Killing Bites translations

Got translations I can translate back to english.
Will start with ch 30, spoilers ahead. (probably ending of anime)

Fun fact:
the german manga is less censored than the japanese one.
Cant scan though, probably not worth it either.

Other urls found in this thread:

(i numbered stuff with paint, was probably overkill and wont need it for other chaps, already did it for 30 and 10 though so whatever)
1 F...
2 Fuck...
a Chapter 30
3 I lost a game that I actually...
4 couldnt lose.
5 And then I even wasted Pangolin.
6 I soiled
7 grandfathers legacy.
8 How can I ever
9 correct this mistake?


a Chapter 30 „Thanks for everything“

this will take like 45min to upload.... woah (:

1 G...
2 Grandfather!?
3 What happened?
4 Grandfather!?
5 You cannot die!
6 Grandfather...

a That...
b That cant be true!
c My grandfather...
d died...
e No,

thank you user.

a All that blood and this wound...
b that goes through his whole body.
c These definately werent normal circumstances.
d He didnt die of natural causes.
e But what does this mean?
f Theres another dead person lying in a pool of blood.
g Is that Sumitomo?
h What...
i … the fuck...
j happened here?
1 Miss Yoko.
2 Boss Mitsukado just...

1 died off an accute...
2 ...heart attack.
3 We already informed a doctor and the police...
4 … so please dont touch the corpse.
5 My sincere condolences.
6 D...
7 Dont play dumb.
8 You...

1 … can clearly see that he...
2 … did not die of a natural cause!
3 I dont know what happened here...
4 … but the supervisory authority can not escape its responsibility.
5 Which means...
6 .. You´re finished...
7 … Shido!
8 Excuse me, but...

lower left was a "grip" sfx

1 … not me …
2 … but you are finished, young lady.
3 W..
4 What does this mean?
5 Oi, oi, Shido!
6 You are too hard.
7 Miss Yoko...
8 … please calm down.
9 The supervisory authority is not to blame.
10 It´s...

1 basically a Coup d´État...
2 ...with the least amount of casualties.
3 The supervisory authority, Zaibatsu Yatsubishi, Zaibatsu Ishida and...
4 … the „anti boss fraction“ within Zaibatsu Mitsukado discussed it in detail...
5 … and came to this conclusion.
6 We decided that its best...
7 … if boss Mitsukado dies.
8 I hope...
9 … you can understand that.
10 H...
11 How dare you...
12 … say that shamelessly right into my face?
a twitch
13 Leo!

1 Kill …
2 … them all!
3 Whats up?
4 Leo!
5 Immediately go hybrid …
6 … and kill those fucking...
7 Shut up.

1 I dont serve...
2 … anyone anymore.
3 Y...
4 You too …
5 are in aswell...
6 Well well.
a clap

1 There´s a lot to do.
2 Take care of the cleanup.
3 We need to go to the award ceremony.
4 By the way, Boss Son...
5 … what will you say in your speech?
6 Uh, well...
7 Dont tell me you didnt prepare a speech?
8 First I urgently need to call my wife.
9 How about...
10 … she holds the speech for you?
a hahaha
b stagger
c bump
d I...
e I cannot believe this.
f That Zaibatsu Mitsukado and me...
g … his grandchild...
h … befall such an injustice!

a Just why...
b … is no one helping us...?!
1 How do you like it?
2 To be pushed around like a piece on a board...
3 … and then thrown away...
4 like you used to do...
5 … with us the hybrid.
6 Y...
7 You...
8 … rotten traitor...
c bam

prepare for epic leo

a crack
1 What out...
2 … what you are saying.
3 You have nothing to say anymore.
4 But out of courtesy...

1 Watch out...

1 I will let you live...
2 … as my slave!
a It lies...

a .. in lion males nature to kill the leader of the pack...
b … to annex his pack.
c When that happens...
d … females offer no resistance at all...
e … when the new leader kills their partner and their offspring.
f In order to receive...
g … stronger genes.

a They silently …
b … accept the new male.


1 Brute Rabbit is the champion...
2 … and thus Zaibatsu Ishida is the victor.
3 With this result..


accept without protest would work, too.
if you find better expressions, feel free to correct me. im not a native speaker, so my translations will sound a bit too german from time to time...

1 the Destroyale of Killing Bites...
2 … is over.

not sure if the others used that "destroyale", too, but sounds good and fits quite well

>Brute Rabbit
How the fuck did a rabbit win?

unless Brute Rabbit is some really badass species of omnivorous bunny. Then again IIIRC they refer to all mutants as brutes.

>skip 20 chapters
Forget it. Just give me a summary of what happened from 10 to 30.

no no, it's alright, I meant that look on her face

whoops forgot sth:
a noises
3 ...right?
4 … Nomoto?

1 Uh?
2 Sorry...
3 .. what was this about, again?
4 You didnt listen to me !?
a noises
5 Everbody is utterly crazy about the...
6 … anime elections tomorrow.
7 Whats wrong with you. Why are your thoughts elsewhere?
8 You need to be imprisoned for that!
9 Woah.
10 C...Calm down...
a To be...
b ...freed from this crazy event...
c noises

21, didnt have time to read it all yet.. only have like 4 hours per day, and used like 3 of that to translate beginning of ch10 and whole 30, so yeah 21 chap skip... be patient...

a ...has...
b .. been two weeks ago.
c One day after I left that ship...
d … I finally got back into my former everyday life.
e I visit university again...
f … and participate at normal classes.
g Once...
h … Hitomi and Okajima left...
i peace returned to my appartment again.
j My days are so uneventful that everything …
k … felt like a dream.
l But it wasnt.
m These...

a … are still around here.
b Incredible heavy cases with 300 million yen …
c … that I dont want to touch.
d They are proof, that Killing Bites...
e ...really existed.
f But a way bigger proof...
g … is how drastically I changed...
h … since my participation at the destroyale.
i Or rather.
j Actually since...

a … that night...
b … I met Hitomi for the first time.
c bwww bwww
1 Oh!
2 Right, Moriyama...
3 … wanted to send me an overview of his favorite anime.

a received
Sender: Hitomi
Receiver: Yuya Nomoto
Subject: Come to our place, you know, there
b An sms from Hitomi!
c Our place?
d She says I must hurry...
e … but where...
f … must I go!?

a hff!
1 Hmmm.
2 She must have...
3 … meant this junkyard.
4 I wouldnt know anything else, but...
5 … this was wrong?
6 Hey!

1 Here you are at last...
2 … Nomoto!

prepare for cringe...

1 H...
2 Hitomi...
3 S..
4 So you´re fine?
5 I was worried.
6 Are you fit again?
7 I mean...
8 … because of your arm and such...
9 Yes.
10 I cant...
11 … quite move it like I want to, but...

1 … whatever.
2 It will certainly get well soon!
(Interestingly the german translation turned this question into a normal sentence (even with !). I guess they didnt want to put some kind of sarcasm in there, like „...right?“ or something...)
3 Wow...
4 You are still as tough as ever.
5 But this eases me.
6 Yup.
7 I...
8 called you here because...
9 … well … uhm .. how should I put it.
10 Its nothing important...
11 … I just wanted...
12 … to talk to you from face-to-face.
13 Hitomi!

1 Many...
2 ...thanks!
3 Huh?
4 What?
5 There nothing, you need to thank me for...
6 Our strategy at the destroyale was...
7 ...just me shutting my brain off...
8 … and only do …
9 … what you were telling me, Hitomi.
10 But...

correction: 5 There´s nothing...

1 … there were indeed situations where I had...
2 … to decide whether I should move you as a board piece or not.
3 Ultimately, all I did was...
4 … putting you in danger...
5 … because Yoko saw through all of my moves.
6 However, this was...
7 … probably the moment...
8 … where I decided to fight …
9 .. for the first time in my life.
10 And I realized what...
11 „The one whose fangs are sharpest will win.“
12 … truly means.
13 It means to use ones mental strenght to not flee before decisions...
14 … when it comes to victory or defeat.
15 In other words...

1 The „fangs“...
2 … symbolize the will to fight.
3 Hitomi, thanks to you,
4 I finally understand it.
5 Hm?
6 Wah.
a stomp
7 What kinda confusing stuff are you talking about?
b tip
8 That´s quite...

1 a …
2 … declaration of love!?
3 Ah!
4 Uh?
5 N...
6 No, no, no!
7 Nonsense!
8 I mean, of course... I like you...
9 … but only because I respect you as a human....
10 Its not always about love...
11 Uh, I mean...
12 Ts...

I'll get on typesetting that then.

1 Oh boy...
2 What a crazy situation.
3 Well anyways,
4 … you didnt run off and stayed with me to the very end.
5 For this...
6 … I am grateful...
7 to you.
8 Thanks for everything,
9 Nomoto.
10 Gl...
11 Gladly.
12 Well I...
13 … only have...
a slash

woah that capture is getting slower...


Nothing has happened. It was 20 chapters of animal people fighting each other. No plot, just fighting, fighting, fighting. Only highlights were some fanservice scenes. Read raws, you won't miss anything.


next 2 pages were the spoiler slash, nothing to translate there...
important stuff incoming:

1 Ah.
a splat
2 Sorry Nomoto.
3 I dont know exactly why...

the explanation for this comes in the afterword of vol 6
translated that already, will post it here soon again

1 … but Shido ordered me …
2 … to kill you.
3 He said you are...
4 … in the way...
5 ...of both his future plans...
6 … and me.
7 But I too,
8 found the time with you...
9 Oh.

You beat me to it. I've been looking for a TL for this for awhile.

Speaking of OP, if you have an email or something so I can get a hold of you, that'd be swell.

1 You cant...
2 … hear me anylonger, can you?

The volumes are at least cheaper than the American ones.

Seems like a plot

anyone knows the text limit for messages?
those chapters are rather long, so uploading them is a bigger pain than thought...

1 Finished everything...
2 Hitomi?
3 Yeah.
4 Good.
5 His fate was already sealed the moment...
6 he accidentally crossed paths with you.
7 Therefore,
8 dont be too sad.
9 Ha.

So where is it less censored than the Japanese Volumes?
(Are those digital Tankobon raws?)

can make one later...


1 I am not...
2 … sad.
a vrooom

porcupine chapter.
she has real tits in the german manga there, not those heart shape things... there were several shots of here that were altered...

a 2 years later.
b fwah
c noises
1 Welcome!
2 This is the „legally designated special zone for the emancipation of the hybrids“...
3 … aka …

I wonder when she fell for him?
I guess his spiel about the sharpest fangs did her in and sealed the deal?

those names...

1 „special zone for hybrids“
2 After the numerous relaxation regulations of hybrids adopted in the hybridization law came into force,
3 this artificial island was established as an autonomous special zone in the bay of Tokyo.
4 It also...

Which one is that? Do you have the raw for that?
I already own the German volumes.

where's the raw with rapist frog?

frogs raping women is my ultimate fetish

1 … acts as the main venue for...
2 … the „killing bites“...
3 … the international tournament for hybrids.
4 A huge sports stadium was built in the center of this special area,
5 namely the KB Stadium.
6 This facility was exclusively built for the Killing Bites...
a beep
7 Finally I am...
8 in the holy land of the hybrids.
b grip
9 And here I will...

Also: Does anyone know about the political leanings of the Author?

>Brute Rabbit is the champion...

1 … become the champion...
2 ...of the Killing Bites!
a Killing Bites 6/ End
Continuation in Vol 7!

Thanks, OP!

H-hitomi ;_;

and now for the the most important page of vol 6
the word of the author:

At this point, our story "killing bites" will receive a break for now because we just wanted to ask the following questions:

What are the "killing bites"?
What are "hybrids"?
What are "zaibatsu"?

With the interactions between Hitomi and Nomoto we wanted to give you -the reader- a first impression of this world and believe, it worked quite well.

But the real story starts now. Since there are uncountable horrendous "brutes" in the realms of nature with incredible skills that defy any imagination.
In other words, the "specialzone for hybrids" is nothing else than a fighting ring of hell, where the toughest and most brutal hybridwarriors from all over the world come and devour each other.

Anyway, we would like you to free yourself from the perceptions of the uninformed average person Nomoto and enjoy the fights while you let your fantasy go wild; whats happening to the spectators at killing bites, are there news investors or whos the strongest brute.

Many thanks for reading "killing bites"!
We´d be happy about you staying with us!

Hitomi fell after loosing too much blood.
Pangolin stood up again after getting his brain blown out. Gepard killed of Pangolin.
Gepard tried to kill of Rabbit.
But Rabbit stumbeld and kicked Gepard accidentally in the head with her hind-legs.

any chance does that guy come back like a mindless resurrected hybrid to face Hitomi in later chapters?

I wish he had not included the snout.

>So many possible Scenarios.
>Better do a tournament arc AGAIN.

Hobo Batman?

Motherfucka this page

Why does she take it as a declaration of love anyway?

end of ch2, start ch3.

as of imho its quite strange start to a manga.
6 vols of basically exposition.
but that was his aim,
have humans fight other humans that posess some (real) animal skills.

before we had like secret fightings with 4 different parties against each other.
now, with the coup detat and hybrids exposed to the world, we get dozens of "trainers" (investors) and even more fighting between hyrids.

as of relations, so far only hitomi, cheatah, leo and nomoto seem to be more important.

but then again, badgers relationships in real life are kinda meh... it shouldnt form long lasting relationships, making fmc basically a villain now... not sure how this will work out all

>not sure how this will work out all
Dicks will be giver and dicks will be received.

well, fighting means everything for her, so someone praising it probably triggers her... ;)

as for my wild guess/wish:
imho itd be best, if nomoto actually somehow transformed into a .... COYOTE! why? well they can work with DOGS (new fmc atm) and they are actually a fighting partner for teh ratel! coyotes would make a better partner than a male honey badger, since real ratel relationships are short, they dont form families afaik.

although this is also some kind of odd flaw currently. why does hitomi behave dere like in the earlier chapters or have a bound to her master?
we have a huge flashback chapter for her second form or whatever, but still, ratels are ratels..
unless ofc, her human side still wins for that.

so far, we dont have any real pairing seen though (like male cheatah+female cheatah) so maybe since they are human, they could mate anyways...

so, does Hitomi appear again later chapters?

user here who worked on the Galactica Scans for a few chapters. We used "Destroyers' Royale."

>well, fighting means everything for her, so someone praising it probably triggers her... ;)
Reading the first chapter: Had he decided then and there to fight her rapists without giving up or standing down, she would have probably fallen for him then and there.

I probably won't post these as I go, but I did want to show that someone was indeed typesetting this and not letting the TL go to waste.

yep, she was absent almost the whole vol 7 though...

makes sense, other one is shorter though

I'm already did ~7 pages, you don't have to bother.
I really appreciate the translation, but it feels like it needs some proofreading.

you think you could post a page or 2 to show her new time skip look and hybrid form?

>but then again, badgers relationships in real life are kinda meh... it shouldnt form long lasting relationships, making fmc basically a villain now... not sure how this will work out all
The point is that Badger need to decide, at some point, that she has to make her own decisions. That is her weakness, following orders without question.

That's funny because I have a mostly proofed script and am 6 pages in. Guess we'll just have to see whose people prefer

you could work together, and be twice as fast (:

need to go off now though, will post other chaps soon, probably with more translations per post, so i dont have to wait like 2 hours due to post timer...

before i get an email, you can find me via tripcode, im usually on like 8-12 pm (german time)

she hasnt shown her timeskip hybrid form yet,
other one see OP image, different color scheme, more hair

the german translations felt short as well, not sure if its common to have bubbles only with 2-3 words and lotsa .... dots to connect other bubbles.

what about her human form then any changes?

official german trans also went with Destroyale

All the strong people took each other out. She got lucky.

What is with this author's obsession of making out Honey Badgers as Gods of combat rather than being anything more but violent retarded rats?

>now that we have introduced you to the concept and have established it
>we decided it was best to kill the average male MC you were supposed to project onto
>And shift focus from the girl MC you likely started reading the series for
>in order so we could take a break and work on making more tournament and battle arcs
This is like hearing about a serf that has no dreams and only wants to stay a serf. They basically hit the rest button and everything up to this point was the flashback/silhouette establishment shit. This was their version of the Star Wars title crawl. What the fuck.

>Make a female MC people where supposed to hate.
>People love her.
>People fetishize her.
>Mangaka: MY spiritual daughter is not for lewding.
>Better include a dog snout in the next Animal Girl.

>>Better include a dog snout in the next Animal Girl.
I mean it could just be the author likes/doesn't mind kemono.

>Skipping 21 chapters.

It's not like we're missing much.

Ah yes. I forgot. Please don't release this chapter before the others are translated and typeset. Because these gaps are very annoying in mangaupdates. As you won't get easily notified about new chapters in-between.

Just leave it at the TL.

Just be happy that we're getting chapters.

that slash is probably the only thing you need context to understand in the whole series, and people knew what was going on anyway.
everything else is just standard writing as you'd expect with a furry fighter.

I'm so conflicted over her. On one hand she's dumb as bricks and too doglike to not be easily taken advantage of, but on the other she's also unbelievably cute.

God bless.

Ok, I'm done.
Shame about omake not being translated, it looks fun, like always.

Quick fix.