
Nobody could have predicted a Tezcatlipoca thread. Lets talk about the most underrated god.

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But no one is going to talk about him so won't this become a general again?

We’ve always been a general

When has the OP ever been the subject of the entire thread? That doesn't even happen during updates.

During updates, most of the time the OP is related to the update we're waiting on/last got, but shitposting and new updates can veer the thread away from OP. But it's still far more on topic during updates. Of course, we do have 1 or 2 anons who seem to live for shitting up these threads so there's that

Reminder that Purple Pope is the most patrician female in the series and will soon become one with washing machines.

He's not as cool as nuada

>4 raildex threads

I just wanna see acqua hitting the back.


A metal arm is pretty cool. Too bad it was stolen by a highschool delinquent.

MP creates duplicates for shitposting sometimes, don't bother.

No it was four people. Three of them were made simultaneously by chance, presumably because no one wanted to settle in that shitposting thread.

>made the fight the spanish
So why did he abandon his people?

Etzali and Frenda soon?

I do have some new stuff to show





Oh shit it's Kyousuke.

How come the bald skill out guy appears everywhere anyways?

Tez is the mexican Etzali wishes he could be

Why is the only interesting thing Etzali has done after all this time was use the grimoires? There's literally no point to him yet outside of his lust for Mikoto.

Even that is pointless because absolutely nothing has been done with it. Everything that mentioned his feelings for Mikoto (volume 5, GROUP) also had other factors in play.

this might have to do with dates

Someone mentioned this last thread, how the fuck did Estelle escape AC with the reanimated corpse of an esper without the authorities freaking out?
If she deactivated Huotou before leaving they should have added that as a scene, since it would have been an important part of her character.

Well, it depends I suppose

Its bern a theory for a while now that Aleister killed or imprisoned her

It can't be a theory if there's nothing to support it.

There is, though. Read the post I replied to. Aleister is not going to let an esper escape, plus Estelle had knowledge of how esper power works. Its not in your face WINK WONK NUDGE that Aleister had her killed or imprisioned but you've got no grounds to say there's no evidence. So yes, its a theory. Deal with it.

I don't think Huotou possessed body counts as a esper or even has the ability to use it

>He thinks Aleister gives a shit about a magician that isn't even hostile
At no point in the manga was there any hint that him or the AC leaders would take action against her. You're just pushing your headcanon.

AC has been shown willing to kill a mall full of innocent students on vacation just so other countries won't get thier hands on esper tech. And you think a magician, even one that's not hostile, can just waltz out of AC with an esper and knowledge of how their powers work? Its reasonable to put "killed/imprisoned by AC on the list of things that could have happened to her.

Hasami is dead user


And? No one is insisting that she DEFINITELY got killed or imprisoned. No one is "pushing headcanon". Its just a possibilty. I personally don't know what happened to her and am not particularly invested in any of them because with as vague as her exit was, any of the theories I have seen could be true

Because she's not walking out of AC with a esper, she's walking out of AC with a corpse that can't even use esper powers

Is there any proof that her body contains no traces of what AC did to her as far as making her an esper? An in tact esper corpse could still prove valuable to the right people. Again, Estelle's exit was vague. I don't even think she said where she intended to go or what she intended to do. Maybe she's been working behind the scenes this whole time. Maybe she did somehow make it out without anyone caring. And maybe she met a grinning Mugino 5 minutes after she left Accelerator because AC wanted her dead because shes trying to escape with esper tech. Maybe she's locked up. Who the fuck knows? We were not given enough info but all of the above has a chance of being what happened to her

Its even possible she never actually left AC and is living in one of those apartments Kamachi likes to mention exist in AC, especially when talking about its underbelly. Point is, her exit was super vague so any number of things could have happened to her.

Is Raildex taking over the english-speaking fandom?
>Bilibili supposedly named after Misaka
>Mangadex is determined to replace Batoto
>Anidex tracker
W-What's happening?

no one in the west besides us cares about raildex

Go away, Daiz.

Kyousuke did nothing wrong.

I wish they'd release supplementary material like a book or something where Kamachi lists every possible esper power that he came up with and how they work. It'd be fun.

Etzali, Frenda, Gekota Man, Yumi

What's Raildex target audience?
The LN has gone off the rails so many times I dont even know

Misaki a pile of shit

Anybody autistic enough to continue reading Kamachi's insanity.

People who think they're too cool for SAO/Fate/etc. but still want a popular urban fantasy ridden with cliches and memes.


How was NT19 so fucking good?

>has shit fashion taste, kind of like anb out-of-touch granny would dress like if she wanted to fit in with modern people
>looks like an old hag who's been used dozens of times
Is there any doubt that Mugino is the single worst Kamachi girl?

Shiage in a powered suit showing off some dad skills was neat.

not dicking the crazy out of supergod is probably on his primary list of offenses, seriously.

He's an abusive husband and a shit father. He really should have listened to Olivia and apologized.

>People who think they're too cool for Fate/ go to Raildex

Aleister saved it from Hamazura is how

There were several parts that didn't involve Hamazura

Well, Fate is more popular.

Aleister was only good at the very end when he neutralized AO Fran. All the scenes where he's acting like your typical horny harem slut were shit.

Sure thing user, sorry to hear you only got 80% of the book to look at your self insert and not 100%

And they turn to fucking Raildex? Is this some neo-Sup Forums meme I'm not getting? Raildex is still popular. Not the same as 10 years ago, but still pretty good

What the fuck are you even talking about?

If you're confused, try reading it slower

>Raildex is still popular
Compared to Fate it's underground.

I'm confused where the self-insert accusations are coming from when I'm talking about a completely different character.
Don't let your blind hate for a character cloud your judgement.

NT 19 was pretty much the weakest novel out of NT 15-19. Which was a shame, because the prologue was amazing and probably the best of all those novels, and the stuff with Aiwass and Coronzon was great.

From Hamazura? Really?

But not enough to feel "cool" or special about liking it. That kind of people read Oyasumi Pum Pum and shit

I'm talking about Aleister. I never mentioned Hamazura in my post, yet your sensitive ass assumes I'm defending him.
Lately you anti-Hamazura fags are getting really obnoxious.

The Coronzon vs Aiwass parts were the only ones that I really liked out of this novel. The rest were okay-ish. The part where Japan gets "nuked" was good too.

Because it's a huge stretch to assume the people who are tossing out buzzwords for Aleister are just upset Hamazurafags right? Sure user.

Why would a Hamazurafag be upset when he takes up most of the volume? I'm losing brain cells reading your posts now.
Whatever, you still haven't refuted my actual complaint about Aleister, if you think I'm a Hamazurafag boogeyman so be it.

> sorry to hear you only got 80% of the book to look at your self insert and not 100%
Gee, I wonder what user was talking about? This is a real advanced and hard to understand sentence isn't it?

Yeah, I'm going to refute that the biggest degenerate the world has ever known, that summoned a demon by fucking a guy in the ass while high off acid is acting like a slut, sure I am user.

I've entertained your utter paranoia long enough. At least you've finally managed to acknowledge the original point instead of flinging retarded accusations and pretending you're clever.
As for his behavior, it felt jarring to have him never (or if he did, barely) show off any hints of degeneracy while he was still stuck in his tube. It felt less like staying true to his real life counterpart and more like fulfilling the quota of harem antics for the volume.

The first time we see Aleister not busy trying to manipulate people and hide his identity he acts different? Shocker

Adding some dirty dialogue here and there wouldn't give them any concrete proof that he was the real deal so that sentiment falls flat.

Mikoto manipulating Earth's magnetic field and being able to fly when?

Yes user, giving quirks and mannerisms to magicians who are literally using magic to search for you totally wouldnt be risky for the man who's literally cursed to fail. Not at all.

What is this? I haven't followed Mitou Shoukan for years

A character can base their magic and aesthetics around something but not actually be them. Cendrillon is a good example. They're not going to assume someone who speaks like Aleister is actually the same dude who was supposed to be dead a century ago without actual proof.

He was also pretty dead inside. He didn't seem to be having any fun until he got to leave the pisstube forever.

You know what would really be nice? If she used her electricity control to propel herself across powerlines. Being able to fly would be nice though. It's kind of sad that she can do so much with her abilities but all we see are things like the typical railgun technique.

Yes they are? Aleister was using magic to hide the fact he still existed because people were literally still looking for him. Lola figured it out the moment he faxed himself to WW3. The fact the shadowy bad guy we knew nothing about, and got maybe 2 lines out of every couple volumes acts different when he gets his time to shine should really not be as shocking as you're pretending it is. Did you perhaps have a headcanon that was violated? That might explain why you're so mad

>Lola figured it out the moment he faxed himself to WW3.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. This is concrete proof she saw for herself. Him talking dirty is not proof. That's my entire point: there should have been more dialogue like that so that NT19's behavior wouldn't feel jarring.
>Did you perhaps have a headcanon that was violated? That might explain why you're so mad
I'm not mad at all, actually surprised someone like you can actually hold a conversation seeing as though every single post you make is riddled with passive aggressiveness and sarcasm. Next time don't direct vitrol at someone unless you know for sure they're your boogeyman.

None of the level 5s seem to be doing anything that special with their powers most of the time. Could be because they can't, or Kamachi just doesn't wanna do it for whatever reason. I don't remember Accel doing anything mindblowing in quite a while myself.

The father thing refers to him creating a new Material made solely to defeat the Queen. It's hyperbolic.

What do you mean that's what you're talking about? It literally goes counter to your claim. Aleister was staying as low profile as he could while still working AC, and the moment he wasn't using magic in AC to hide his identity he was found out. This in no way proves "Oh he totally could have acted like he always used to" it proves that he was only barely avoiding detection and anything might have given it away.

Maybe the exertion is enough that they really can't be fucked most of the time unless it's really required.

Does AC even have powerlines? I'm pretty sure it doesnt

I guess. I mean when she fought Robbut, she did say that her choice of fighting mass is with more mass, so I'm guessing it depends on the current situation at hand.

For being the most powerful espers, it's like they either haven't unlocked their full potential or they're just plain incompetent. In Accel's defense though, there's only so much application to vector control. You can do a fuck ton with it but, it's rather simplistic in nature. I'm pretty excited to see Gunha realize a deeper extent to his abilities since he might downright surpass Accel but we'll see. Then there's Kekine who honestly feels like he wasted Dark Matter, either that or Kamachi didn't want to make him too powerful.

Remember. You wouldn't be able to have hype moments when a level 5 pushes past their normal limits if they didn't have normal limits. Having them casually doing high tier level 5 shit would make it less special.

You're right. I remember her only using her spiderman swinging from the walls in District 13 when she was trying to stop the level 6 project in Railgun S and when she's jumping from building to building in NT15 and a few other novels.

I don't, it should though?

I'm not saying he could have behaved the same crazy way as he used to. Subtle dialogue isn't going to bypass his actual physical efforts to disguise himself.
If all the magicians were truly on such an edge that a man calling himself Aleister said a couple lewd words they would have bumrushed Academy City a long time ago.

Probably underground

I take it that it takes time for them to learn this stuff and probably need someone to help them do it. They're still just kids and some of them haven't been apart of the darkside, or received training and have just toyed around with their abilities on their own.

>there's only so much application to vector control
He can theoretically control the four fundamental forces of the universe with his ability. There's a reason he has that "He who wields the power of god" epithet. I don't know what his limits are as a cripple, but he can definitely pull off far crazier shit than any of the other level 5s barring possibly Kakine or Gunha if he needs to get creative.