Made in Abyss

Do you think she is going to try to kill Riko and take back Reg?



she will die next chapter
screencap this

>killing off best character design after only 5 chapters

She'll try, but Reg will BHTFO and she'll either run or join the Riko-San Squad aka Reg's Harem

maybe, but I definitely think Riko is going to run out of money after having eaten something she hasn't yet paid for.

she'll save Riko from the pit she crawled in because she's important to Reg.

She don't know who is his haku so she will save both riko and nanachi.

when the big robot says "I wouldn't have any information on an interferer of your low level" is he insulting Reggu or is he referencing Reggu coming from the bottom?

Why was the last thread nuked?

Somebody explain the beast ward to me?
I don't get it.
What is a beast of omen?

Sup Forums related

Too vidya-centric perhaps, for shame, I was loving it.

He was insulting/being rude.

those dead animals stuffed with everybody's hair, the animals were 'beasts of omen' and after having been stuffed with hair they became magical monster repellent.

yet they have a /tg/ thread up

I don't want Reg to be a shitbot!

I think it's the latter.
Why would he insult Reg out of nowhere?

Doesn't say anything about coming from the bottom.

The only thing that could kill her is Reg

Nah she went through the effort of protecting them. She will probably save Riko from the sludge woman.



It's okay, his house has a designed secret exit.

Thats a twelve year old wearing a meat suit.

Stop spreadjng lies. Our little boy wouldn't hurt a 3dpd fly.

can't read moon so i didn't know. why's the big dude being a dick?

it's obvious it was a compliment. being from a lower level means you are stronger when it comes to the abyss.

saying 'omae' is rude. (お前)
I don't know why he chose to translate it like that since it causes so much confusion.

>There is no information on interferors like you
So when will it be fixed?

Can't wait for her to meet Nanachi

I want to be cute like Reg.

Unless you're 2D you'll never be as cute as him.

Did the Blu-Ray fix up any mistakes?

Such a thing isn't possible

Yeah they took Nanachi out of the second half entirely. Replaced her a non furry girl.

I said fix

They completely removed that faggot maruruk from the anime. Thank god

Don't talk about my son like that

a friend told me to watch this the other day and linked me that one scene with the melting chick, so I'm on episodes 2 right now and this seems like some real pedo shit, does that ever stop?

Yes, but then it just starts over again

Why don't you watch it to find out yourself?

read the manga

I can't wait
I am

Should have used "someone like you" which is slightly rude but not and outright insult

fuck off normalfag this isn't for you

Sōdesu, watashi wa Fluffzen


Yea I agree.

I don't recommend it to you if you don't like the loli fanservice.

>ok with children melting
>not ok with nudity

Fuck off.

There's a difference

>no mr snibbedy snab
>no moth
>no white whistles
>almost no sages
I'm scared for our smol boy(s) and girl(s)

Next few chapters is when shit is hitting the fan

Do I have to turn to guro to get more MIA agony?

Yes. There is some good ones of prushka on pixiv.


How long is the wait between chapters usually? I just finished reading the manga

2 months

>How long is the wait between chapters usually

Schedule was once a month. Recent time has been 2+ months.

Multiple called out the translation in the TL thread, no response. Better learn moon runes if you want accurate TLs.

About 7 chapters a year pace right now

How is a gaijin like me supposed to learn Asian hieroglyphics

Oh wow, why even bother translating if you are just going to fuck it up and add something that is not there.

>Not jumping on the /djt/ train a long time ago.

>Not knowing kana and gana yet

Point and laugh.

How do I learn the ching chong bing bong speak, anons?


Low level=young
Big Daddy is just the adult form of Reg

Like any other skill
Practice and dedication

Fuck you bunny you piece of shit. Glad you died.

I can't wait 40 days for Tsukushi to stream again.

What should I do?

U mad bro?

It was never once a month. It's always been 1.5 months.

Previous chapter was 2.5 months. The one before was 4 months.

>Miura is back to monthly

Tsukushi could learn a thing or two. And Tsukushi can teach Miura a thing or two about drawing digital.

>Implying he will ever stream again
>Implying we will ever get a chapter again
So just live your life user.

Woops my bad. Hopefully that schedule comes back though once he's done fucking dying like somebunny

>you will never be hugged and navel docked by the moff

>Miura is back to monthly

Until he is done with elf arc and goes back to 4 year hiatus.

Stop making fun of me, you smug piece of shit! I don't have any friends!

Reg is a very lucky robot.

I want to bite it.

Is it even fun to watch this with all the spoilers?

>Giving a shit about spoilers
>In 2018

He doesn't really spoil that much. Last time he streamed we only saw Riko eating balls (didn't even know it was a testicle) and Riko climbing. Oh, and Squidtopus cooking.

Do not bite Faputa's little Reg

>Miura is back to monthly
We'll probably get 3 maybe 4 chapters i we're lucky this year then that lazy chink will be on hiatus again. DON'T FALL FOR HIS LIES

He'll be on hiatus for a few months and then come back with a Summer release.

He's pretty good with 8 chapters a year now. It's always 4 chapters then break.

What is going on in this picture

Goddamn new Guts looks like Joseph Joestar



>someone with an outie here would be able to rub it against Faputa's
That's even better than docking desu

I politely disagree, docking allows for a much higher degree of intimacy

Reg is gonna use up all his charges and die at one point yeah?

Stop speedreading faggot.

But what if one person's outie can become an innie? Then it's the best of both worlds.

What's funny is they posted a quote of my call out on accident so they typesetter 100% saw it at the very least. Still wasn't corrected after getting uploaded.

Could she even do that? Was it ever stated that she is as strong as a WW? Reg would probably kick her ass if she tried