Season 2 when?
i want more Galko
Season 2 when?
i want more Galko
Me too.
Not soon enough!
when super comes back
It won't be the same, unless everything stays the same, which it probably won't
some things are better left alone
If you want to see more sluts, then you could just go outside.
The sluts barely have screen time bro.
It should be full length episodes.
Galko sequel starring petanko sharkloli and her MEGA MILK gal friend?
>Galko will never be your friend
She doesn't need to be my gf, I'd love having someone like her as a friend.
black people
did the first season do well?
Pretty well for a short.
Hey, who /Metako/ here?
who /Okako/ here?
hey fuk u buddy
So why do people think the movie she was watching was Blade? Couldn't it have been any movie with a "badass" black character?
It was a movie about vampires.
Oh yeah well that shortens that list then.
I just love how Galko love western cinema, also, this is the funniest page of a series I have seen in a while.
Is this series still releasing new chapters? I feel like I haven't seen new translated chapters in quite awhile
Yes, but the author release a new chapter whenever he feels like it, he also have fun drawing different things too, dude's pretty cool, I just wished he start releasing more chapters already.
i remember the one where they're talking about snakes on a plane.
Where can I find a cute gyaru girlfriend like Galko. Watching/reading hurts me too much, I need to experience having a girl like that in my life.
Just check the author's twitter if you want to know what he is up too.
I wish his past works were translated though.
Galko's author published 2 manga before working on Galko.
Will they ever get translated?
>picture related
>not editing Galko in the noose
You had one job, user.
>you'll never start a circle pit and demolish scene kids with Metako
why live
I wish he made hentai again. I know he did illustrations for a hentai light novel featuring a harem of maids but he used to make hentai CG sets back in the year, 2014, under the name Cocotto (ココット).