I see so many controversial opinions on Hunter x Hunter. Can anyone actually break it down?
I see so many controversial opinions on Hunter x Hunter. Can anyone actually break it down?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some people like it.
Other people do not like it.
Is that clear?
>caring about some Sup Forumsutist's opinion on the most autistic chinese chartoon image board
Just read it and form your own opinion? If it's not your liking then drop it. Thats what i did.
Yorknew > Chimera > Heaven's arena > Election > Dark Continent > Exam > Greed Island
Everything in existence is controversial in Sup Forums. I liked HxH, its by far the best shounen, coupled with the best JoJo parts.
Kurapika is the best character.
/a is for moeshit
Why the fuck do you care about the opinions of others? Just watch it and form your own. If you have a good taste and liked it - means it's good. If you didn't like it and think it's bad - means you have a shit taste. Jeez, it's so simple.
It's better than most battle shounen.
The story is good most of the time but because Togashi didn't plan ahead, he keeps pulling some bullshit explaination.
It's your typical shounen but without the power of friendship bullshit and useless mascot characters.
The battle system is also really cool.
Watched the first episodes, the start felt slow and didn't have anything to keep me interested in it; earlier anime such as Naruto, Saint Seiya, Rayearth and Shurato actually felt like the story was going somewhere.
I agreed with that, but Hunter X Hunter really shine after a few arcs in.
Its a bunch of interesting story ideas stuffed together to make one big comic, thus varying in quality
this is Sup Forums your opinion is shit mine is good if you disagree with me its bait now go back to >>plebbit to falseflag you retarded samefag and here is your (you)
also you have shit taste
this is the only true answer. EVERY arc is a different manga.
First arc is pretty boring until the second half, next arc is decent, bit more fighting, arc after that is where the show gets fucking good.
1999 > 2011
if you disagree you like MEN
It’s an adventure that spends time going into great detail about situations and how they unravel. It tickles my autism like nothing else.
Sup Forums hates popular stuff
This is true also.
I like how Togahashi made a detailed explanation on everything then fuck it because shit happens.
>Can anyone actually break it down?
Killua is gay for Gon, new anime vs old anime, Pitou is a girl/boy, Alluka is a boy/girl, Chrolo cheated
Patrician arc ranking
Greed Island>Heaven's Arena>Yorknew>Hunter exam 2nd half> Election Arc>Hunter Exam 1st half> Dark Continent> Chimera Ant
Absolute dogshit taste
More like contrarian arc ranking.
>breaking down
you must be new here, right?
>literally the only good arc in the entire series on last
>fucking heaven's arena on second place
It's trash overhyped by crossboarders.
Don't let HxHfags pretend they are welcome or liked here, they're not.
Election arc is the worst because of Alluka, though.
Chimera Ant > Yorknew > Greed Island > Election > Exam > Heaven's Arena > Zoldyck
Dark Continent is not over yet so I won't rank it.
why do hxh threads still exist
HxH is a manga about a clown that says O MY RUBBER NEN
Because it's a 10/10 manga that's back off hiatus next week
It has the best girl Pitou
>Heaven's that high
Chimera > Yorknew > Heaven's Arena second half > Exam > Election (but only because of its length, otherwise ti would be higher) > Greed Island > Heaven's Arena first half
Dark Continent arc isn't over yet, but because of its scope, it seems to me like it's going to be between Chimera arc and Yorknew arc.
>How to spot animeonlys
>Ranking Dark Continent
It will be 1st without a doubt, right now you're ranking Black Whale Arc which isn't even halfway done
Can we all agree that Greed Island was the best arc and had the 2 most memorable moments in the whole manga?
>Dodgeball game
>Gon vs Genthru
That's gonna be fucking amazing 4 weeks, and then back to waiting
this is the most brainlet ranking I've seen yet
holy fuck
Those two segments were the only good things in Greed Island, everything else is terrible, mediocre, or not memorable at all (you can't name literally anything good and memorable other than those two segments). That's why it's the worst arc.
It also had this page.
Quality thread as usual
You added so much to the thread with this post
Yorknew is the unironic best arc, chimer ant would be better if it wasnt so long and filled with slow shit.
wtf are they drinking booze??
Man, I'd be scared of eating her out because then her thighs would crush my head..
It'd be like a game. If you can keep her pleasured enough, then she'll be too busy squealing in joy, moaning and squirming around to crush your head. But the moment you bore her before she climaxes, she'll chop you up for the king.
Pretty much this. I think it's best to look at it like a huge anthology series loosely connected by the main four and Hisoka.
>and Hisoka
This is what Hisokeks actually believe.
Nope. Yorknew is the best at every possible aspect.
Chrollo >>>>>>>>>>>>> hisocuck
Chrollo a cute. A cute.
>he should be cellebrating his victory with his friends
>oh wait...
Fuck you. I actually cared about him :(
can we all agree this is the best ED?
Go away faggot, but yes, we can.
that was deep
Chimera arc worst arc. Too many characters getting monologues we don't care about. Ends up wasting our time. Character development is all well and good but the way its accomplished is terrible.
Nen is interesting but it gets more and more ridiculous as the show goes on. No sense of its limits.
Soundtrack gets super repetitive.
It does some good things but the things I listed above killed my chances of liking and recommending it. Especially the chimera arc being so terribly paced and in a way that was incredibly sub par.
can i ask you an honest question here, did you finish the chimera arc??
Not that user but I did. Both the anime and manga have their own glaring issues with the chimera ant arc. The anime had the issues that the other based user mentioned. While the manga had better pacing, the sheer amount of poorly drawn panels was absolutely ridiculous. There was a fair shair amount of them in the other arcs, but it was here where the shit illustrations just became even more meme worthy than they've ever been.
Chimera ant arc is a grueling like climbing a mountain. The peak is the pay-off.
it depends on how much you value that peak.
frothy apple juice and cola
I still can't believe Togashit killed my favorite spider offscreen fuck you Togashi fuck you Togashi fuck you Togashiiiiiiii
You can point out the subtle symbolism that the arc had, all it does is add to the level of pretentiousness so that faggot YouTubers can analyze the arc in "video essays" to make it seem like they're woke. In reality, the chimera ant arc's ending where it summed up the theme of the whole arc in the last panel in a sort of "history repeats itself" manner, and the whole symbolism with childbirth and the mental state of togashi is something that has been done before, and will be done again. Nothing special. It's not the masterpiece "genre defying" deconstruction shounen that people claim it to be.
Feel the same way as user, and yes
CA arc was bloated. Didnt take away from the stronger moments, but it went on and on and on. Its painful to re-read
the chimera ant arc alone doesn't make it a masterpiece.
I think the greatness of HxH comes from the fact it's better than it's peers.
What I liked it is the story stayed unpredictable and tons of the characters they had felt flushed out.
I just think its good at doing things other shonen fail at.
In it's genre it's a masterpiece, outside of it's genre it's more debatable. The only really other good long running shonen series is JoJo or Yu Yu Hakusho, but JoJo has some dumbass arcs/parts
I'd be more scared of choking on her cock.
You wish Pitou had a cock. I wish Pitou had a cock
Chimera Ant arc went full power levels.
Killua's development was him pulling a needle out of his forehead.
Gon gets saved by a DEM, although this one is slightly forgiven by some because it loosely ties to the Dark Continent arc.
O MY RUBBER NEN, although it is leading to a rather interesting story angle between Hisoka and the Ryodan.
Kurapika being OP
all of this happens after the Greed Island arc.
The main villain is pretty much Kira in clown outfit with a fetish for little boys rather than hands.
Fuck forgot the pic.
Why didn't Netero take Chrollo with him to fight the ants instead of Zeno if Chrollo is stronger?
Zeno is a pro.