Why is this terrible manga on the Sup Forums manga recommended section?

Why is this terrible manga on the Sup Forums manga recommended section?

Because I like it

It was good in the beginning, then there was a hiatus I think, and then the author realized he couldn’t really show sex in the manga so he ran out of idea

I fucking loved this manga while it was good

Because it explains autism. I realized this when I got older, but my gf when I was 13 used to carry scissors everywhere, I did not understood why. She also acted like an autism most of the time, with absolutely no communication whatsoever, expecting mind reading skills.

To be fair we were only 13, but I remember reading the first few chapters of this shit and having this epiphany.

Thanks for reading my blog.

The reason behind the change will always remain a mystery, but for some reason the author lost his/her balls midway and resorted to constantly resetting the status quo at the end of every chapter.

They were 17 and no kissing

Well, considering how middle school students live their life in Japan, this is not surprising.
>tfw you'll never gang rape your teacher and fight supernatural monster while being 15 years old

Bad taste

Because I'm pretty sure that chart you're talking about is over a decade old.

It was cute.

>not liking delicious tanlines

look at that faggot
although it's hard to not acknowledge how it went completely to shit because IDOL WAS A MISTAKE and ditched all the early defining weirdness--i believe due to editor's interference, fuck editors.

The beginning was amazing, and the later parts still had some moments. Anime was better though

Other than the overlong idol arc, it was quite good. Now someone get scanlating his mommy manga.

Why hasn't Urabe's VA done more roles?

another degenerate propaganda for same age relationships.

jap goverment cant fuck off already

All those charts are really vulnerable to FotM or ongoing works. Also, it started off pretty good.

>Sup Forums manga recommended section

I think it's on the wiki.

Honestly, I always thought that chart was just a thinly-veiled attempt to troll newfags.

The retro-like artstyle was really one of the best things about the manga and anime.

does this anime have titty

husky voice was too sexy, realized could make more talking to old men

The anime was great, however, the manga ending was incredibly frustrating. I remember the threads Sup Forums made on the day the final chapter was released. No one was left satisfied by the ending.

Would you date Urabe?


It's hard not to like Urabe. She's a very likable character that hardly exhibited any flaws.

The whole anime was devoted to their bond getting stronger, it was very heart warming to watch. I just found it very easy to fall for her.

Can we let the series fade off into obscurity already? It's bad enough we got a half-hearted ending because the author thought his own manga was stupid, we don't need newfags coming in to drag out the same discussions where the same things are said ad-nasuem.

I would m*rry her while she is flustered.

A great story with interesting characters until a certain point. That idol arc killed anything the story had.

the anime is good. it has a cool vibe to it

It does have excellent sweater puppies.

This is the only show I dropped after episode 1 because it was absolutely disgusting

It was absolutely erotic.

>Why hasn't Urabe's VA done more roles?

It honestly shocked me how amazing her voice was. Some of the best female acting I've heard in a show in years.


The first five volumes are great, everything after that's trash. In later volumes you even get characters reverting on development and growth just to have more weak fetish baiting.

Urabe is such a great girl, she deserved a much better series than the one we got.

replace it with Dream Users, the far superior manga by the same author.

It was cute at least
On the other hand, did his other work with the flashbacks get axed?

MC's sister was better

>tfw Urabe's VA never voiced anyone else

Shot in the dark are there any other mangas with a cute autist who wins in the end? I tired that one where the kids have what they called something like "twelve year old syndrome" or something but that was too cringe worthy even for me.