Story time, Sup Forums.
Story time, Sup Forums
Aiden Fisher
Parker Garcia
Gabriel Williams
Asher Sanders
David Taylor
Julian Cruz
It's yuri, innit?
Connor Williams
Matthew Nelson
Owen Reyes
Josiah Walker
David Williams
Camden Cox
Isaac Walker
Aaron Morris
Michael Ward
Jordan Myers
Parker Baker
go on...
David James
Hope you enjoyed.
Get your mind out of the gutter, user.
Christopher Adams
Nice. I was worried there was going to be a sad end.
Justin Campbell
Thanks OP, I was holding tight and bracing for sad but all is well.
Dominic Rodriguez
She is dead right?
Nicholas Price
Nope, just eccentric.
Jackson Young
My sides are on orbit. Holy shit.
Joseph Powell
Brody Barnes
huh i thought storytimes are banned now or I'm just really not paying attention
Jordan Evans
Why does the short girl with the nice eyebrows have a different uniform, aren't they in the same class?
Jordan Cox
Maybe it's a particularly lax school? All three of them wear pretty loose interpretations of the uniform aside from the sweater.