Canon means they actually became a couple, not just hinted at or left to your imagination in a cliffhanger.
ITT: Perfect and CANON couples
I could swear I saw this same thread yesterday.
I agree
Shinichi and Ran are the best couple
Several years ago, I fucked up a storytime thread of OMK. Someone had dutifully been posting it for hours and was about to start Volume 4.
In the meantime, I had downloaded the whole thing and found the final chapter. Then, as OP ended one chapter, I began to post the last chapter, copying his posting style of linking back to the previous post.
The level of butthurt was incredible. But what made it even better was that OP decided to continue with the thread and kept posting the intervening chapters... and when he hit the last chapter, he got "Duplicate file found" errors.
best couple
2 canon couples in one pic
Fuck you
Dereban best girl
they became inseparable
Extraterrestrials are lewd...
I swear to god, if Yayoi fucks up this ending...
thanks, i've been meaning to poach that
Linda > Koko
Doesn't she end up with the blonde guy any way?
Pic unrelated
Linda is still, and always will be, a lying bitch who caused Banri to have his accident and lose his memories.
Koko > Oka >>>>>> actual shit > Linda
>double heart pupils
my heart
Fuck off
It will be fine user
What a trash fucking show. I still haven't finished it.
that's not canon
I refuse to believe even Okarin would wear that.
They literally have a chapter named "Best Couple"
What if Mayuri forced him too? Its also not like Okabe has some amazing shonen manga figure.
Absolutely perfect 10/10
yeah it is. play along autist
>Its not like Okabe has some amazing shonen manga figure.
You never know what could be hiding under that lab coat.
A man of taste
From the VN? I'm reading it right now. Looks like I've got something to look forward to
Spin-off VN. Only youtube translation is available as of now.
Ah yes I know what you're talking about. I watched the Kurisu route and shamelessly enjoyed it
Nobody cares.
Used goods.
These two nearly killed me when I first watched it. I had to pause every other minute to avoid a heart attack.
>Hair colour
Just finished reading this.
What a roller coaster.
This and yankee/kurosawa are top tier, seriously the author makes perfect couples
God-tier taste
You cared enough to reply.
Serial jizzer is apathetic and a cunt to most people, while those two are genuinely good people who care about others.
There is literally nothing wrong with this page. Fight me.
Carrot top over there looks like he's just decided he doesn't really care that he's got an audience now and is about to start fucking again.
Masterpiece my ass
This manga is a perfect example of how to not get a bad ending with a yandere. Just pretend like nothing is wrong with them and then marry them.
Last I heard, they're dating.
>implying Hachiman wont end a loner
They're more than friends, less than lovers.
She's going to lose, user.
Oh, right. Forgot about that dumb shit.
>She's going to lose, user.
t. aquafag
Egs dee :DD
>implying they're not having problems in the future
well duh, the other one got turned into space dust. can you fuck space dust? i think not.
kigu kouka
Who is that girl Kazuki is with?
Man, the manga was perfect.