
Whats kamachi history of release during animatee seasons? In other words, will he pump out more index during the anime? Less? And how important were they?

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I have no misaka and yet i must hug her

Aside from all the shitton of stuff we already get and the things we expect for this year - I really dunno

Kill the maids

I would imagine it would slow down

We should be getting new Railgun and Astral next week, right?


Use spell check and proper capitalization before you make a thread, Jesus. No one's going to die if we don't have a new Raildex thread RIGHT NOW.

Can we finally admit that Junko a shit?

Can we finally admit that Astral Buddy is the most pointless spin-off?

Can we finally admit that user's opinion is shit?

>Touman or Teoman (Mongolian: Tümen), or T'u-man, – was the earliest known Xiongnu chanyu (匈奴單于),[1] reigning from c. 220 to 209 BCE. The name Touman is likely related to a word meaning '10,000, a myriad',

This is Hamazura's only purpose in life.

She'll be back soon.

Casual Vento this year lads

Just had to bump it huh

Niang Niang is going to fix Mikoto like she did Kamisato

Oi faggots, is the guy who made this mangadex.com/ a Raildexfag?

You tried.

>meaning '10000,a myriad'
10000 deaths maybe ?

Correct usage of user I applaud you




Do misakas dream of gekota sheep?


I wish touma wasnt so fucking dark skinned in anime, he looks fucking hispanic while tsuchi looks as white as mayo



>posting fake maids

>Ugly maid costume that covers everything
Can't think of a worse Kamachi design.

She is just a normal English maid that you can find anywhere



Been enjoying this franchise since I got into it 4 months ago.

Just finished NT14. Wtf was that.


Maybe get rid of the spaces in between and enlargen the text so that the entire background is covered? Or not, nice work regardless

Anyone else feel the sudden urge to impregnate hip thrusting animals and clones?

Calm down Crowley

>Waking up every morning knowing that Season 3 is real
Still feels so good. I've actually been wondering, what's the dumbest shit we can meme into existence?

Something along the lines of KamiKuro, just because it would be silly and stupid it would be great

Dunno. Every time I think we are going to slow down and we cant possibly meme anything else, we manage get something new

technically, you can make Kamikuro happen yourself pretty soon

Misaki a pile of shit

I meant in the actual LNs. But yea, still pretty damn amazing that we got the go ahead to crack ship in the mobage


Current Raildex Meme Agenda List:

>Top Priority
Full NT adaptation
Railgun D
Good sales for Season 3 (salesfag kills himself)

Casual Vento
Purple Jailbreak
Various Meme Doujins (KamiKuro, Othinus Scratch and Sniff, Mei POV, etc)
Himegami/Sasha Spinoff
Tsuchimikado Spin off
Delta Force SS Novel
Lewds in Season 3 (Uncensored tiddies, camel toe, etc)
Magical Girl Spin off
Return of Alfar, Enshuu, Ayu
Enshuu comeback
Ayu return
MP is legitimately a lonely autistic girl
Crossover/Collab with other series (outside of tiddie ninjas)
Pierce is the #6
Frenda is a Rensa
Mikoto is Nuit/other thelmic deity
Crowley Sex Magick Shenanigans (Includes semen cookies)
Kamachi Phantasm
Mie defeating Level 5s
Rakko Revival
Gunha training arc/Full Potential
Yomikawa backstory(Plot and PLOT)

God damn it, forgot to take off the duplicate enshuu/ayu parts again

>Good sales for S3
That's a guarantee though, people have been waiting for S3 for ages now. It's when OT starts to move into the best arcs since the first 13 are world building.
>Full NT adaptation
That's happening when NT finishes more than likely due to the Raildex Project.

Is salesfag not dead already?

Kamachi is a crazy writter, he used to write three volumes of index per year and railgun and heavy object and other equally shitty LN. He will probably keep releasing new volumes during the S3

Railgun D will adapt some of the best arcs in Railgun honestly. Daihaseisei and Dream Ranker are amazing, as long as Nagai doesn't pull filler out of his ass we should be fine.

im more best then tokidawai reygun yes

Nope, he still comes around every now and then to say things like
>"Your series is ancient, there's no profit that'll come from Season 3"
Since he could no longer argue that the series was too dead to receive another season in general, btfo.

>Othinus Scratch and Sniff
This shit is never going to happen, who actually thought that was a good idea?

That depends. His last numbers of NT sells around 50 000 units per volume, he is not a top seller anymore (very good sales, but not as Mahouka, SAo or Oregairu, with more than 100 000 units per volume).

S2 sold 23 000 BR-DVDs in total, but they have passed around 7 or 8 years since then. A big part of that audience has matured and will ot buy the new seasson of Index, but we have also to take into account the fact that new potential buyers have entered in the market...

I estimate that S3, if 24 episodes, will sell around 25 000 units, maybe 20 000. Very good numbers, nontheless

I don't know, I'm pretty sure we've shipped every female possible with Touma

Watch your mouth boyo

You'll see

But, what if it did?

Touma needs clones to handle them all.

>Loses to a fucking middleschooler that was worn out, outnumbered 3 to 1 and not even worried about fighting her group versus completing her objective for the night
>Still tries to take credit like she's massively outmatched and outwitted her during the fight
Mikoto deserves better antagonists.

Kihara punked the shit out of her when he injected that virus in her brain though, outside of that mostly all her antagonists in Railgun have been alright.

Mikoto is pretty much "everything Mugino can do, I can do better" incarnate.

>Touma uses Temjin in Virtual-On
>Temjin or Temujin is the birth name of Genghis Khan, a Mongolian conqueror, whose armies decimated the great civilizations of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe
Demon Lord soon?

It's what user Raildex says, but I have my doubts.

Not really, Mikoto can't create meltdowner-tier beams at all
she can do other stuff though

As long as we get the new Doujins I'm fine but those scratch and sniff stickers are so random. What would they even smell like, tranquilizers?

I'd be fine with anything past 20K BD's for 24 episodes. If we get a 3 cour we're going to need to see at least 30K to be honest.


She's also generally better at not gloating in the middle of a fight. Nothing tanks your chances of winning like acting like you've won.
And the scene itself, especially as adapted in S, was fantastic. No complaints there. I just feel the character is a little weak.


What do meltdowner beams matter when L5 Electromaster has more versatility though? Mugino's power is basically her's with less appliances.


>more versatility
Yes, but that isn't the same as
>"everything Mugino can do, I can do better
which is false, she can do a lot of different shit but she can't really do what Mugino does and the few things we know that they can do(e.g deflecting shit) is just about the same capability from what I understand

I hope mangadex actually manages to deliver, the website looks a little dry right now but it did just get created.

Pretty much. The trick with Meltdowner is 'don't stand in front of the fucking beam you fucking moron'. Mikoto can pull so many more things out of her ass and do most of the same things roughly as well.

>make statement
>statement is false


It might not last long, though.

It's simply though, the only difference between Meltdowner & Electromaster is that it has more output and destructive force. The properties are relatively similar but Electromaster in general has more versatility and appliance. Mugino's ability sums up to shooting lasers, that's not really impressive. Recreating limbs is interesting too but even then her ability isn't that great. I don't dislike Mugino or anything but, yea no Electromaster is better.

The uploads are piling up relatively quickly and a lot of groups are just desperate to have a place to upload their scanslations collectively. I don't see any reason for them to bomb the website anytime soon until we get a better alternative but it's alright for now, I hope it manages to last.

I think that's one of the stronger elements of the franchise that probably isn't exploited quite as much as it should be. The versatility and creativity in an esper's application of their power is almost as important as the raw power level.

I don't think you understand what's being said, can Mikoto do more than Mugino which basically means more options and utility?
Can Mikoto do what Mugino does better than Mugino(which is creating high powered fuck you beams) let alone better than Mugino?

This isn't about what's more impressive or whatever the fuck, it's just a fact that she quite literally can't do what Mugino does and if she can it's sure as hell ain't with ease

user you are taking that person's initial statement far too literally. I'm genuinely curious if you're on the spectrum.

I see, anything that proves a blatant statement wrong is autism.
I get it

No, but anyone that takes something that minor this seriously stands a decent chance of it.

What does she smell like?

There's no point in arguing about other shit, which is exactly why I kept my point clear and obvious.
If you think I'm upset or anything that's all you though


>Can Mikoto do what Mugino does better than Mugino(which is creating high powered fuck you beams) let alone better than Mugino?
Maybe she can't apply it in that fashion, but Mikoto is capable of a far wider range of destructive power through alternative means. Her ability is absolutely terrifying if you've ever taken a science class.

Does Othinus even go to the bathroom?

In the end user, she cannot do what Mugino does
>This isn't about what's more impressive or whatever the fuck, it's just a fact that she quite literally can't do what Mugino does and if she can it's sure as hell ain't with ease

Question is how does she use the toilet or she does her job in a cup?

The misakas are going to come together for mikoto, including mommy misaka and daddy misaka

Kakine's subconsciousness wants him to get a LO of his own, just like Accel's.
He is a latent Accelfag, the real true truthful truth.

The writing plan I just filed for the next two months has ten novels, Mikoto, Slice of life, Touma going back to relatively normal life and kamikoto bait, BUT ONLY ONE OF YOU GET TO STAY ON THIS PLAN!
Perhaps she's been built up to be used for edge.
No one cared who I was till nt9
If I pulled you off, would the shippers buy more?
It would be extremely profitable
You've become a big guy
For them

Was playing with the fans part of your plan?
Of course, the fans were too relaxed, we had to see them autisticly screech

Well congratulations! You got yourself 20 novels worth of edge! What's the next step of your master plan?

Crashing Touma and the fans spirits...




Calm down autists, now's not the time for screeching, that comes later

No! They expect the edge to be dead in the first volume brother!

Have we started the edge?
Yes, the edge rises brother

>wants him
he had one of his own, he lost it
“In the end you are the same as me, unable to protect anybody. After this many more
will die, killed by a mongrel like me. Isn’t that right, Accelerator!! Didn’t you also
slaughter your way to where you are now!!”

Uhh.... Kamachi, you don't get to bring another 20 novels.
Don't worry no charge for them
And why would we want them?
They have the hidden figure, the long awaited god...
One posessive demon? Get them printing, I'll call it in.

Uhh.... Kamachi, you don't get to bring another series
Don't worry no animation for it
And why would we want it?
It's the masked seller, the ultimate money printer...
Misaka Imouto? Get them printing, I'll call it in.