Asuka Langley

why do they call her "tsundere"? she never "dere", she always "tsun"

Because people are retarded faggots with shit taste, that's why.

i kind of agree, she was pretty open with attention seeking and she got pissed when shinji didnt give her any.

because Shinji was homosexually attracted to boys

Yeah that's wrong, they should call her worst girl or piece of shit.

That's reserved for Rei

which one? there are many Reis

That's why most tsundere characters suck. They completely forget the dere part.

Nope. Sorry to break it to you, but even ReiQ is better than any incarnation of Asuka.

Most tsunderes are just tsuntsuns that turn dere for 5 minutes somewhere in the last 5 episodes.
Tsunderes have been shit since 2007

but NGE is 1995

A sizable amount of people have only seen the rebuilds but act like they've seen the original show, which causes confusion like that.

Kurisu is a real tsundere, the perfect combination of tsun and dere.

Part of why Steins;Gate is a classic. It actually executes what it claims.

Faggot OP anno betrayed you.

This. The term tsundere used to mean exactly that, they were never half tsun and half dere. It was mostly tsun with dere sprinkles. Characters like Asuka and Sailor Mars were the og tsundere characters.

The definition has seemed to changed to half and half nowadays though. Which is just bi-polar really.

>doesn't get it
anta baka

>Tsunderes have been shit since forever
Fixed. They're all shit. The ones that are mostly tsun are shit, the ones that are mostly dere are shit, the ones that are equally tsun and dere are shit etc. etc.

All Rei's are trash

>she never "dere"
dumb speedwatcher

i miss the rei trip

No, actually is reserved for your taste.

All (you) is a trash.

Except he's not wrong, Asuka has no dere.

You contradicted yourself with this image by posting a tsundere opposite of Asuka, Shikinami.

asuka has dere, it's just too subtle for modern harem anime peabrains

This, and she's not a dick craving psychopath that treats all of her "friends" like garbage, like Asuka does.

There's is a difference between being somewhat friendly and dropping her spaghetti when the protagonist teases her. Erina Nakiri is tsundere, Asuka Langley isn't.


>implying Kirino isn't shit considering she abuses Kyousuke and sports a meme fang

>abuses kiusuke
part of tsuntsun
>and sports a meme fang
dunno what the fuck you meant lol hehe

ah, it was a matter of time before THK showed up.

well considering you were suppose to find her creepy and not cute.

I really don't understand why Kurisu is labeled as a Tsundere.

She's off-kuudere if anything.

I have trouble imagining a better example of Tsundere than Tohsaka.

she is both actually also the fact the characters keep calling her that means she is at least suppose to be one at the very least.

>delt with a real life himedere
>bullied alot and being said "I love you" at the same time
>mfw I love tsundere now
fuck my life

>homosexually attracted to boys
what? as opposed to heterosexually attracted to boys? how the hell would that even work? don't say redundant things.

Maybe if you were unfeeling subhuman trash.

b...but I love tautology and pleonasms

So you are saying Anno himself is unfeeling subhuman trash?

>she is both actually
I disagree. She's never particularly callous, she's just blunt and straightforward. If it were a gradient, she fits far closer to Kuu than Tsun.

>she is at least suppose to be one at the very least.
But that doesn't she actually fits the definition very well. Plus, I always take that as being more of a joke about how she is a buzzkill.

What the fuck is a speedwatcher? There's only one speed you can watch things on.

You(rs) is shit

>Forgetting the convenience store scene
>Forgetting the ramen stand scene
>Forgetting the cello scene
I'm not even an Asukafag and I came up with these.

Just because the TV is on, that doesn't mean you're watching it.

That was just teasing. Calling Kurisu a tsundere is just a way of quickly conveying a basic part of her personality to others. You can't just say she's a tsundere and leave it at that.

though i think i remember reading somewhere that kuudere was once just a sub-dere of tsundere befoe becomeing it own thing.
I still think she is a tsundere with a little bit of kuudere. though i have seen people here just hate on her for just being labeled a tsundere which is very retarded.
also i notice that tsunderes that Sup Forums actually likes always loses when the ones Sup Forums hates always wins.

Asuka is a prime example of overdoing tsundere until it loses the appeal, she has some dere scenes but she is about 90% tsun and just comes out as an annoying bitch.

But then you aren't a speedwatcher, you aren't even a watcher. What's the point of doing that?

If the tsuns that Sup Forums likes are always losers, then how do you explain Kurisu snatching Okabe from Mayuri?

it means you are skipping certain scenes, i do that sometimes when i am getting bored.

and yet she's more popular

one of the very few rare exceptions.

He forgot the punctuation
Shinji was homo, sexually attracted to boys
The explanation was for people who don’t know what a homo is

Kurisu is great. Mayuri is the best girl imho.
Thats the great thing about steins gate, every girl is top tier

mostly because she is mostly the first tsundere that people seen. though i can't find a site to watch eva so my opinion is neutral on her.

Asuka's attachment to shinji is pretty obvious

user, homosexually is an adverb. He's not clarifying what homosexuality is, he's emphasizing how homosexually attracted to boys he is.

>heterosexually attracted to boys? how the hell would that even work
by being a girl

>What's the point of doing that?
You get the privilege of going into threads and claiming its overrated because it doesn't make sense.

She's only a little bit tsun, mostly when others are talking shit to her. Generally in the show its just used to tease the fuck out of her to great effect. Definitely top 5 grill.

Asuka is a tsundere, but within the show her dere past the tsun is never really exposed to other people and she implodes with self hatred and hatred of others by the end of it. She's definitely the most justified with her cold attitude that I can recall considering her childhood.

ero-e desune

>you were suppose
Neither Anno nor Asuka can tell me what to do

Anno has feelings, yes, but he is indeed subhuman trash.

Because Rebuild turned her into weeb waifubait, faggot.

Rei has been more popular than Asuka for a decade and a half before 3.33 came out.

Hey look, yet another image of Asuka behaving contrary to her character, further cementing the proof that asukafags have no claim to the character other than masturbation material.

Its desire to being seen as an adult, rather than some awkward affection. Asuka's personality is pretty much traumatized teen with hormonal lust issues making everything worse. That's not tsundere.

>Gratuitous whoring

That comically oversized zipper is distracting him from the tits.

No, Rei's popularity was waning well before the rebuilds. Rise of the internet and viewership outside Japan was the cause.

Rebuilds put it on steroids

I don't care if it's the first page, i will always buml Asuka threads

gratuitous whoring isn't dere, especially when she does it to others as well throughout the series.

>viewership outside Japan was the cause.
Rei was more popular in America as well. Asuka was only the leader in krautland.

It's not tsun either. It's just being a whore.

If asuka is a poorly done tsundere, what kind of kuudere is rei?

Perhaps, I don't know I watched it slip on Eva sites and mostly because english speakers were chatting.
Once the rebuilds came it became a zerg with my focus mostly on the new art. Just crazy.

She's not a kuudere. The only Rei that would blush and freak out over getting flowers is 2.22 waifu Rei. Rei from the series wouldn't care.

The most stoic and calm kuudere in existence. Yukinoshita has nothing on her.

Rei blushed when Shinji said she cleaned just like a mother would.

>Once the rebuilds came it became a zerg with my focus mostly on the new art

You fail to understand how much Asuka was pandered to in rebuild, friend.

EVERY ONE of Asuka's character flaws from the series were removed in rebuild, and replaced with the generic tsundere who's jealous of rei and therefore we get cooking contest.

Asuka in 3.33 then becomes a fucking pirate that wears a cat ear hat.

Is this where I can complain about 3.33?

I bitch about 3.33 in almost every eva thread.

Sure, just jack off the guy next to you and you can join the circle


>Asuka eternally btfo

Depends on the scene, and Asuka is bigger in more of them than Rei.

That's because Kurisu doesn't completely rely on being a tsundere.


>Direct side by side comparison under lab conditions
>but but but it depends on the scene


Asukafags are as fucking weak as asuka herself

whatever helps you sleep at night

That scene with Rei at the school was just Asuka trying to look "cool" and nothing more than her usual forced narcissism.

And Rei beats her immediately.


>who waits for Asuka in the hospital

Exhibitionist =/= whore

Not sure why anyone would want to force a relatively multifaceted character into a constrained archetype like 'tsundere' anyway. Asuka isn't a tsundere and that's not a bad thing, especially since it's Shinji we're talking about here in relation to her.

Which do you tend to think of as the authoritative ending to NGE? The original episodes 25 and 26, or EoE? EoE sits better with me and is more emotionally gratifying, but the original seems somewhat more believable to me.

Is this true? I don't want Asuka's flaws removed; I want her as she is.