Violet Evergarden EP02

VEG EP02 1080p release is out. Quickly, we have a few hours to discuss it before you-know-who comes from work/school/wakes up and shitposts this thread into oblivion.

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Somehow it's even worse than the first one, I'm dropping this crap.

I dunno guys, this anime is pretty popular, we have to talk about how we hate it because of some filter.

I hate it because it's shit.

Fuck you and every goddamn liar who said this in the early 720p threads. I believed you and got depressed thinking VEG might actually flop. Then I finally saw the new episode and was pleasantly surprised to find out the quality hasn't dropped in any way from the last one.

are you serious? it would be too good if it true.

Visuals: 10/10
The rest: 2/10

Worst KyoAni show ever and I'm have been a KyoAnifag since forever.

I like the red hair guy, the noodles guy and teh two brown qts, but Violet and Glasses are autistic pieces of shit.

I agree completely. Story seems so fucking bland, I went in thinking this show was similar to the likes of Mushi-shi or Mononoke in terms of storytelling.

Somehow managed to pick up the pieces left by the mess that was the pilot episode.
It was actually good.

People shitted up on Hyouka for this exact reason then, and now it's unanimously claimed as one of the best KyoAni shows ever.

Point out what is exactly bland with the story, double faggots.

>Visuals: 10/10
All that extra hair movement and overdone gestures in this irked me to no end.
Pic related is the biggest offender.

>best girl
Kill yourself

>franxtards ruining another thread

Where. Don't start blaming other fags for the quality of VEG thread.


>red haired guy is generic helpful type who just wants to help!!
>generic rough-headed worker who is friendly with the new girl in town and butts heads with the top guy
>violet is generic "oh no i am dedicated to a guy look at the trauma i've face waaaah"

He's notorious for hating Kyoani and shitposting in his free time

Can't you faggots check the catalogue?

>Visuals: 10/10

Bloom, blur and this godawful tint got on my nerves really quick. Directing is your usual shot reverse shot + close ups. Character movements are nicely done though.

Its your usual Kyoani shit. Nothing less, nothing more.

i.e. it's

>comparing this travesty to Hyouka
How about you fuck off.


>red haired guy is generic helpful type who just wants to help!!
>violet is generic "oh no i am dedicated to a guy look at the trauma i've face waaaah"
What archetypes are these supposed to be? You're just making shit up, you autistic faggot. Tell me any show you think has unique and ogirinal characters, and I'll do the same to them.

>generic rough-headed worker who is friendly with the new girl in town and butts heads with the top guy
Who is this supposed to be? Benedict?

that description fits half of Sup Forums

>hamu hamu
>muh autism
>haha she just beat that old man up
Yeah, very endearing.

It's not the problem they are archetypes. It's the problem that's ALL they all. Nothing interesting about them. This show is EXACTLY like Ancient Magus Bride and you shills will eat it up.

everytime i watch i show like this i can only think of how the nips national identity still hasn't recovered from getting btfo in ww2

I was talking about Kyoukai no Kanata.

Violet doesn't deserve this suffering. How would she react upon learning the major is dead?

"Archetype" is a poor choice of words user. "By-the-numbers" better conveys what you want to say. The director merely adds traits to them as if to check a box on a list. The characters are very one-note, flat.

All characters are "archetypes".

I want to FUCK Violet so much, anons.



>what does "dead" mean?

>The director merely adds traits to them as if to check a box on a list.
So characters aren't even allowed to be fleshed out and developed. Got it.

>The characters are very one-note, flat.
Flat out wrong. In just two episodes we've already learned a lot about the characters background, their personality traits, their occupation, relationships with each other, their aspirations etc. They're neither flat, nor one-note. You just keep spewing these buzzwords like a retard.

Does Violet shit?

what does "shit" mean? shiritainodesu


People whjo read the LN:

Will we get action scenes ? Or will this be strictly romance/tragedy/slice of life ?

Pls respond.

not the user you were arguing with, just want to point out that a character can be fleshed out but still boring as fuck. which is what they are in this boring show

>episode files are getting smaller
KyoAni budgetless confirmed.

She was terrible man, in the end all of the time dedicated to her only served to introduce the origin of the Auto Memory Doll's term. I expected more from her because shy girls with glasses is my fetish, but she's just too bland. Her story about reading a novel and deciding to become a ghost letter writter was dumb, they could have savaged it by saying she just wanted experience before becoming a novelist, but it seems that shitty work is all she dreams about, and isn't even good at it.

We will during some clients arcs and during Violet's past.
But that's it, this is a drama+fantasy story, not action.

That entire monologue was so awful. Also
>Her story about reading a novel and deciding to become a ghost letter writter was dumb
Holy shit this.

I see. Was hoping for some fantasy-esque WW1 weapons

The filters would kinda make sense for the flashbacks, but for the whole show it's a bit much.


You have no idea what you're talking about.

The greatest thing about Violet is her nose.

He's right though.

Previous thread gave us confirmation that this is a soap opera. Apparently, user's mum likes it.

Amazing argument.



Please educate me, oh great user-sama.

LNfags please spoil me.
is gilbert really dead?

These new characters fucking suck.

The greatest thing is her autism and taking everything literally.

You heard her you mechanical keyboard faggots, stop being retarded,

>You heard her

Why not? I mean it's not like he posted opinions, almost everything he said is basically a fact considering that the episode did indeed show character traits, background stories to a degree and connections between characters. There is literally no denying this so what is your issue?

And don't forget about hands.

She got exactly what she deserved.

They all did to be honest. Violet did nothing wrong.

>Henry Ford will never ask you out

Why even live.

Where the hell has she been sticking those fingers?

So, when was she lying? When she first came in and proclaimed that she's a gold digger? Or when she came in the second time and said that she actually loved him?

Came three times to cattleya today. My dick is sore. Fucking hell can't wait for the next comiket for all the doujins.


Looks like she slapped somebody.

I'd give the rest a 4/10 because the setting and premise could be nice, but holy shit they're squandering it. Also the visuals get a 7/10 because of the horrible filters and borderline spastic amounts of camera cuts. And their worst show is easily Hibike.

>Even pretending this is in the same dimension as Hyouka
Hyouka was absolutely fantastic from the start. This is just depressingly bad so far, especially after the way they hyped up the novels. The dialog and characters just aren't good, it's trying too hard to be dramatic and somber, and the great designs are being marred with horrible filters and camera work. Look at this shit. This isn't okay.

Characterisation is the issue you doofus. The way the behaviour of the characters is shown. I just because characters have a background story and "connections" with other characters that doesn't mean they are believable, 3dimensional characters. Their behaviour is still stereotyped as fuck, replying entirely on one-note quirks.

You have no idea what "characterisation" means.

If she actually loved him she should have written the letter herself, what a dumb whore.

>stereotyped as fuck
Like how?

>replying entirely on one-note quirks
Like where?

>You have no idea what "characterisation" means.
What does it mean?

Some of you guys told me it was going to be the next coming of anime.

She tried. That's what the bruised up fingers were from. This show isn't subtle about anything, how'd you miss that?

Probably neither times, she's just a dumb bitch. Probably liked the dude but wanted him to chase her a bit so she could have a firm grip on him.

Why the fuck is Benedict wearing heels?

Watch it in French. The characters are slightly less annoying like that. Part of the issue here is also the nip VAs.

Who uses their pinky to write? Besides, I'd imagine people come here not because they can't use the machine but because they can't read or write because why the hell would you not be able to use the machine if you can read and write?

Because I didn't see it, why else.

How the fuck do you bruise your fingers from writing a letter?

No they aren't, this is entirely on you.

>try to write a letter
>hurt your dainty fingers on the big mechanical keyboard
>realize you can hardly spell
>realize you suck at prose
>go in to the professional shop to get one commissioned
>get an autistic robot who's in need of plot development

This is the most retarded thing in the show

No, watch it in German

French victorian men shoe does have heels.

It's really amazing that there is massive difference in enjoyment level between this and other top SoL like Sorayori and YuruCamp. There is really nothing to enjoy here besides the (not that great) muh visual.

>HAMU-HAMU I need to feel with my mouth like a baby because my hands be dead
>haha I just beat a man up because autism
Fuck outta here. The characterisation is so flat it's baffling why you'd even ask.

MAL is more up your alley.

Maybe she should've just been honest then.

It's not a Slice of Life, at least know what you're talking about.

Sorry, we can't all have your shit taste.

And maybe Violet should have watched someone write a letter and asked questions about why they were writing the way they did.

To add up it is mostly used as a riding shoe.
Edward wearing one while riding isn't that weird for its time.

>Japanese etiquette in a central European setting

But stiletto heels? That looks grotesque on a working class delivery boy

It's not SoL user. It's a soap opera.

So no arguments, just literal autistic screeching. Sad.