Really makes you think
Really makes you think
>non-redneck white people saying "ya'll"
Stop it
Get some help
Fuck off back to we couldn't care less about some Twitter dumbass
OP is more of a faggot for posting this
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>Caring white piggu's tweet.
you took your time to respond to this instead of responding to a so called better thread. You should be banned alongside OP
>the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
Quality post there man. You sure are the problem with Sup Forums
>three minutes
Still need to lurk more, newfriend.
Kino thread
you took your time to respond to this instead of responding to a so called better thread. You should be banned alongside OP
>the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
I'm not the one complaining about OP
So did you
At least i'm saging and reporting
If you reply to a discussion forum you're inciting people to reply to you. Sage won't make people reply less. The contrary actually happens when you sage.
Yeah, you are so much better than those others.
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
You should. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. These Leftists ruin everything they touch. They did that to Western cinema and the western video game industry. As anime is becoming more popular in the West they will try to come for it too.
Thanks. Just doing my part.
Go back.
To where?
these posts have something in common
Subhuman nigger spotted. I watch anime so I can watch something without negroes. Get the fuck out.
As a tolerant liberal of Sup Forums I support this image.
Twitter screencaps threads don't belong on Sup Forums, get the fuck out with that shit
They're trying to imitate sassy fat black ladies, actually.
there you should care about twitter faggots all you want.
Isn't she from Texas?
still waiting for a reply, who's this and why should I care?
I do, in fact, but the modern Left is a much greater threat than the modern right. Right wing moralfags will bitch about so-called degeneracy and would want anime to be banned. They’d be ignored and that would be all. and that would be all. The leftists are much more insidious than that.
Are you implying some nips don't like that fetish unlike western people?
Because that's wrong.
Yeah but the difference is
>right wing moralfag
>"It's an affront to god!"
>nobody cares
>left wing moralfag
>"it's an affront to women, people of color and LGBTBBQ!"
>media firestorm of the week
Roll for your waifu lads
I'm sorry
Can you name an anime that has been changed because of Right-wing/Left-wing moralfags?
Mods deleted this shit post, but not this shit thread, what does it all mean?