Why do you guys support problematic live adaptations?

Why do you guys support problematic live adaptations?

Yes because if the live action adaptation suck maybe the will stop making them

It's not "problematic", it's just *shitty*.

i thought it was to show her being a robot.
the other characters dont seem to have them

It's not problematic, it's shit.

She's a cyborg, bigger cybernetic eyes the better I say.

normalfags everywhere


If that article talks about anything related to race, and isn't basically summed up as "because Disney did it," then the author can fuck off.

I imagine the author like this.
Certainly not going to google this, but what is the reason?

There are other cyborgs, ones with ridiculously huge bodies. All up this movie reminds me of Avalon, uncanny valley is just the norm.


I dont think Ive ever seen a live action adaptation and I intend to keep it that way

I assumed they made her eyes weird to emphasize that she was a cyborg.

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Speed Racer was really fucking good.

The author is a woman who is upsetted by unrealistic beauty

Dont care not watching



All the media comes from Japan so the discussions about SJWs taking over are limited.

I hate this word now.

How's your first week?