Can anyone explain why this happened?

Can anyone explain why this happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

>We hate money. Therefore we let our VA's inject their politics into the script without a care in the world.
>Not like the fans would complain.

Amerimutts are stupid.

Was there any significant backlash?

>in the year of our lord, two-thousand and eighteen
They get what they're asking for

Sometimes translations are localised.
Some writers think this means they should write a scene however they would like to write it as long as it sort of vaguely fits whats happening.
These writers are probably shit.

Just listen to this instead. Really shows you how much better anime was without CR

The Jews.

I see nothing wrong with this.

right is funi dub, left is cr translation

>blaming CR for dub quality
They do plenty of things wrong, but that's not one of them.

crazy coloured hair fatties thinking they know better than the original author

this. It's not wrong, it's just hilarious. Who even watches dubbed anime? It's not like Sup Forumsnons are affected by this.

Well you’re probably a faggot so it’s not like anyone asked you

Ironic weebs anime for SJWs tumblr landwhale.

How fitting.

Feminism was a mistake. We let it go unchecked, as a joke.

That’s the wrong attitude to have. I personally like dubs and watch them if they’re decent enough, and I think more people would watch dubs if they were better, but ignoring something like this is only going to make it worse


Why are you making the same thread over and over?

Happens when there's too much localization.

Too much localization destroys the original context.

>it doesn't affect me personally so we should let it go unchecked because that always works and never ends up creating a bigger problem

If you care about anime dubs you should kill yourself.

If I wanna read I'll go to the library

>Big-breasted / small-breasted woman don't exist!!!
Fourth-wave surfers, am I rite.
