
best girl from Violet Evergarden

She was so weird. I thought she'd be really annoying from her design but then I couldn't properly read her throughout the episode and by the end I still have no idea what to think.

she should have stopped violet from taking that job, it's all her fault

Boring ugly bitch who is completely vapid in the plot and only served to eat up screen time with a poorly written and forced conflict with myriad of plot holes.

Why make anime original content if it’s going to be bad and adds nothing to what we’re actually supposed to care about.

Automatically low tier.

Couldn't see her behind all that fog.


she looks like this girl from scooby doo lol

Lots of backgroundfus yet?

hello, Miyazaki-san
I watched your movies and they were not boring and full of plot holes

>acts awkward throughout the entire episode
>suddenly a 2 minute scene about her dreams and motivations
Why? I still don't give a flying fuck about her.

I do.
She has feelings and tries to live her dream.
She wants to be super female writer in very chauvinist times. Just like Emili Bronte or something.
I like her.

>that mugi x chitanda backgroundfu
things I would do

Shit characterisation.


I actually thought the episode was great, but she was awful and dragged it down.

Violet is boring af
She is kinda cool


I still dont get it

His name is Claudia Hodgins.


But did they fug?

I like the tan short haired one better am I gay?

No, you just have better tastes like me

Why does everything look like the inside of Snoop Dogg's tour bus?

He has a girl name.

This is a good one.

Sometimes the the fog is okay, some other times like in the night scenes or when there's a pitch black background it's seriously distracting.

>t. I pirate every single anime and I am not sure about rip quality

> implying there is any other way to watch anime outside of Japan without waiting for the distributor to complete a shitty dubbed version nobody fucking needs.

Nettufurixu des

How fast is it?
HorribleSubs upload a few hours after broadcast.

If were going on just looks alone?

>short haired
>am I gay?