can we get grimgar thread?
Can we get grimgar thread?
you mean a shit thread?
Yeah sure, new volume summary when?
No, give me S2 first.
I'd rather have a S2. But this will be fine. All girls best girl.
Is Ranta dead yet?
One of these things is not like the others.
>good anime
>anime focuses on the weak losers, not the chad's group
Thats not how you use that symbol. Please go back.
>tfw would probably die because can't force self to kill a goblin
Would we survive in Grimgar?
>this is what sakugafags actually believe
Haha, another quality post from the leading western anime board! Nailed again, Sup Forums!
My god, look at the intellectual depth to this comment. Within seconds, he came up the heady reply 'you mean a shit thread?' This is after the OP posted 'can we get a grimgar thread', mind you. How did you come up with that line, user? How did replacing 'grimgar' with 'shit' pop into your head? Are you some kind of genius that's graced this humble image board???
I'm stunned. Genuinely. What did I ever do in my disgraceful life to deserve seeing a post of this calibur. Five simple words, expertly placed, formed into the finest sentence I've ever seen. Thank you, user. You comedic wit, your stagger intellect... This is one of the happiest moments of my life.
What shitty bait. Everyone who watched Phantom Blahblahblah (I can't even remember the name), knows that it was "nothing happens" the show.
Phantom World, you troglodyte. Get it right.
Reminder that the dagger is actually the best weapon. A spear would only get in your way and a sword's weight will just slow you down. Get up close with a dagger and you settle the fight.
joke is on you, I am not even in this thread reading your comments
>didnt drop anime cause of best girl
>she dies
>A spear would only get in your way
How? Do you have a propensity to crawl into crevices? Spears shit on other melee weapon users with its range.
History says otherwise.
>What is a phalanx
But which is more interesting?
Well, this thread is off to a bad start.