Best girl in their respective series

Best girl in their respective series

Best anus in their respective series.





Chihaya is better girl and Takane has better anus.


Jeez, what's up your butt today?


>not posting infinitely better girls


Fuck off, newfag.

True gentleman's opinion.

Here's 3 best girls.







>not a single best girl posted
Sup Forums confirmed shit taste

>new takemura
>iori literally starts with her ass stuffed


Diana is best little witch in academia.
Lotte has the best anus, though.

Are we just posting girls voiced by Kugimiya Rie?


Give me ONE GOOD REASON why she is best girl. And before you call me an Asuka-fag, you're wrong. I'm a Misato-fag.


I love Wiz!

Only damn contrarians disagree with this.

I support that request, though I'm an Asuka-fag. They're all great, but why Rei as best girl?


You first OP

Best idol, but this is best girl.


>tfw main girl is best girl

She's cute.
That's more than enough reason.

Not really.

A shit. Rose a shit too. Best girl is edna

Welp. That's a good enough reason for me.

But she doesn't have red hair and blue eyes.
She's at a major disadvantage here.

Pic unrelated



Chihaya is superior.
Yayoi and Takane are tied for second

Why does she have Late-2000's Teen White Girl Hair?

Harada , pls.

Oh look it's another ironic weeaboo thread where people roleplay as anime fans by engaging in pre-scripted arguments.






I don't see why not.



don't disagree with me, you WILL lose








Accurate on both counts.




Post happyrinos!


Nine is definitely best girl.
And she's not bad without her armor on either.

>Not being on Team EVA-01

But thats Miki



what the fuck


What about?

never male either. It leans on the female side so I guess it counts

Don't you mean the most anal girls in their respective series?







no contest

>literally Yamato Nadeshiko perfection

She's also not a worthless kraut


I'm sorry friend, but that's not correct.

Rei also isn't a whore either. Rei is naive when it comes to sex.

>Give me ONE GOOD REASON why she is best girl
She isn't Asuka, you falseflagging asukafag faggot

Every best girl thread I see.

>Rei is naive when it comes to sex.
Ah, perfect for having missionary sex for the purpose of procreation.



>Christina is best girl even with Suzuha and Maho in the same series as her
Truly a god-tier wife


I'm surprised nobody has gone through the effort of making another shitposting chart like this one despite the amount of (You)s they would be able to receive.

>best anything