Why is Iori so much more popular than Yayoi?

Why is Iori so much more popular than Yayoi?


This girl looks like she would let you fuck her in the ass

haha guys, epic memes xd, doujins, am I right??


Get that stick out of your ass

She's tsundere and childish. Yayoi is childish and genki which doesn't distinguish her much from the twins and (to a lesser extent) Haruka.

That said, "much more popular" is an exaggeration. Yayoi, Haruka, and Iori form the holy trinity of the original girls.

I'm sorry but who?

Tsundere loli voiced by Rie.

Tsundere loli voiced by Rie and analdoujins. Really.

Doujins and artwork is a great propaganda and a way to expand a fanbase.

Bratty version of the oujo-sama trope, mildly tsundere, deko, prettiest girl of the whole bunch, and oh yeah, she loves it in the ass.

There's literally nothing wrong with a girl liking anal

Love Lori for Life!

Chihaya is cuter

Doujinshi artists turned her into the anal idol

Who cares about this ugly bitch? Chihaya is much better.

Yayoi hairstyle is ugly, and the orange shirt/blue overall combo doesn't do her any good.


t. chihaya

What would you say Iori's forehead is for?

Good night kisses

Poor girl

waxing and buffing

Wiping the last bits of your jizz after a good anal fucking.

When is Kaori's anime?

I know you also like taking it up the bum, but fuck off, faggot.

unlike Iori

finger flicking

(or, Minako's)

anal angel

What happened to Kotori's manga?

Anal tsundere loli queen and deko power.

wiping shit stained dick

Get back to making that Im@s fighting game, Harada.

After the Chihaya appearance in Berserk.

Holding while you fuck her in the ass.

KugiRie effect

I want to taste her asshole

And idolmaster/god eater anime would be pretty hot.

Is she cosplaying as another best girl?

Your Baba for the evening.

>Anal angel

That is the title of a different H serie.,

My wife.
My life.

no love for hibiki

"minase_iori anal" doesn't even get a full page of results on Gelbooru.

Signal mirror

searching the wrong place then