How come there is no Kingdom Hearts Anime? The Manga is pretty good

How come there is no Kingdom Hearts Anime? The Manga is pretty good.

Look how long it's been since KH2 came out, people have grown up had kids and died already, we still don't have 3. It would take them a decade to do 13 episodes.

Kingdom hearts is for children

yeah just like anime

No u

This myth is only perpetuated by the people that play actual children's games and watch actual children's anime. Someone like you. I'd advise you to grow up and come back when you're mentally mature enough to discuss anime.

The most popluar anime/manga on Sup Forums right now, are shounen series generals literally aimed at 12 old young boys.

You're wrong. Also ad populum ain't going to make your argument here.

>You're wrong.
Why are you lying?

>Also ad populum ain't going to make your argument here.
Why wouldn't? It's clear what the masses want.

What series do you like?

>underage people post on Sup Forums

maybe the disney characters. manga is one thing, but allowing others to animate disney characters? they'd probably require high standards and production values.
i bet people tried to get it done behind the scenes and it never took off.

>trying to change the subject


That actually just supports his argument.

I'm not changing anything.

It really doesn't. Read > again.

>It really doesn't.
>hurr this isn't for kids at all
>most popular threads are about kids shows
>y-yeah there are just a lot of kids here

>I'm not changing anything.
Instead you're playing yourself

Read >

I have, now you read .

Please stop it's against the slavery law to own people like this.

Because they'll just end up repeating the cutscenes from the game?

KH is a garbage game.

Yeah, but it would be drawn properly and I imagine expanded. Would feel pretty different. Just like the manga doesn't just feel like a recap of the game.

Literally just beat 1.5 and I wanted to kill myself the entire time. Anime would be shitty but who knows maybe it could reach meme status

Xion is cute in the manga!

Good point. The manga is way more lighthearted compared to the source material.

>turned same face into a plot point
Bravo Nomura

>Good point. The manga is way more lighthearted compared to the source material.
I wouldn't even say that, it's just better written. Goofy's fake-death, for example, went from "OH GOD HE'S DEAD BECAUSE HE GOT BONKED" to "OH FUCK HE'S BURIED UNDER A LANDSLIDE".