Why does this board seem to only discuss shallow garbage that caters to the lowest common denominator...

Why does this board seem to only discuss shallow garbage that caters to the lowest common denominator? It's always discussions about your "waifus" which are for the majority just another token loli or big-breasted girl with the generic shy or tsundere personality who eventually fall for the self-insert protagonist. How do you manage to obsess over such shallow personalities?

Why do you in the first place enjoy this garbage? Thanks to you and your extremely low standards, anime has devolved into a cesspool of creativity. No longer are they taking risks but instead just copypasting faces with different hairstyles, giving each a personality that caters to a NEET but making sure that it isn't threatening so that NEETs aren't broken out of their imaginary safespace and then plastering the most blandest possible protagonists before calling it a day.

Why do you defend this shit And why are you okay with it?

Because we are the lowest common denominator user. Welcome to Sup Forums, you've officially hit rock bottom.

I'm pretty sure you can't get lower than /jp/.

It's an anime board. Anime is shallow entertainment. What else would we discuss?

/jp/ has made peace with the fact that they are trash though, the denial of such a blatant fact is why Sup Forums is rock bottom.

Only faggots like OP are in denial, and they should fuck off.

Sturgeon's law applies.

You're right.

no u

I'd rather enjoy "garbage" than enjoy nothing. The more refined your tastes become the less things you enjoy.

You want to see real shit? Filter violet, netflix and devilman then check how many threads disappeared, sometimes it's up to fucking 20, if you add dragon ball and academia half of the board will gone. Waifufags while mentally ill make one cancerous thread every once in a while, this shit is here to stay and quality of these threads rival worse generals on /vg/ because most of people there are sea monkeys and spics.

Who are sea monkeys? South east asian?

Take a look at the catalog. What do you see? Threads upon threads, some thinly veiled as yet another circlejerk about "muh waifu is better than yours!" arguements When in reality, that "waifu" that they so love and defend can be found in other animes with the exact same personality. Only with a different look and voice actor. Want to know why? Because studios just have a folder specifically for catering to otakus, it doesn't matter if they're creative or not since neets will eat that shit up anyways. There's no orgiinality to be had. There's no need to be creative because no matter what they do, they can still sell shit because NEETs will latch onto their tsundere hirame cut girl #6553 as if they were different from the rest.

suck my cock dude

>complains about others watching "garbage"
>gintama image
That's fucking rich.

This but unironically
Fuck this hellhole

Lurk 2 years before posting.

What’s with the stigma against NEETs on these days? We’re on fucking Sup Forums

Are you complaining about Sup Forums, or anime? If you don't like anime why do you give a shit about Sup Forums? Just fuck off.

The normalfags have won user.

I like the anime that actually try to be different from the rest. I am pointing out the problem as to why there is so little originality to be had in modern anime. Which I've already explained in my post. The threads that are discussing the anime itself often have faggots deriding the thread with discussions of which fictional girl is better than another.

Anime doesn't cater to a western audience. It has and continues to be primarily directed for Japanese audiences. If you're going to be upset about anyone having low standards, go post on 2ch.

Waifufags are the least of this boards worries. 2015 and 2016 were pretty weak years sure, but 2017 was a step forward. You’re complaining about the wrong things.

You sound like you like generalizations on labels. One of the most positively received show from this season, as far as I can is Sora yori mo tooi basho. And it praised because despite looking like some shallow trash that you described has actually turned out to have some of the most refreshing characters and grasp of realist human interaction that I've seen in a long time. Another one is Yuru Camp, it has the bland archetype characters you've described but it also attempts to glorify camping and getting involved with people who want to share the same hobbies as you. It's presented in a lighthearted way that many people mellow out too after a long day of work. You've got new Cardcaptor which is wholesome goodness and a nostalgia train for a lot of people. You've got some of big industry heavy hitters in DarlaFran VEG and the new Devilman which showcases why anime is an extremely versatile medium that can do any story or concept justice if you put the right team behind it. There's a lot to be discussed. You just have to look harder. Also shitposting is a fun time waster. The beauty of this place is you can say basically whatever the fuck you want. Some people want to talk about loli butts and big fat fuckin tats. Fuck off to whatever thought control cesspool you came from.

Lurk before posting, faggot.

>he thinks western fanbase has any influence on Anime market
Are you really this dump?

no man youre like pathetic and a virgin

get laid you virgin

Literally everyone here knows that the vast majority of anime is very formulaic. Why the fuck do you think we use shorthand like "isekai" or "CGDCT"? You think you're hot shit for noticing something everyone was already aware of.

South East Asians are known as SEAoverlords around these parts. Get your shit together newfag.

See OP, look at this goofball I bet he had a big dumb grin on his face when he posted that.

I just can't keep up with the freshest memes, I haven't been on Sup Forums for years
