Saki Tanoshii

Spoilers are out.
Can Ryuuka stop the lesbian wi-fi?

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New upgrades are making their debuts I see

Teru got her Nodoka.


how will they do the fateful encounter and the finals?


Boobs too big

opinion discarded

Live action? Well split screen and body doubles I suspect.


Does this count as a oppai loli or a shortstack?

could be that rare instance of both, depending on your perspective.



also: futaba thread:

From my point of view that is a semen demon

Pure monogamous wi-fi > slutty polygamous wi-fi.

Upgrades were a mistake.

Thank god Saki is safe from these upgrades.

i honestly hope for kyoko to win

Why do you read such excrement?

i honestly hope for orgasm magician to make someone cum in the final


I agree. Don't get me wrong. I genuinely like Senriyama. I'm deeply fond of Shindouji too. Couldn't give less of a shit about Usuzan though.
But Himematsu definitely holds number one in my heart, and especially Kyouko. I absolutely adore her and her type of character in general.
Yowamushi Pedal S3 made my heart positively boil with Teshima.

>100 points

It really shows how ridiculously strong of a player Nelly is when every single shittalk she made after the match was an undeniable fact.
I'm also a fan of Shizuku-buchou. Go on,
laugh at me.

And I really need the next chapter as soon as humanly possible to see how she deals with the loss. I hope the chinks actually upload Shinohayu raws this time.

Isn't she have advantage at this situation? Shizu blocking Saki & Awaii, then Kyoko can fight normally. Not that Shizu is bad in normal mahjong either and Saki have emergency online mode.

>Not that Shizu is bad in normal mahjong either