Reigen was the best character in the whole series, prove me wrong

Reigen was the best character in the whole series, prove me wrong.

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I can't. He's amazing.


Can't refute this

I'm glad we're in agreement

I'm not glad that a mob pyscho 100 thread seemed to just immediately die though.

Isn't there word of a recap ova that people are speculating is prep for season 2?

Kirb did good.

I don't know, I just finished the last chapter and I am so fucking excited. Made this thread like an hour ago, hopefully it doesn't die, id like some good discussion.

Do you think they'll cover the kuchisake onna arc, considering it wasn't all that impactful, in the OVA?

>con-man- a phony psychic, no less, meaning he's not even a good con-man
>exploits a gullible minor's gift in order to line his own pockets
>grooms said minor to be exploited by other assholes

Wow- that was easy.

he didn't use mob inherently for bad things, he was afraid of losing him. mob was reigens only friend.

I mean, the problems people come to him with are usually naturally caused, and he actually helps people out with them.
And if its actually supernatural mob helps him out in return for actually good life advice.
He lies about being a psychic but everything else he does is actually beneficial to others.

>actually actual actually actually
i should have let that one sit in the editing field a second longer

Yet you still didn't provide a better alternative

It was always between him and Dimple.

Dimple was great too, he had a really good redemption moment as well.

You are 100% correct

fuck, forgot the image

>prove me wrong.

I refuse to get into unwinnable fights.

How about Mob is the best character, but Reigen is my favorite?

you know which one is better, but you like another one.

it may have been good but I loved how the whole arc was like a mutual redemption between them.

yeah that was great. I really think everything post chapter 70 is fucking amazing as far as character development goes. The whole series has it, to be fair, but it really kicks into high gear at that point.

Dimple had a much better character arc

>No Reigen vs ????% fight.


He's a Gary Stu.

I liked the ending, it was fitting for a series like Mob Psycho

dunno why people made such a fuss about it

They were the same shounenfags who wanted Mob to do nothing but kick everyone's ass with his powers.

If MP100's ending is any indication of the quality of OPM's ending, might as well stop reading OPM right now.

This, Mob was literally never about shonen power level fights but because normies who expected OPM but with psychics hopped in they were upset when the ending was something different.

Seems like BnHA is more your speed.

>shonenfags this buttmad


It's more of a sign of your shit taste