What's the purpose of this pairing?

What's the purpose of this pairing?

To have some cute rivalry that perverted, sad otaku will turn into yuri faggotry

Yuri is divine.

Meme yuri

Really makes you think.

No, it doesn't.


Fill the Kyoani show yuribait quota.

The whole show is nothing but otaku bait anyways

/u/ being /u/
Pay it no mind.

subtext is fun, real yuri isnt

>/u/ being /u/
Is the anime staff /u/?

Did you actually think the pairing wasn't canon?
What a poor little faggot


Kyonai love shoving /u/ into their adaptations for some reason. In the LN I believe his bro was actually the hinted pairing for Shinka. In the anime they made up an entirely new girl for her to have yuri moments with and completely shat all over MC's bro and brushed him aside.


Good, Kyoani being based and saving subpar VNs.

You are retarded and so is your opinion



Is this a roundabout way to request more images of cute scenes of these two?

No because I already watched the show and know it's not a real or serious "relationship"

It's a fact that kyoani improves LNs, and NNB is not an exception

I don't think that was the question.

For delusional shipfags. it's the same reason pierrot keeps egging on matsu shipping fangirls in subtle ways. it rakes in the dough

>It's a fact that kyoani improves LNs, and NNB is not an exception

You said VN
By animating their own fanfics of whatever they get their hands into, sure

>t. Kyoanihater

Go back to watching DBS, or yelling at clouds, or whatever it is you do.

Kyoani is a money laundering scheme by a bunch of lesbian yakuza members to promote the LGBT movement and also fund their life as criminals.

Yeah I sure love how lesbian their latest and most expensive anime is

Sounds p legit to me.

That was made by their non lesbian members, that's why they tried to sabotage with the filters.

What they never told you is that their turned Kobayashi into a guy for this scene with dragon magic

>That was made by their non lesbian members
So everyone onboard.

uke and seme

I'm not even /u/, but it sounds like Kyoani made it a lot better.

Do they fuck on accident in the new movie?

>on accident

Give people a reason to watch second season, it's nice they referenced their kiss from the OVA.

The joke kiss?

A kiss is a kiss.

Yeah you just laugh at some of them and you take seriously others.

God...Shinka's Shinkas are huge

Deko and Shinka took seriously theirs.

That's why they did it again, sure
Just shippingbait

To be the fun otp while Rikka is pussing out.

Rikka and Yuuta are the most wholesome couple (to a fault) meanwhile Dekomori and Shinka are the most wild of people together. It'd make for an interesting series in and of it's self.

Still hoping for a spin-off with these two.


Just how long and strong is her hair?

Shinka Strong.



I want to literally be Deko

