like giants to dwarves.
anime are part of an audio visual medium. since you clearly lack appreciation for both the audio and the visual portion you, by proxy, are not very fond of the medium itself. everything the medium exists for is of secondary importance to you. this isnt about anime movies, its about the medium itself. and since anime movies are the works that make the most use of the medium strengths you clearly would find more enjoyment in reading a book. not even gonna start on the fact that there are dozens of well written anime movies, but thats beyond the point.
I haven't read any of the source material but I decided to watch this based on a webm someone posted here and I was not disappointed. This movie had amazing animation and looked great visually. It's definitely one of my favourite anime movies of fall time.
you're baiting but Momo is genuinely great. Really underrated around here.
I find this very hard to believe. Guess I'm just not as much of a mainstream junkie as I give this place credit for. I do know there's this thing called opinions and what not. But that's implying opinions can't be wrong.
>the sky is blue, the grass is green, ergo you hate the medium
I fail to see the relevance. Can you clear it up a bit for me?
I was not, actually. Its probably one of my top5 favourite feature films.
>I find this very hard to believe
Maybe you conflate runtime with quality? People generally give really stupid reasons for why they consider something good. That is assuming they even say "good", instead of "I like it" (which is a worthless statement).
Yet here you are, doing the opposite. Anime movies just aren't very good. Something about high costs not being able to produce art is closer to what I mean. It's why anime series are more diverse so more likely to hit a niche.
The fact that "It isn't really deep" is the first thing to come to your tiny mind while describing something like Magnetic Rose tells me you didn't understand it at all, so you are indeed a moron.
>you didn't understand it at all
this sounds awfully familiar.
>Anime movies just aren't very good
Okay. Why?
You must be used to people telling you of your abysmal capacity to understand something even marginally abstract. Such is the nature of you morons.
Not diverse enough. Most of them are for a mainstream audience so that implies little children or just generic shit. Whereas anime fills niches. There's also 100s of anime each season while I couldn't say the same about movies. There's hardly even 1 adult japanese animated movie a year. Let alone a good one.
Is this such a hard concept to grasp?
The dude is just trolling
nah, i was simply referring to your kind which considers incredibly straight forward imagery and story telling such as lain, gits or magnetic rose to be intellectually stimulating in any form or shape. but as you said yourself .
>adult japanese animated movie
you realize that it shows just how immature you actually are if you feel the need to point out that you prefer flicks for "adults", right?
>I'm so mentally handicapped that I find the story of an AI taking on the identity of a dead opera singer deep
user Magnetic rose is a sad sci-fi tale. The creators did a good job to convey this but saying it's deep is just in a whole new level of retardation.
Nope its this one.
This movie literally saved the haruhi franchise. I would go far as to say that the only reason you'd watch the series is to be able to understand and enjoy the movie to the fullest.
I hear that argument a lot but it's just used by marketers trying to sell 4 movie tickets instead of 2 when it comes to children's movies. I find it baffling that, according to you, people can't prefer actual movies targeted at their age. If that makes me immature then so be it.
Here you go. If you filter out all the non-movies you can tell there's not many movies to even be having an argument like this about. Most anime I watch is aimed at young adults (PG13) and adults (R). If you seriously think this makes one immature that's just hilariously backwards.
meant for >I keep fucking up, wari wari
As far as I can tell you're not interested in quality storytelling, just superficial plot elements independent of how well the stories are executed.
As far as I can tell you just want to project instead of actually having this discussion. It just means you're insecure.
Robot Carnival BR rips when
Your entire argument is that there's more tv anime than feature films, you didn't claim that the tv anime are better, just that more of them are 'adult'. You didn't even define what that means. How does catering to niches translate to quality?
That's a stupid argument to be having issues with. I've already addressed this multiple times over as far as a few posts back. Now this post still exists on Sup Forums as of now. So your best bet is to reply to it directly quoting specific parts that might trouble you so this conversation can actually move a direction.
>people can't prefer actual movies targeted at their age
never said that you cant, although i think that this already is a highly debateable statement in itself. like, you realize that kimi no na wa for example is highly popular with older audiences, right? you seem to be unable to differentiate between age restrictions and the demographic that is able to enjoy the work.
based on that list you also seem to be very good at picking up shit you know you will dislike. for example: you choose to watch follow up movies to badly written tv shows like tamako love story, boruto, persona3, tiger and bunny, free etc. but at the same time refuse to watch standalone titles like in this corner or dokyusei. i mean sure, if we include all the specials, then the average anime movie is shit, but i dont really see much of a point in doing so since its obvious that a movie that is a follow up story to a bad tv shows will have a hard time not being bad itself.
>If you seriously think this makes one immature that's just hilariously backwards.
you clearly are for having to desperately point out that you want "mature works", when you probably dont even realize that a film such as marnie is actually pretty mature in its themes. i dont really see why any of this is surprising to you since it applies just as much to hollywood productions as it does to anime.
Actual best anime movie coming through.