Fumetsu no Anata e / To You, The Immortal

Oh my!

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The author seems to have a thing for these types of girls, huh.

she's probably going to come back as a semi sentient zombie in a dozen chapters

get laid fushi. plz dont abandon her with that stupid nocker.

Should've just given her the dick and shapeshifted into the huge ass bear halfway through.

The knockers may want to analyze her, yeah. They did hesitate about infesting her body, after all, after hearing her out. Seems like Fushi's just turned his nemesis into a yandere immortal.

I like the way you are thinking.

Kinda sad and glad at the same time about the lack of attention this gets

Fushi isn't a boy, he could be a girl too

Western attention isn't important.
What should really get you worried is the lack of popularity in Japan.

│ 初動 (日).│ 2週計| 3週計| 4週計| 5週計┃ 累計 (日数)┃ 発売日.│タイトル
│*29288 (6)│*44061│------│------│------┃*44,061 (*13)┃2017/01|不滅のあなたへ 1
│*22565 (3)│------│------│------│------┃*22,565 (**3)┃2017/03|不滅のあなたへ 2
│*21435 (3)│*41880│------│------│------┃*41,880 (*10)┃2017/06|不滅のあなたへ 3
│*19456 (3)│*39834│------│------│------┃*39,834 (*10)┃2017/09|不滅のあなたへ 4
│*20706 (3)│------│------│------│------┃*20,706 (**3)┃2017/11|不滅のあなたへ 5

Looks like it initially had some hype, but that's gone away now. It also doesn't get the critical acclaim Koe no Katachi did. I'm worried Kodansha could cancel it.

Thats what I was talking about, yeah. I really like this series and while I dont think it will her cancelled anytime soon, it could be within a year.

How are the rankings on the magazine is in?

you mean girls that are just kinda off?
yeah, she seems to have a thing for that.

>doesn't want to have a crazy strong yandere by his side to protect him and making love to him day and night
I'm fucking mad.

>Western attention isn't important.
Says no one ever.

Not that I understand where youre coming from but she killed some of his friends

Name 1 manga that got saved from the axe thanks to western attention

Yeah, but it's still better to have her by his side instead of against him, because it's sure as hell she'll continue the slaughter if she's still alive now he rejected her and left her to die. Again.

Watamote unironically.

i don't think they'd cancel something that is still doing decently. seinen manga usually don't sell that well to begin with.

So is this love a romantic love? Or more like a love for a god or a superior beign?

Love as in "please let me fuck you all night long".

"I want an immortal baby" love
>the baby from the volume cover is actually a knocker

this series should have ended after the first chapter


>Tonari survived

Well fuck

Im fucking mad. What a shit author not going deeper the rabbit hole with perfect yandere. Now theyre going to kill her off

What a waste

Anyone else prefer the localization of the MC's name to "Immo" rather than "Fushi". I'm disappointed the print editions reverted to Fushi.

Yeah, Immo was cuter.

does anything about her sound even remotely romantic
she's a fucking batshit crazy yandere who wants to ride his immortal dick all night

>implying she's not going to subjugate the knocker through the sheer willpower and turn into a tentacle monster hell-bent on raping him and taking away everything Fushi holds dear

I wish

>Tonari survived
And she is going to appear later if the birb survives.

That or the Knocker decides to model itself after her to try and improve its methods of trying to absorb Fushi. Become more subtle than "make monsters to attack him".

The fuck? People actually like that crazy bitch? Feels good that she got BTFO.

Crazy yanderes are hot.

With respect to your stay in the magazine I do not see that they are going to cancel it is more to obtain more international nominations and the magazine will bet for this manga a few years more


>strongest character yet
>crazy yandere
>hot as fuck
Yeah, she's great.

Glad we aren't putting up with her for a bit.

No it didn't
Just because the author acknowledge your dick photos in her afterword doesn't mean it did jack shit to the sales.

>>strongest character yet
How is she so strong though? I'm not saying that strong women don't exist, but it seems pretty unlikely that she would be able to beat dozens of strong men so easily.

She managed to defeat a giant bear, dozens of men since she was in the final for the tournament and endless knockers.

You seem to misunderstand, I acknowledge her strength, I just think it's unrealistic,

>it's unrealistic
Oh no, why would a woman be so strong in a manga about an immortal being who is able to shape-shift into everything and with a guy in black nodody can see. And weird enemies.

Normally I'd take this position, but Fushi and the knockers are seemingly the only magical things in this story. Maybe it could be justified by saying she's a trained fighter and the islanders were just common criminals?


And now she's teaming up with a tentacle monster. This won't end well.

shes going to keep coming back since shes the closest thing to a villain we got

I imagine Fushi's eventually gonna turn against the man in black.

its not Japan without killing god i guess.

thats still a long way into the future. that Fushi hates him right now makes it more likely he will stay an ally

How new are you? Japs didn't care about Watamote and it's popularity on Sup Forums especially kept it alive. The author admitted that.

This was so good initially, but then it kept going on the same formula of making the immortal really love someone and then making him die. It was obviously going to happen because he's a fucking immortal but still it gets too repetitive.

But neither Tonari or Pyoran died yet. Hell Hayase probably isn't even dead.

I guess you can say she got knocked up.

Is that what March called him?

except Fushi doesn't love Tonari.
if anything he respects he for still having hope in such a shitty place