How gay does someone have to be in order to basically turn this down?
How gay does someone have to be in order to basically turn this down?
But he didn't turn her down
He knew what he was doing, trust me.
Jesus Christ. How can Assuna even compete with this?
I want to rape Asuna
Asuna wants to rape YOU
Truth is, she can't.
but he didn't
2 years worth of semen pumped inside her and everything
no thanks
Speaking of pouring semen, how much semen would you glop inside Suguha?
At least two billion years worth myself
I thought that one fanfic where he fucks her was considered canon?
when people cum in that virtual world do they cum in real life? like a wet dream?
sauce pls
I want sugu to sit on my face
that's SAO and Suguha from cowboy bebop.
>that's SAO and Suguha from cowboy bebop.
im not really sure on what you tried to do here but this shit makes no sense, besides you took my bait
Your welcome.
her face looks retarded
looks shitty desu besides suguha doesn't interest me. nice try faggot
is that a tawawa face?
But he didn't, since he got that virtual puss
No. Since the NG rig cuts off almost all communication between the PNS and the CNS, there would be no effect on the actual genitalia.
Cute girl in the wrong show
I thought they glopped and married and adopted a kid and then he went to visit her family
Did you forget about the glop heard round the world, OP?
Himura Kiseki is doing the Progressive manga as well.
I never watched this show, but I remember posts of a YouTube video of her, is that right?
I watched the SAO movie last week. What did Sup Forums think of it? I didn't pay attention when everyone else watched. The fights were animated pretty good but I was shocked at how QUALITY some of the other scenes were. And there was more talking than expected. I think the anime looked better overall except for that final fight scene where everyone pitched in.
It was nice to see Kirito and Asuna do couple things though. I guess this is throwing a bone to the non-fujo fans before Eugeo walks in with S3.
He didn't turn her down, he plowed her that night
I enjoyed it, but I wasn't a huge fan of the final fight at the end with everyone joining in.
>the part where Yuuki guides Asuna in using Mother's Rosario was awesome
Music and animation were also good, definitely the highlight of the movie
Just enough that she gets a little bulge. Any more would be excessive and a waste, gotta pace myself for next round.