Which franchise is better and which fandom has more autism Sup Forums?
Which franchise is better and which fandom has more autism Sup Forums?
No matter what franchise, its fandom will always be autistic.
>look at me mommy I can shitpost too!
those are both responsible for the dip in quality on Sup Forums
Naruto fans
type-moonfags have always been here, though.
unless you mean after Zero aired.
>unless you mean after Zero aired
Wasn't Zero the start of Fate?
Here, now fuck off.
TypeMoon is an integral part of Sup Forums, DB is crossboarder shonenshit. And not even approved shonenshit like HxH or Jojo.
>hxh Jojo
>approved shonenshit
In your dreams faggot.
most type-moon fans on this board are animeonly fags
Its not hard to recognize the difference between shonen that are disliked outside of their general circlejerks and ones that most of Sup Forums approves.
This. Using "fandom" to denominate a group of people who like the same show makes it cancerous by default.
Jojo is widely disliked thanks to the anime being a normalfag manlet., you're delusional if you think otherwise.
I have seen this thread many times, just stop.
DBZ Fandom
>oh look planets go boom
Fate Fandom
>This is the maxium velocity of Saber, Rider and every other Fate/SN Servant
>This is how fast Archers arrows travel off the distance of general land marks of IRL fubuki
>This is the energy which Excalibur can discharge under Shirou and Rin
>This is the power of magic based on the amount of disintegrated polywood and steel
etc etc
Fate has most autism but you wont find it here desu
fate fandom is easily more autistic
Well, the Fate fandom has managed to get cucked by the most jewish and exploitative gacha scam to date, without complaint.
So they are certainly more autistic. At least DBS fags don't bankrupt themselves (as far as I know).
You forgot the part where Nasu ignores all the rules and stats he set up at his convenience because of plot armor.
Confirmed brainlet.
I've ever seen any of the anime but I gave a good 100+ of my life to those fucking VN's.
Fate is autistic and has a shit community from what I've seen
>plot armor
>Shirou dies more often than not
Fucking secondaries I swear
>muh bad ends count because of zelretch i swer!!
Piss of niggerlover
Fuck off, fate is just /vg/ mobage self insert bullshit.
This. And now we have to deal with the fgo only fags.
>fate is self insert
>bad endings dont count
Read the fucking VN
Anything is better than DBZtards, even Narutards.
>narutards better than dbztards
This is true but we are talking about fate fags here, they make most of the threads and shitpost on Sup Forums
Fate definitely has more autism.
90% of the discussion is about waifus
most fate fans are crossboarders from Sup Forums
most super fans are crossboarders from fucking everywhere
But David isn't a waifu!
>what is dokkan battle
*Makes Gilgamesh his bitch*
Typemoonfags always ends up dragging shitpost/bait threads back into genuine, and a lot of the time kinda autistic discussion. Seeing the same "Fate/Zero is the only worthy entry in this shitty fandom" thread starter 3-4 times a week is pretty standard for Sup Forums.
if nothing else at least dbs keeps their shit in their own threads, unlike fatefags who go shitpost in every thread imaginable
Most boards are better than Sup Forums though
I will never understand how people think any franchise doesn't have retarded people in it.
I can say the same about db threads
This one nupal
All fanbases make whatever they're a fan of look bad, this is a fact.
I don't think anyone should want to be Shirou. Dude is so mentally fucked he'd torture himself if he thought it would help someone.
Depends on how you mean Autism. I think Fate fandom is worse with the constant number calculations and over thinking things.
DBZ though has worse Meme spouting retards who will scream out random Vegeta lines in the middle of a park or argue that Goku is the strongest anime protag ever.