I just finished the Houseki no Kuni anime. Does the manga go on for longer? If so, which chapter should I continue on?
Houseki no Kuni
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There are 60 chapters out. Start from 30. It's slightly behind the end of the anime but some things are different.
Thanks alot.
What's with the lazy shit of people not starting from the beginning?
wow do you realy want to read a history that you already know? what a stupid person
You rewatch from the beginning you fucking retard.
yes manga is still ongoing.
>which chapter should I continue on
40 +-
clearly some characters are different and get more focus
The anime was pretty good but the manga art in the first few chapters I read looked weak. I dunno if the art gets better, but there you go OP.
I hate this fucking question. If an anime is an adaptation it means it was changed, even ever so slightly to fit a the format of a TV show. Go back and read the manga from the start to get the full experience.
I read the manga right after the show finished, the only changes I noticed where
>Removed Phos reciting the history the history of the world and changed it to a voiceover in ep2
>Removed mentions of gems before they appear (padparadscha, ghost quartz etc)
>Rearranged a couple chapters near the end to avoid introducing ghost quartz right as the show ends
Otherwise it was near identical.
The show ends around chapter 29/30, but I think you'll want to read a couple before that. The manga is currently on chapter 62ish. The shit that happens after the anime ends makes the anime look like weenie hut junior.
The manga is considerably better, so start from the beginning.
Please dont tell me youre one of those people that reads or watches something 'based on a true story' and then feels like you know what actually happened in real life.
S-shinsha, what are you doing?
being cute
This is one of the few instances where the adaptation is at least level with the manga, if not above it
Voice acting (especially and most remarkably Phos), animation, soundtrack and pacing are all spectacular to the point of perfection
/r/ing alex and moonie version please
Someone actually made it some time ago already.
oh shit nice
>perfect animation
Not sure if troll
Where is all the godamm merch
Buy the necklace.
Did all of you mangafags learn japanese or is there some translations beyond vol4 that I'm unaware of?
You can find some translated-from-russian english translations.
They're on batoto for now.
Probably would take you less than an hour to read those 30 chapters.
Houseki no Kuni exhibition starts 19 January until 18 February
>Head of the Lapis-Lazuli one
>Right arm of the golden one
>Left arm of the golden one
>Right leg of Agate one
>Left lef of the Agate one
But it's better to read it slowly and not have comprehension questions afterwards.
A gem exhibition?
Anime exhibition, behind-the-scenes stuff, concept art, etc
Batoto is dead
speaking of which, anyone got the manga torrents that were shared a few threads back?
I guess it's right that Orange are treating this show as an advertisement for them given that it's probably their best received one.
MJP and Fafner are more popular.
They assisted with the CG. This is their first production. Good choice as far as source material goes.
2nd season announcement when? It's been like almost a month.
Album art.
Never, it was not a success.
the is pretty great
Animation soundtracks and voice acting are on point and its generally really pretty and aesthetically appealing
The anime ends at chapter 36 although with a kinda different approach so its best to start from 32 or even better at 30
Dia has a tiled pattern on the inside of her shorts, Bortz has stripes.
I wonder what the other gems have.
I swear to god when it ends we're going to find the entire plot encoded in Red Beryl's hairstyles. It keeps amazing me how ridiculous levels of detail are somehow fit into what seems to be extremely simplistic art. the more you look at a page the more stuff you find.
Could Mozart still be alive?
It's sold more than MiA though
That would be pretty cool.
Mozart was music user.
Raw sales aren't everything
I'm curious as to how much they made from the tie in jewellery sets, though
How much BDs would you get for that?
I want to hug and fug diamonds butt
1 Phos necklace = 470+ BDs
One guy bought a Phos thing so at least 30000 dollars.
And at least one sold.
Original Phos was super cute and genki. I'm so sad how she's changed. Genki and witty in Kumiko's voice was a blessing.
There needs to be some art of Kumiko wearing phos jewelery.
LaPhos is glorious anyways.
I'm anticipating the moment when none of the original Phos remains.
Just got into the series, what are some popular theories going around?
It's Euclase time!!
The main one is that Phos is gaining the seven treasures of Buddhism, seeing as Buddhist symbolism is everywhere in this series.
Anyone have that picture of Sensei saying "I only care about Phos!"
Here you are.
Nice digits and nice find friend.
Is the official translation good? I need something to read in my downtime and the volumes are on sale on Kodansha's site.
They're a little bit awkward because they didn't just use male pronouns from the outset and explain it later on, but it's mostly fine.
Just what I was looking for
We might not have as many memes as kemofures but at least the ones we have are dank
You can find the currently translated 4 volumes in digital HQ quality. The translation is nice though, they don't use any genders, and the scans are high quality for the extra detail so it's good.
I love Shinsha's theme
>they didn't just use male pronouns from the outset and explain it later on
>they don't use any genders
I honestly think that the removal of male pronouns is a downgrade in general.
The use of male pronouns associated with the fact they don't have an understanding of the concept genders strip the male pronouns of their gender related meaning, reinforcing the expression of the relationship between gems with the honorifics, and the concept that, like Eechmea said in relation to the word "Sensei", they use some words without knowing their true or full meaning.
On the contrary, the use of "they" requires the understanding of the concept of genders, because the core difference between the plural form and the singular form(inb4 it's incorrect) is rooted in gender, as in the singular they is used when the subject does not know the gender of the person(when in doubt due to lack of knowledge), is left unspecified(when the person is being referred to with a non gendered noun, like "customer", "player", and so on), or when the gender is kept unspecified on purpose despite being known because it is grammatically irrelevant in the sentence.
One could argue that, just like the male pronouns and the word "Sensei", the gems could use the word "they" in both its plural and singular forms without necessarily understanding the whole meaning, but then they would be left not understanding why a word would be used for both plural and singular, which makes no sense.
>inb4 it makes as much sense as you(singular) and you(plural)
The manga is in Japanese, and there are different pronouns for singular and plural pronouns.
In short, using they to remove any gendered meaning from pronouns is sort of dumb when the plot itself shows the reader how even when gendered pronouns are used, they're already entirely void of their gendered meaning.
I'm here because I saw a cute gif. Where can I read this online?
We need a Bort magazine cover
>How to never wash your hair
Yeah, the point is that they don't know the difference and it doesn't matter anyway, but some people would get confused or upset about it so the translators take the safer but a bit less interesting route. It doesn't ruin the TL or anything, but it's an interesting detail that tells you a bit more about what their society is like.
Moonies did nothing wrong.
Obsidian has dots.
Oh fug, now I gotta reread the mango and look for upskirts.
Looks like Phos found a tanoshii job for Cinnabar after all.
>we want the steven universe audience
>and it doesn't matter anyway
it does though, because is exactly their lack of understanding of genders wile still using gender oriented honorific that reinforces the relationship level expressed in those honorifics.
>some people would get confused or upset about it
As i said, the plot itself shows how they lack gender knowledge and use the pronouns without knowing their gendered meanings.
>It doesn't ruin the TL or anything
Again, to me it does, a lot.
Using the singular "they" introduces an implied understanding of genders(as i explained in my previous post, the singular "they" is extremely related to gender and its involuntary or voluntary non-expression), which instead they don't have.
To summarize
>use of male pronouns/honorific + lack of concept of genders = actual lack of gendered meaning in the used pronouns + reinforcement of relationships between gems, matching the plot and the characters' nature
in contrast to
>use of singular they + lack of honorifics = untold yet implied understanding of genders required by the use of singular they + complete removal of spoken expression of relationship between gem, which goes in high contrast with the plot and characters' nature
thats l-lewd
I'm glad they removed genders, the gems in general are genderless rock lifeforms anyway. It'd bring unnecessary dumblr comments to Kodansha and pointless outbursts from people who dislike whichever gender or pronoun they decided to use so safe move on their part.
I get what you're saying, although honorifics are a sticking point for a lot of translations even without the added weirdness of characters that don't have a gender. Looking through the official TLs I'm finding it hard to find any instance where they use "they", I think the most notable example of missing out what an honorific means is when Bort calls Dia nee-chan, which has been replaced with "Didi" as trying to make up a cute nickname for Dia that wouldn't be used normally.
>you'll never force bort to play cards with you against her will since she thinks its a pointless game
>you'll never see her natural competitive personality start to show while she starts learning playing cards
>you'll never bait her thinking she will win but completely stomp her, winning the game
>you'll never see her flustered, cute face
>you'll never stroke her diamond hair
Was that intentional?
No idea if its popular or not but I expect Phos' sea legs and arms to come back someday.
kissmanga dumdum
>pronoun arguments again
While one could make a point that the Lustrous using 'he' reflects their lack of understanding of gender, the truth of the matter is that Ichikawa had not really intended that, and used masculine pronouns 'cause they're used as the usual epicene (watashi being considered too formal and stilted), and many languages also use masculine pronouns in gender-neutral contexts, while English has 'they' as the epicene. It's a purely linguistic choice as far as I'm concerned.
Why did Phos lose her memories of the ocean after her legs were broken off? She surely must have remembered the fight?
moral of the story: stay genki fampais. stay genki
Bort would actually be pretty dusty and grimy, right?
Gems don't sweat, so they definitely get dusty but it will be relatively easy to clean up.
Not sure about the clothes though.
Read them all, or it might be hard to catch on, since the characters can't be told apart through colour.
Why don't people automatically read from chapter 1, I never thought about skipping chapters when I get into a manga by watching the anime first.
That looks completely terrible.
Then they can rebuild her! And Lapis as well!