Did people seriously expect her to wait for a kid in a coma?
Did people seriously expect her to wait for a kid in a coma?
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He saved her life
t. cuck
Yes. Welcome to Sup Forums.
I was expecting Airi to win.
The complaint isn't towards her, it's towards the writer. If the conditions of the story you've written preclude a satisfying ending, then fucking change the conditions.
I don't usually get into anime romance, but I was really enjoying the cutesy puppy love shit, and after all that, ending on "nope, not happening, but maybe later he'll get with someone we've seen for about five minutes in the first episode" just makes me instantly disengage with that entire subplot.
My question is why Hiromi and not the blond kid (forgot his name). It would make more sense.
She doesn't know, sadly
And by the way the pizza girl she got in the end is like 20 times better
Anime is a fantasy. Cuckolding have no place in my fantasies.
Shut up and go read some NTR doujin like all normal people do.
absolute thot.
>inexplicable time travel powers
>never touched upon
>no one cares
fuck this
No, but showing the kid and that she is married to one of his friends wasn't necessary at all.
user, you're sad and ridiculous. Do you have any rope next to you?
and? if a guy saves your life you become his gay lover?
It depends on the circumstances.
is he cute?
pretty much this
It was supposed to show everything his sacrifice granted to her. Although making the sissy boy her husband was stupid, she could've just have a husband that did not come along because he had no connection to the MC.
I didn’t really get the outrage
He’s not saving her so that he gets a waifu, he’s saving her because he wants to prevent her death
It’s not him getting cucked because he’s not invested in her romantically. Just because he popped a few boners around her when they were kids doesn’t mean they have to fall in love together and follow the childhood friend route
If Sup Forums is mad at this, why doesn’t Sup Forums get mad at literally every anime with a male hero and a female that got rescued
Which is like every anime with a male main character
>If Sup Forums is mad at this, why doesn’t Sup Forums get mad at literally every anime with a male hero and a female that got rescued
>He thinks Sup Forums doesn't get mad at this.
Did you read the manga? She actually wanted to wait until he woke up but his mom moved him out of the hospital so she would stop coming to visit and live her own life.
>getting cucked by your own mom
even worse
More like since when does saving someone mean you have to automatically marry/have a kid with them.
Well that is hardly his fault.
No one knows he can time travel so they can't care.
Holy fuck, the Sup Forumsutism about this topic is fucking real, no wonder 9 out of 10 anons are virgins.
I expected them to fuck BEFORE the coma.
I also unironically thought this little faggot was a gril, which had me totally confused about all kinds of other stuff
>firemen now have harems
People like you are why Re Zero has any legitmacy despite me loathing it.
> people
Only autistic retards.
Reminder that that the ending is not shitty because of this whole cuck shit, its shit because best girl got the worse fucking end out of every single cast there is.
Even the goddam fucking murderer got better life than she is.
Who fucking bobcuts a boy?
It's just not right.
Dem dick sucking lips
Brainlets forget that the purpose of all this was only to save his mother, not to stay with the girl at the end.
*steals your girl*
*fucks your mom in the hospital*
I'm glad two versions of him died.
She doesn’t even interact with the blonde kid very much. Hiromi was the only kid other than Satoru who she talked to and he kept her company in the bus when Satoru could not. Kayo doesn’t have friends, at most she had friendly acquaintances so most likely she sought solace from the only other kid she knows and she had 15 years instead of 2 weeks to lead to her marrying him.
I liked this ending and I liked the girl he ended up with.
Did you seriously expect him to travel back in time?
Satoru is for Sensei.
the main problem about people is believing this was a romance in first place. this was never a romance. it was a story about friendship. it´s a "waht would you do if you coul go back to the exact time where everything got fuck up". he saved her, he saved the other kids, he saved his mom, he gave himself a better future, eventually he reached his dreams as a mangaka.
Yeah I have no doubt Sensei would fuck him so hard he would go back to the wheelchair for an extra month if Satoru let’s him
The mom was hotter than both Kayo and pizza
Didn't her lips look like a swollen anus?
Is the baby a girl or a boy? He can still bang the baby, I mean when it grows up.
swollen anuses are hot
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!!!
She got married to that kid and not the blonde one?
I don't remember anyone's names but since the baby's hair is light-colored I just assumed the father was the blonde kid who also helped saved her. I used to be okay with the NTR thing, since the blonde kid has been crushing on her since ages ago and also did a lot to save her along with MC.
I am not okay with this.
>More like since when does saving someone mean you have to automatically marry/have a kid with them.
Super Mario in the 80s
Tragic ending to be honest.
Any decent girl would have waited for him.
Chilhood friend is justice
I never watched this show, but my younger brother has. I like to show threads like these to him so that he'll remember this show and reignite his butthurt.
This is the most virgin post I have ever read
I feel sorry for your younger brother. Imagine having an autistic older brother that constantly wants to talk about anime. I bet he's a chad and usually spends time with his friends but your mom forces him to be nice to you.
I would have legitimately killed myself if this happened to me
This show would have been great if the killer wasn't revealed and Satoru goes back in time to murder Kayo and Hiromi revealing himself to be the killer all along.
Better yet, the killer goes back in time to marry mom so that she doesn't investigate the murders.
Better yet, he marries Kayo's wrecked mom, kills both and blames her.
I don't know why people cream themselves over that garbage when this was better in every single way.
Is there a timeline of events?
sounds more like his younger brother is the virgin autist
Why not both? I bet their parents are virgin autists too.