Ultimate pleb filter
Ultimate pleb filter
I liked GT, but is this just gonna be a thread where people post shitty stuff in an attempt to feel superior to someone about things that ultimately mean jack shit?
I liked it.
This. Most people say GT is shit and they don't have any real good reason. Or some just go with the flow since they see a bunch of people saying GT is shit and then they do the same.
>Most people say GT is shit and they don't have any real good reason
If we are being honest most of Z was shit too.
Uhm, I don't know how to reply to that sorry.
But Buu isn't most of Z.
Namek and the Android/Cell Saga was good. Buu saga had some good parts too
It's better than Super, but I wouldn't call it good. Some episode were nice, but overall it was pretty annoying.
GT sucks. the end is good.
>It's better than Super
Only underage spics think Super is any good
It was shit, but I liked it.
It's a necessary evil though because without it we wouldn't have Pan.
>the villains on the far left and far right are the same person
>the villain on the far right appears from hell in Super Android 17's saga as a separate entity
>Dragon Ball GT logic
>Good things about GT:
- SS4
- The villains minus Super 17 and most Shadow Dragons
- The Music
>Bad things about GT:
- Everything else
I personally think SSJ4 looks ugly and stupid.
Also you forgot to list Pan on the good.
>don't have any real good reason
So you rejected every criticism of the series because those weren't "good reasons"?
Baby Saga is top tier
I'm pretty sure I said most of the people, not all.
>If we are being honest most of Z was shit too.
Only the anime and its filler (and even that had good moments). Buu arc just dragged out a bit.
The irony of that post is astounding.
Actual leaks. Holy fuck guys!
tfw it's true and ppl still look at it like canon