Darling in the Franxx

Why did they make such a good frame and then only use it for 1/12th of a second?

Justice for Ichigo when

Shit show. Shit MC. Shitty exposition. Shit writing.



Please let Cocona win ;_;

Kokoro makes my 556 go doki-doki

Do they stop providing character history through retarded conversation during fights, or do I have to drop this show?

>dropping a show after the first episode

Drop it either way and never come back again.

Butt joysticks are still in the anime, right? I hope they didn't chicken out and change it or something.

I'm a contrarian.
Actually, I want to like it, but with the annoying MC and exposition given out through ill-fitting dialogue, I can only expect the worst.

This shit is generic and unoriginal as fuck, it screams of trying to be Anno too much but without the charm or artistry

Watch the PV.


Now I'm curious. How is it trying to be Anno?

>More kissu in episode one than in multiple seasons of most romance anime

More licking as well.

First Darling cover is up on amazon, sadly with fucked up colors.

And something lewd that's probably exclusive to the tank (which won't even be half of the resolution of this sample).

A Stamen and a Pistil get stuck inside a FRANXX for hours of battle.

Both are sweating and panting, and the male hasn't masturbated in a while. After looking at his Pistil's ass for the entire time, he finally snaps, tears off an opening in her plugsuit and starts fucking her right there.

As the Stamen takes control, the FRANXX changes. Its original female form is overrun by the male's consciousness. Through his dick, he asserts control on the FRANXX!
His penis re-asserts the FRANXX's shape, unlocking a more powerful form, as the plates shift and change to reveal a male-shaped FRANXX with vastly improved capabilities, but only as long as the male is able to keep going without coming!

The Stamen now has to keep fucking his Pistil while also concentrating on the battle. A few mechanical limbs appear in the cockpit, restraining the Pistil in order to make sure connection is not interrupted.

Whenever the Pistil comes, the FRANXX experiences a surge of power, and when the Stamen finally comes, it unleashes its strongest attack before finally collapsing due to exhaustion.

Is the rodoc the one responsible for the sexual designs?

This isn't even the frame from the episode.

Man this was so bad, i did not expect something good since it's trigger but man could not they put a little more effort?

that was pretty hilarious and stupid
I can't wait for the next episode

Deploying pasta.

Here let me tell you so your little brain can accept it.

It is not Trigger show. It is not A-1 show. This is Nishigori's personal dream and venture. He always been wanting to make original anime since he the TTGL days. When Gainax broke, he parted with Imaishi and other to A-1 cause this one Aniplex producer he'd been working with offering him to direct anime (idolm@ster) at A-1. That was one step to reach his goal. Yet after so much pressure from directing imas and imas movie, he still want to direct his own anime. That's why the aniplex producer who gave him the chance to step up as director believed in him, and that producer does everything he could to realized this Nishigori's dream.

Why A-1 got involved? Because Nishigori had strong backup and connection with A-1 producers too. Plus there were several Gainax people who went to A-1 with him to made imas before, for example Megumi Kouno.

Why Masayoshi Tanaka designed the character? It's actually easy for Nishigori to design the characters himself, but he IS the director. So he needs to focus on the big picture. Character designer job entails a duty to maintain the quality of the animation, so obviously Nishigori can't do both job in order to save time and energy.

Why Trigger got involved? Cause Imaishi is his bro. TTGL, PSG. Nishivori designed the characters for both of those anime. He'd rather not make DarliFra if Imaishi is not involved, that's why they discussed this project with Trigger's producer even though he thinks it sounds crazy (but fun). And this date back to two years ago.

Why they agreed with this project? It's simple, because they are bros from Gainax. They got same blood, Gainax blood. And people said blood is thicker than water.

So did Dr. Frank fuck a dinosaur to create 02?

I fail to realize why anything of that matters

It's just a generic mecha battle shounen.
Drop it.

This show is way too unfun to be considered shonen.

even to the standards of a Trigger anime ... this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, he pilots the girl's ass ... that's the kind of thing you'd expect from a parody

Are all these unoriginal shitposting from butthurt KyoAnus fags who cannot handle their show having two consecutively mediocre episodes?

Stop typing like a faggot.

This. It's ridiculous middle school tier "humor". Something I'd expect out of adult swim.

it was co-produced by A-1 Pictures. I guess that explains everything.

The whole design seem uncomfortable and ridiculous. Like those sticks look really breakable.

I don’t think we are suppose to take this show seriously. It looks like a parody of a patriarchy society.

Good pasta. Good digits.

It feels a lot more of a Trigger/Gainax thing than A-1.

Hello faggots.

Only one episode aired, it doesn't feel like anything yet.

this, so far it seems to be a pretty generic self-insert mecha show with a bit of superficial Trigger quirkyness
I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't think this will be as fun and original as KLK

Fucking why. I was looking forward to this show too.

Are we being raided

Nah the short action sequence in ep1 already felt like Gainax

I meant the girl being the controller thing. Not the overall show.

I'm pretty sure it's ironic.

I just now realized that Strelizia has the same red lines under her eyes as 02.

That was the short action sequence. Because Trigger is in charge of action. Wait for some fucking episodes.
>oh man, they are ripping off Anno with this introductory generic mecha episode
Fucking hell.

Might as well call it a Xebec thing.

Did you not even bother to go to the show website and put a minute of effort to compare both the female co-pilots and the FranXX they are piloting?

You will realize something big.

Reminder that everyone else dies in three sessions with her but her Darling came out unharmed.

Yea sure you did. If you are not lying out of your ass then how the mech is piloted should be obvious. Actually, what are you even looking forward to? Episode 2? You do realise that screenshot is taken from the 2nd episode PV right? If you liked Episode 1 so much you are looking forward to the next episode why are you triggered by this shit?

All robutts share design features with the girls except Genista. They are basically mecha henshin.

>Might as well call it a Xebec thing.
The point was that that guy was trying to make it out as if A-1 tainted his perfect Trigger anime, when Trigger have done similar kind of stuff all the tie.

To be fair he hasn't piloted with her 3 times yet. I doubt he'll die though.

>everyone who disagrees with me is gay
Guess this really is for middleschoolers.

No I already know the robots are all designed after the girls and that the girls become the robot's souls. I just wanted to mention a neat little detail I missed.


>except genista
U wot?
Under that apron is a hot robot bitch with thick ass and you know it.

It was just A-1 meme hating.

That and Sup Forums

>being able to tell that anime will be shit after just 1 episode
Teach ways of your faggotry, Anons.

Catfight between Ichigo and Zero Two soon?

Even without the coat it still doesn't look anything like Kokoro except for the great ass and side hair.

I like the part where she closes her eyes.

I thought a klaxosaur fucked a Franxx.

Why does Sup Forums like this Het la Het anime so much? I thought you had refined taste.

If the first episode is bad enough to make you skip or stop it, it's shit.

Strap your seatbelts boys, this will be one glorious trainwreck.

The average user has worse taste than the nips.

>Cute face
>Siege Mod
The Coolest waifubot ITT.

No, this is just Sup Forums at the start of a season. It's also the current year so everything's shit.

Considering how fucked up the other guy was, no injuries is a good sign.

I like this show, but it's usually very easy too tell that a show will be shit from its first episode. Its a lot harder to tell whether it will be good.

>I only watch mature anime for mature people like myself

>there are over 90 known species of genista
Fatty and Kokoro will have a big family

Pretty much this. Three episode rule is good, but if you aren't interested enough to watch the first episode in one shot you should probably bail and check the threads in two weeks.

Welcome to the animated medium, enjoy your stay.

>how to skip Stens;Gate

Definitely works. If they can't put enough effort into the very first episode to hook me I won't expect to like the rest.
Darlifra definitely hooked me hard with the first episode and 02 though.

There's some SAO in this show, I like it.

Wrong. I don't even mind immature shows as long as they don't take themselves seriously. This shit is immature and takes itself seriously. Fuck off with your awful memes and no arguments.

Good times soon

Was it really Hiro that caused both Naomi and himself to fail the aptitude test? When pervert doctor explained how Strelitzia awakened her FranXX mode, he said negative and positive, male and female. During the flashback, it was the positive pulse that was on standby, wasn't that Naomi?

Kill yourself, /u/ shitter

That won't be until the end of episode 24.

They trashed Naomi and allowed Hiro to stay. Why would they do that if he failed?

I thought he was doing fine, Naomi fucked it for both of them, which is why they offered the special permission from HQ for him to hang around and presumably get a new partner.

Pistil are negative.

So you mean Naomi was a frigid bitch and 02 is the superior waifu?

It never made me stop or skip. The character might be retarded, but the writing doesn't completely detach me from the show with its stupidity.

>amazing transformation and battle scene at the end of the episode
>everyone creams their pants over a generic kiss
Kissless virgins need to die.

Of course.

>takes itself seriously
>the mecha have fucking faces

I'm creaming my pants over that entire scene, thank you very much.

Who cares about you? Steins;Gate adaptation was infamous due to retarded amount of people not being able to get through the first arc.

Naomi is normal
But 02 is a sexual tyrannosaurus, so shes more compatible with chad Hiro

Naomi trying to be "nice" to Ichigo and not be to affectionate with Hiro since she along with everyone else is watching both her and Hiro.

Naturally they can't connect since one side don't want since she don't want to hurt her friend feeling because she knows about the her friend crush on her co-pilot.

Naturally, they failed the synch test.

Good thing 02 have zero such feelings and give no fucks in her pursuit of Hiro.

The battle was short but hype as fuck. I just hope we'll see more action soon

Hiro is a little like Kirito, isn't he

gonna be more of obsessed dragon fight