ITT: Forgotten anime
The girls were cute.
Especially this cute robot.
It's cause it was a shitty VN ad. I enjoyed how stupid it was, but it was pretty transparent about that. I never did learn how good the VN is. I'm guessing not very.
It was stupid fun but the ending wasn't satisfying at all
Seems that Shin Sekai Yori is ony remembered in Sup Forums. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else.
The people who like it REALLY like it, I thought it was highly flawed.
Rolling Girls
yikes those are some saggy boobs
The Opening was so good tho
t.100% happy endings only fag
have you ever seen a real woman without something supporting her breasts?
Recently rewatched and it was even better the second time around. Doesn't deserve to be forgotten
Nah it just didn't make much sense.
The situation after the ending was pretty okay but the execution was shit
Lovely ending
I forgot about it the same season when it aired. It was so boring.
This was legitimately good.
This was a legitimately bad show.
Literally the first thing that came to mind.
It was, still better than most anime.
the image quality is blurry, just like how i remember it
Yes, that's why I watch anime instead.
Gentle slopes.
What happened? Even while it was airing people didn't seem to care about it.
Oh, it's definitely discussed outside of Sup Forums. Some places treat it as the Evangelion of the 2010s.
Not lewd enough, not funny enough.
Really? I don't visit much out of Sup Forums, but normalfags IRL definitely don't discuss it, at least not where I am from.
from my experience IRL anime fans literally only have watched attack on titan and black butler
>Some places treat it as the Evangelion of the 2010s.
But that's Mirai Nikki
And shonen. Point taken user.
>thinks Sup Forums has forgotten /our/guy
I dropped it because it was neither funny, nor fun to watch for other reasons. They just repeated the same lame gags every episode. Same reason I dropped Seitokai Yakuindomo.
Elemental Gelade fucking deserves to be forgotten. Unfortunately I was just thinking of it a couple days ago.
That dokiri something anime with the girl that was an angel that had a club and she killed than nerdy dude over and over again.
She had blue hair I think and was everything wrong with anime.
>and was everything wrong with anime.
"Hold my beer."
The opening was pretty good, though it did make it look way more dramatic than it really was.
Sakura Quest
>HxH level fights
>good plot (manga)
>Not enough waifus.
>Could be gay
Get Backers had a good balance of campiness and battle shounen.
The "second coming" of Cowboy Bebop.
Dokuro-chan is a treasure and you just have overwhelmingly shit taste l.
>Shittily lipsync'd mugging looks dramatic
>Could be gay
It wasn't, somehow.
Pi piru piru piru pipiru pi~
Pretty sure this is still actively getting doujins, so no.
yep, just last month
It had a nice opening, I'll give it that.
>It wasn't, somehow.
Yah, just completely dodged the bullet but it can be interpreted in some scenes.
Also SerVamp belongs in this thread.
I could only like the opening and that was when I was 15. I don't think I will be able to watch it now.
I read it but I knew there wasn't enough to it to fill out an anime
>everything wrong with anime
Fuck you. Metalys and Hapsiel were great.
Ladies Vs Butlers, i remember how infuriating the MC was for being a dickless
>Forgetting Blue Hearts: The Anime
You have got to be shitting me. How was this a thing?
Never forgot this gem, to the point of humming 'pipirupirupirupipirupi' along with the Mahoujin Guruguru OP last season because they sound alike.
Third stage never.
These aren't forgotten anime.
Pic fucking related. It is unfortunately the red headed stepchild of the gun lesbians trilogy. I blame Mexico.
But muh drills. I've never even seen that shit and I remember the drills.
I must respectfully disagree with you. Angel Beats wasn't that bad. The main character turning out to be the villain was cool because it was subtle in how love destroyed him and it proved a nonlinear timeline in how the mc dies before heroin, but is there later. It does some cool things and shouldn't be forgotten.
P.S. Your taste is shit.
Nothing in these threads ever is, it's just an excuse to post old screencaps and shit.
Wasted potential: the anime.
>Angel Beats
Was just about to post this. It was from the first season I started watching seasonal anime and I wasptched it to the end naively to see what a mediocre anime was all about. I never saw it mentioned on/a/ after that except in threads about anime misfires or forgotten anime.
Everyone remembers that anime because of the dude with tits and the fact that porn of it is some of the oldest translated hentai on ex by upload date.
Honestly if it was released now it would do better since there is a place for it. in 2006 though Code Geass came out and thus this show faded into nothing.
In a time when 200 shows air in a year, yeah, like 150 shows per year get completely forgotten.
Does anyone remember this?
One of the girls lost so hard she ended up with a dog.
I did think the op was really catchy, it is probably the reason why I still remember it.
Was that the one with the stupid robots cause I was trying to think of what the fuck this was called a couple weeks ago.
Ironically, that anime never was licensed in Mexico.
>that incredibly awkward scene.
But not forgotten on 2chan.
It had fun characters, too bad they were trapped in such a mediocre show.
I always confuse that one with the anime about the princesses in a fighting tournament to stop being lolis. Which is weird because of the 2 I actually watched Rizelmine, but I don't remember a fucking thing about it.
Now with less rape.
>when 200 shows air in a year,
It wasn't like this only 10 years ago.
Queens Blade
Samurai Bride
Granted the porn will not be forgotten. To add it amazes me how much BOOSTO has lasted this long considering how these types of animes die out.
Akkikan is underrated.
I literally have no idea what Samurai Bride is, but Queens Blade and to a lesser degree Ikkitosen will never be forgotten.
Something that I forgot about was Kemeko DX.
>manga scanlation finished never
If you're ironic cancer maybe.
>Akkikan is underrated.
Especially Yell from Akkikan.
Seitokai Yakuindomo was a better show.
The homo was the only good thing about the show.
>will never be forgotten.
It's a thin line between not being talked about because there's nothing new to discuss and being forgotten, I can understand anons making this mistake.
That meme died too soon for how well it started. Fuck me that thread was so fun.
In this era of constant LN translations, I kinda hope this stupid shit gets licensed.
Is this the most forgettable Shaft show?
My wife Tamaki is so cute
>(1.34 MB, 1280x720)
>that image quality
Everyone remembers Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters.
Some remember Yu-Gi-Oh!: season 0.
But does anyone remember Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters?
The fuck is this?