Tall anime girls

Why doesn't Sup Forums love them?

Shit taste.

Because woman don't like men shorter then them.

You're generalizing too much

because there cute

>tfw 188cm
>and having 191cm gf

I'm jealous

I do love them. I just hate their tastes in manlets. I'm 196 cm, I can't self insert as some betaboy who is only 150.

There scary

>tfw 167cm

>tfw 125cm

by nip manlet standards maybe


i have the opposite fetish


Reminder that Risa was one of the tallest people in LoveCom.

Yesterday's fad. Sup Forums is incredibly unaware of its addiction to fads.

Only if they have thick eyebrows.

She's 4cm taller than me. And I'm not a Japanese school girl.

>tfw 5'5"

She's so perfect

I fucking love Kitakawa Touta

I love gigantic women!

>tall girl thread
>normalfags blogpost about their height


Sup Forums is made up of manlets and hate the idea that these orc girls gets more love than their midget selves

Only if they come with hick accents.

po po po po po

user are you okay?

>tfw 5'10" manlet

Back to


>tfw 6' and giantess fetish

Why are tall heights fetishized when it's the shorties that are the master race?

Literally the most boring height. You're not short enough to be cute and not tall enough to be cool.

Meet your new mom

I love the hairy pussy of this tall girl!

>tfw 5'8"


sauce nigga


>5'7" is considered tall.
Japan is surely a nation of manlets.

I wish there were more tall foreigners in 2D porn.

i like them but sometimes it's hard to find tall girls, and i'm not even tall myself, im like 175 cm or 176 cm.

my good man wheres the source

Honey Complex

Fuck off retards

picked up


That is average at best. You are just a fucking midget.


>tfw 5'11"

Bow down.

When will they learn?

Fucking Americans man, violating little shotas everywhere they go

same, except years of bad posture makes me seem shorter

It's alright if you don't have the source, no need for name calling.

Don't get ahead of yourself. It's revenge for the treatment American loli's have had from the Japanese.


This one's pretty good. Male lead is a shota though which sucks but the girl is worth reading it for.

That's just average for you people.

How tall are you f/a/ggots? I wouldn't be surprised if most of you are actually from /fit/ , in fact that's probably the case.

>Not being or at least trying to be /fit/

6'4". It's utterly wasted on me though because I'm a lazy beta.

Are men actually this short in Japan? I'm American and 173cm

Are you dating a fucking joestar

I'll love any pretty girl that gives me attention desu

look for it yourself fag

women taller than me are not women

wish raita style was still like this

>176 cm
in japan, maybe

6'1 enough for people to not mess with me


Shit like this is what ruins tall girl stuff for me, they have to put the height in there and then I'm reminded that they're tall for nips but short for westerners

>mfw I thought I was 183 cm tall but I was actually a 180 cm manlet

just fucking kill me.

I love this and need more

193 cm
but also spondylosis D:

Being 170cm at 20 yrs old I was always the smallest of my class but still taller than most girls. Occasionally I'd get the tall girl from the class pinching my cheeks calling me cute and I used to hate it. Now I wish I had done something about it but I was a naive child that didn't learn about naughty stuff like hand holding until I was 14.

>tfw 5'4


>be 183cm, have long legs
>172cm girlfriend, has oddly long torso
>she's shorter than I am when we walk but taller when we sit down
>it's like dating an adjustable human

>tfw call myself 6 feet tall but I'm actually closer to 5'11''

>that look on her face, second to last panel on the right.

THAT is the look of a woman in love.

i know that feel all too well
i slightly cheat at the doctor's office to push myself from 182 to 183

She's a big girl, and she's buckled in to a wild ride.

Fucking kill me
