Dragon Ball Super

Based Manga is out and Toei are a bunch of liars for hyping up shit that will never happen.


Isn't this fag the design given to Cauliflas brother in the anime?
Toyochad strikes again

Now that i notice Tagoma stays dead in the RoF arc in the Manga unlike the Anime. Basically this means all that shit with Frog Ginyu and Tagoma becoming Edgy after training with Frieza is Toei Filler shit. What a surprise.

He looks similar but Caulifla's brother in the Anime looked older and beaten.

Haters are fucking idiots

So now that the Tournament of Power starts in the canon version, let's rank the fighters of U7.

1º Goku (SSGSS tier)
2º Vegeta (high SSGSS tier)
3º Freeza (SSGSS tier)
4º Gohan (SS3 fusion tier)
5º #17 (SS3 tier)
6º Piccolo (SS tier)
7º #18 (SS tier)
8º Kuririn (earthling tier)
9º Tenshinhan (earthling tier)
10º Turtle Hermit (earthling tier)

>inb4 Freeza is stronger than Vegeta/17 is so above SS3 Goku he could beat Gohan too/muh Tenshinhan is the strongest earthling even if every medium says the opposite
No proofs, not yet. Wait for further reveals before discredit the current ranking

post yfw Gohan gets eliminated this week

Screen capping this

Fuck off retard.

I thought that was obvious. Manga just sticks to Toriyama's RoF except for the beyond god shit (and that was forgot even in the anime now)

>Gohan's last stand
I'm scared chadforce bros. Gohan will now be completely irrelevant after getting hyped for a new form. I think it's time to officially jump ship to the CHADBA alliance. We had a good run . We still have Cabba in Toyos tournament of power guys.

Found new bread

Gohan will not fall, you cuck.

>other members

He is still in

We won!

Be happy of what Gohan accomplished Gohanbro. He is still strong as fuck considering he has no GOD Ki. Just imagine what would happen if he REALLY wanted to start fighting for real.

More like Toei exposed themselves as Gohan fanboys

The official translation isn't last stand


This could mean that Gohan is still in fighting alongside 17 and Frieza or maybe Goku is fighting alone against Jiren and Vegeta went to help 17 and Frieza

Ginyu coming back had potential but it was completely butchered.

Post yfw Gohan survives this Saturday



Gohan is going onto oblivion. Just accept it. It's not his time this arc.

>Caulifla drinks while successfully saving orphans
>Gohan is a lightweight that shot his wife
Cauli waifu of the year 2 years in a row


Funny detail, Toyotaro even fixed the inconsistency of Piccolo being defeated by some Freeza's soldier from Toriyama's version. In the special manga there was no Piccolo jobbing before Shisami got BTFO by Gohan


>Cabba isn't Caulifa's bitch in the manga.
>Caulifa is enamored by Cabba's alpha male aura and is his disciple.
CHADBA is a CHAD because he looks like CHADHAN. Only a CHAD can have the BANG.

Why didn't Gohan wear his saiyaman outfit?

>yurishit was all Toei filler
How will Yuritards ever recover?

>Gohan's LAST stand

Too cool even for him

I love the fact Kale is a cock lover in the manga.

I expect a mini arc about them after the ToP, with them finally getting along, or Cabba taming her like in the manga.

>Gohan confirmed still in

Why the fuck would Gohan have a Great Saiyaman outfit?

>inb4 he's a fan!
Nice headcanon/filler, he's the Golden Warrior, not that saiyaretard

literally made for Krillin.

>yurishit was all Toei filler
>Gohan hype was also Toei filler
Manga almost never disappoints me.

what the fuck, is krillin also 18's kid?

and what happened to the Gohan part of this chapter?

>literal faggots think Goku can defeat Jiren without Gohan's plans
>only reason why U7 made it this far is because Gohan decided to take all of the U7 jobbers and have them form a circle so that they can overwhelm any group of fighters with their weird abilities
No wonder why Gohan's head is thicc. He's too smart.

Will goku even care about gohan jobbing

>no mention of gohan in 125 or 126
but they did mention freeza 17 and vegeta though

>Gohan doesn't even get top billing
That might actually be more embarrassing than getting eliminated.

Gohan was pure filler. Toei is fucking with spics heads

Based Cell in the REAL Tournament of Power.

Manga is not canon imbecile fags


Why was flying not allowed in the tournament? It would make it easier for Toei to animate fights.

Post yfw Toppo is instantly deleted by Zeno because GoD aren't allowed in the tournament.

But he said Piccolo whipped him back into shape. How can something that happened be filler? But the Goku fight was all Toei.

>To be this retarded.

Go suck dick on the hollywood walk of fame.

they easily could've made it that flying doesn't work as soon as you fall of the ring

I bet C17's wife is r63 Krillin

has a name stuck for vegetables new form?

I liked royal blue

Gohan being close to SSB is filler. Toei is a big gohanfag so most of the shit you see on the anime is just him spazzing.

>Pretending like DBS isn't a ripoff adaptation of DBM.


2 Blue 2 Furious

Salagir please go.

is this real?

Super Saiyan Filler.

Are you retarded?

Shut that whore mouth, bitch. Manga is a fucking fanfic

No, it's a Sup Forums edit

How come nobody is complaining about this:
It's already bean established that Universe 7 is superior to Universe 6 because they beat them at the tournament (which was supervised by Zeno sama himself), and U7's Hakaishin is stronger than U6's Hakaishin.
Now what kind of mental gymnastic should I use to reach a conclusion that U6 is above U7.
>Toei animations as it's finest

Super Saiyan Sapphire

will /u/ ever recover?

Press F to show respect to Soyhan

>no mention of Gohan in recent spoilers
>high chance of Vegeta and Toppo getting knocked out of the ring in 126
This manga poster is starting to look more likely. Goku, 17, and Frieza are going to be the last three.

>next movie teaser calls Saiyans the strongest race
>but Goku is the only relevant Saiyan, and his ultimate form has nothing to do with Super Saiyan and is something that anyone can achieve.
>Every other Saiyan losses or ties with non-Saiyans everytime.
>Gohan's potential comes from him being a half-breed rather than full Saiyan.
With the exceptio of based Goku and Vegito, Saiyans are trash.

It's done on average ability isn't it? Maybe Beerus blew up more planets than Champa, causing his number to get skewed.

SS Jobber

Stop picking on Kale.

why is 18's hair white

To piss off the Pride Trooper even more by busting out his Sentai Poses. Toppo was made for combat with Gohan. Imagine how much fun the fight will be if they both started posing before battle with 17 joining in.

17 and Frieza aren't characters that regularly appear, so they're front and centre to draw attention.

By your logic, Roshi should have been out first, and Krillin after Piccolo.

Shut up faggot.

Why is Vegeta below Goku if he is high SSGSS tier

wouldn't caulifla get excited at kale's massive power boost later on?


>being this retarded
Piccolo "whipped him back into shape" in the manga too, but there's no need of showing that because there's absolutely nothing special about that, in fact Gohan wasn't even back to ultimate thanks to Piccolo, there's a manga supplement for the Zamasu arc and Gohan went back to ultimate on his own thanks to Bulma's gravity chamber, Piccolo only ensured Gohan's recovered his fighting instincts but his raw power was already here (like happened when Gohan trained with Goten at Boo arc).
Everything that happened was Piccolo and ultimate Gohan training hard and recovering with senzu, no more, no one cares about that.

>There isn't filler in the Super anime because no source material
Disproven by the entirety of this arc in the anime version. Toei padded the hell out of the recruitment arc with Kuririn training, Yurine and Broly homage episodes just to name a couple examples (there are PLENTY more even before the ToP began). Also, a source material DOES exist for the anime and the manga alike: it is called Toriyama's outlines.

Even now this late into the arc the episodes are still moving at a snail's pace. What happened in the two latest episodes, you ask? Vegeta gets a power up against Jiren first with the final flash scene and then in the very next episode it happens AGAIN with the moegeta transformation. Nothing else of relevance happens over the course of two different consecutive episodes that had essentially the exact same plotline and could have been compressed into one episode with no problem. It's clear by now that Toei is passing the hell out of this arc so that they don't overtake the manga too much and so that Toriyama can come up for the next plotline whatever is it going to be.

Make me, tranny.

>Captcha: pedro

>actually reading Pedro’s Official Power Level Guide

How? Gohan isn't mentioned at all

Why did Marron get smaller and younger after Buu? Clearly the Lazuli gene is a weird one.

Suck it up. I'm sure your heart attack will come soon enough.

>Only a CHAD can have the BANG.
You can't find a bigger bang than this.

Krillin got out early because his VA also does Luffy's voice in OP. The manga doesn't have to worry about VA culture, so Krillin could last longer. A DBH preview for the TOP showed Frieza fighting Jiren, so we know that Frieza will be among the final three U7 fighters.

I'm fine with it being filler, at least I got to see characters I barely see anymore. If Toriyama couldn't be bothered to make any ideas for most of the U7 team, he may as well have reduced the number of competitors to like 5 per Universe instead.

Can C17 and Frieza be part of the main cast already

Ask Toriyama.

Gohan and Cabba are the only good saiyans.

they ruined Tagoma in the anime

the upside is cabba recognizes her strength.

Krillin has talked more than most the U7 team though. He's always reacting on the sidelines. He's spoken much more than Roshi, Tien, 17 and 18 at least.

Toriyama is an odd fellow when it comes to girls. If Trunks wasn't a thing, Bulma would have probably never been relevant again after Namek.

Why is this Kalefag still foaming at the mouth over Cabba? He got to Caulifla first, get over it.

She's only trying to hide it from Caulifla. I bet Caulifla's other followers also know.

Is gonna get fucked up in the manga.

This is why the Tournament of Power was doomed to fail. The VAs don't have time to voice every character in the arc, so characters get eliminated to lessen the burden on their actors, or if the actor is unavailable. I suspect Gohan will be eliminated next so Nozawa can focus on voicing Goku instead of switching between his voice and Gohan's voice.