Scanlation thread

What are you working on?

Other urls found in this thread:春輝/e/B004LW0BHK/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Today Bato will be ded, now what?

Trying to figure where to upload.

Some faggot from Sup Forums mentioned
It actually looks promising, it's a work in the process though.

*blocks your path*

oh, this indeed does look promising

who's behind this? Sup Forums? Sup Forums? pantsu guys? random stranger?

reddit, unfortunately, but I'm not sure since I read a vague post on Sup Forums. I'll check the irc channel.

Translation group "Doki Fansubs"

Yes it seems so

hmmm, everything seems on the up so far so I don't really mind

If they manage to get Bato's 7TB archive then I can't think f anything stopping it from becoming officially batotwo

Ok, since some user brought this up and since this thread is the better choice to post this poll - here let's just vote.

Doesn't matter, what's important is whether or not scanlators will upload their work there.

if you click on their scanlators page, many have already signed up and some already started uploading everything they ever worked on from ch 1 on there

also, it's just day 1, it's too early to decide what site we want to commit to

Maybe you're right, but given the fact that Sup Forums failed once again, I'll probably stick with mangadex for now and wait for better alternatives in the meanwhile.

Patiently waiting on, Sup Forums and pantsudev's replacement. Use Doki's mangadex if you want but they're hosting on OVH so it's a matter of time before they go under and all the efforts to upload there will go to waste.

Hey that's my post

explain why this is bad to technologically-inept-fag

what is OVH?

French hoster that don't really like DCMAs, and there is going to have a fuck ton of them. I learnt it at my own expenses. I'm off to bed now.

Do doki know?

Probably, I don't know. They're a bunch of incompetent fucks.

oh well, it was too good to be true

>start editing my translation for a cg set
>cgs with japanese text are 900x900, clean base cgs are 1500x1500
>only have 3 base cgs, have to upscale the cgs with waifu2x to splice in the variations and effects
>run into a cg with some lightning effects and a dark gradient tint over it
>can't find the exact settings author-kun used
>get lazy and ultimately decide to go sleep

Doing some uni shit and then at some point today cleaning three series because I probably should

Why the fuck don't we have a block chain (or any other distributed tech) based manga distribution yet?

Yours? I suggest re-doing the margins on some of the bubbles. Also consider maybe changing the fonts for some of the insults but that's a matter of taste.

So,who's cock do I have to suck to get someome to translate a manga I want to read?

Do i have to pay 10€/$ for each chapter to a translation group

Yeah. If you've got the funds it's not too bad desu

I'm afraid the translator does not keep his word

Then get someone else? But yeah, I guess there is always that risk.

Aspiring typesetter here looking for something to work on, Sup Forumsny suggestions?

terrible meme for attention seeking purposes.

>10€/$ for each chapter
Nobody's going to translate and edit a whole manga chapter for that kind of money

Do you understand that even making a profit out of fansubbing is illegal?

>Holo|server: in the future, if this project takes off, I would invest in more DMCA proof server elsewhere
>ReimuHakurei: you presumably abiding by DMCAs then?
>Holo|server: Generally I can tell which ones to ignore and which ones to abide by

so they know about the problem, whether they will move or not remains to be seen

Yeah, I do. What's your point? Mine is that someone who scanlates for money is already not giving a crap about legality. They're not going to throw away hours of their time for pocket money.

So? The rates for doujin commissions is still much higher, nobody would want to do it for so little. Even if you wanted just scripts I think it would be higher, but you can check rates yourself. I would much rather work on a series I want to work on then be paid barely anything to work on whatever.春輝/e/B004LW0BHK/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

If I want to buy and rip those chapters, what's the best source to get it from? The one that also allows you to rip images of course, otherwise it's pointless.
Also since r18 is shutting down their manga section, what's the alternative for foreign users? Everything else I've seen is Japanese only web stores.

I wish I could just buy and share Haruki's manga but japs are not making it easy.

Meh,someone would probably do a better job than you anyway so

If they're charging you for it, they damn well better do

>create my group on MangaDex
>This is an internally generated group. You have to contact an admin in order to take control of it.

That's a very bad start. Very poor design.

Could anyone please identify this font?

Back Issues BB.

Ahh that one, and I already have it. Thanks user

I don't have an answer except that I've screencap ripped from DMM before.

I've never looked into it, but there's probably some way to rip amazon stuff right?

Can you upload as 'No Group' there too?

There's a callibre plugin to rip AZW files. That's what I use for Amazon, anyway.

Trying to see if my typesetter is still alive.

How do you translate ふふっ in a natural sounding way?
And please don't say "fufu"


Hee hee.

Every time I see this thread, I think it's about Perussuomalaiset.


Amazon and Kobo/Rakuten are the easiest to rip form. Quality-wise, I'm not sure.

What is generally required of a redrawer, I rarely encounter poorly edited manga so I have little exposure to the kind of treatment a manga would require and or how time consuming it would be.
Is there much in the way of action based level and sharpening adjustment so you can automate part of the cleaning process?

Last 3 chapters of Jagaaaaaan were poorly edited.

Seems quite intriguing.

If they're getting paid, probably.

>Amazon and Kobo/Rakuten are the easiest to rip form. Quality-wise, I'm not sure.
Amazon only works for Japan-only though, how do you pay for it outside of Japan?
Can you register your credit card with a proxy (doesn't sound safe to use a proxy and credit card info though).

he heh

literally why??

I dunno about amazon. Personally, I'm mainly using BW and screenshots to rip since the result is 'identical' to an actual rip from EBJ, etc. Main reason for this is that BW doesn't need any kind of address, personal, information, etc. and allows PayPal.
Also, I know that Kobo works with international credit cards, you just have to input some fake Japanese address while you register your account there. (At least it was like that some time ago).

I missed that it's a oneshot and started getting interested in how this would go on as a story... Oh well, it was a fun one.

who is this fag?

Yo user, just set your region to JP on amazon japan. You can pay with really any credit card.

Ebook Japan also accepts international cards and is also easy to rip from.

How about you read that blue box first?
It's a placeholder.

It might turn into a series depending on the feedback.

Where's the 'Several years' option?

Impossible. They can't afford the cost of that

Why don't you ask the Raildexfags?


There is no public tool for EBJ

Why is merging two pages so weirdly satisfying?

Maybe the one which straight up strips the DRM from the pages.
But canvas ripping on EBJ is still as easy as ever.

Do you buy or download raws?

I'll buy them if the available ones are trash and the digital ones are a noticeable improvement.

2400px when, nips?

Buy if the publicly available ones are bad or watermarked.

What's the best way of compressing a 50+mb folder to a 20mb zip file?

You should feel satisfied after pulling off something that lookes this smooth.

Thanks, user. This one was fortunately pretty simple, but it's only the second one I've done and and I'm still not completely happy with some of the redrawing at the bottom.

Have you losslessly compressed the original images/dropped color depth? You can save in PNG-8 at 64 colors and you won't see any difference with manga pages, it helps with filesize.

You don't if you have compressed the images properly, and if you haven't, do it.

25 pages, .png, no lossy compression, 1600px high scans.

You have no idea what blockchain is do you.

Fuck off Holo and quit fansubbing altogether.

Buy and scan.

What about DMCA?

>You can save in PNG-8 at 64 colors and you won't see any difference with manga pages, it helps with filesize.
Is there a way of doing this with multiple pages at a time? With photoshop or a different app
A very nice user from a few threads ago gave me this. It's a script for Photoshop, you should be able to figure out what to do with it.

Write an action, than use it with File > Automate.


how much would running a site like that cost? and how did bato's guys pay for it for so long?

They paid with Bitcoins and when they felt the bubble was going to burst they quit.


Presumably the same as batoto i.e. removing manga when officially licensed

How do y'all find manga to scanlate? My group just disbanded and I was thinking of going solo

That'll do when you think about it. Upload there and let the scrapers do the rest, just like with batoto.

You just go and browse the various online readers, the first chapter of almost every manga is available somewhere for free. At some point you'll stumble upon something you might want to do.

You can also simply take suggestions or whatever.

Find a less time consuming and useless hobby while you can


Gonna typeset Bird Cafe 16 this weekend.

If you were feeling especially kindly you could skim through mangaupdates for things with a last update greater than a year or two.