Why is this anime so horribly depressing?

Why is this anime so horribly depressing?

>You will never, ever experience this.
>even if you somehow did, it wouldn't be atleast half as good as portrayed here.
>You will never live through your childhood/early teens again.
>Instead you're getting old, just like the characters in the spin off, but without the accomplishments.

Other urls found in this thread:


>yearning for 3d

gross desu

Real life is shit

>You will never, ever experience this.
>even if you somehow did, it wouldn't be atleast half as good as portrayed here.
>You will never live through your childhood/early teens again.
>Instead you're getting old, just like the characters in the spin off, but without the accomplishments.

I experienced this and i sure as hell can say you assholes don't want to. I used to be teased by a senior girl in fifth grade who thought I was "cute". God, that made my life hell. I constantly got mocked and bullied by my classmates over this. Had to go around her house everytime I went to school hoping that she won't notice me.

Hear this songs and you'll be healed



I don't know why people are shitting on the anime but they absolutely nailed that scene of her staring at him.

In grade school, I and the girl I shared a desk a with, we would stack our books inside our desk and pretend we were baking a cake. I remember enjoying sitting next to her but I don't remember how I felt when we had to change seats.

>have a crush on jokester madlad friend
>watch this and realize we have the same dynamic as takagi and nishikata

does that mean they like me since they keep friendly-teasing me more than anyone else they know

Is your jokerster friend more attractive than you? If yes then you are simply fooling yourself.

Why would it be depressing?
It allowed me to realize the fact that when girls laugh at me, they actually want my dick.

I'd say we're both attractive/charismatic and well-liked in the places we frequent, respectively.

I don't get to hang out with them much but whenever we do it's always a blast, also our shared friends noted to me that the person often talks about me unprompted in my absence.

okay try to give him the dick

Hey now, you at least held a girl's hand, right?
Right user?

>You will never, ever experience this.
Pretty much all literature is fucking depressing when it comes to that.

I have a crippling fear or rejection and ruining friendships

then don't and add another regret onto that already existing pile

But that's the whole point of anime: escapism. It's supposed to make you not think about your shitty life for a while.

Does my mom count?

Because it reminds you of the past, of what might have been. And that your class was full of reajuu bitches and whores.

I did.
I was used as the slightly older 'brother figure' and 'support for a timid girl'. After some time she opened up to me, and life was a blast, all the way to playing doctor and 'show me yours and I'll show you mine', which - to my surprise - came from her. When I went to school, she was already waiting to go to the same one.

And then her parents divorced and moved.

We were both kids, contact was lost.

When I met her by chance nearly 10 years later, she was deeply neurotic, was under psychiatric care, and had the look of a drug addict.

She didn't recognize me, or at least she treated me like everyone else - afraid, distant, silent, timid.

I still keep a photo of us, somewhere. If I ever crawl out of my workslave-by-night-to-Sup Forumscraveman-by-day life, it'd be to torture myself with finding out what happened to her in the end, and knowing I might have maybe done something about it.

Where do I subscribe.

This. But unironically.