Does Sup Forums like crazy girls ?

Does Sup Forums like crazy girls ?


I bet she would give the meanest blow job.

yes, misaka mikoto is my waifu.

Hell yeah. Bonus points if they’re for (you)

fun fact; all crazy girls are actually pure maidens


Actually kinda true for 3D too. Oddly enough.

I like crazy girls for their brief moments of lucidity where they realize how insane they are

They're great

Hell yeah.

I do, but not this incestuous whore.

nothing wrong with wincest

Yes but they need to be the proper type of crazy. The really generic Yandere just doesn't do it for me. I kind of like more introspection on what causes the girl to act insane.

Who is the best girl from Black Lagoon and why is it Sawyer?

What happened to this bitch again?


Never stick your dick in crazy. Now that being said no one said anything about masturbation.

do you think she has pubes ?

damn she's hot

that's not crazy

can spell psychotic without HOT

She becomes crazy in the LNs much later on.

Friendly reminder that if you don't stick your dick in crazy, crazy will stick something in you. That said OPs looks like shit crazy.

Crazies are the best.

tell me more

Never forget

There are crazy girls and yandere girls
u r talking about yandere

They are exactly the same, yandere isn't just one type of girl.

not crazy

no , they are completely different

also yandere IS one type of girl
they all have only one emotion and it is love for their senpai , that's the only aspect of """crazy"""" they have

>a crazy is different from a crazy

Nice one, faggot.

Only if craziness isn't their default state and they snap at some point.

Yes. Kyouko was criminally underused.

It's the only kind of crazy that's worth bothering with anyway.

Don't speak for everyone, damn purityfag.

"Crazy" anime girls aren't really crazy. They just need dick.

Yandere are the best.

>They just need dick.
But you should never stick your dick in crazy.

In 2d girls, the dick is their cure of the crazies.

Yeah. It's c-r-a-y.

which of the idolmaster girls are considered crazy? kawashima isn't really crazy. she's just old and needy, but i just wanted to post her

but crazy girls are pure

They lost their charm for me after I tried 3D crazy. Never fucking again.

She didn't die, right? ;_;

S3 never

Crazy, sure, but any character that does that stupid edgeface with tongue sticking out cannot be taken seriously

low quality bait

How about crazy bois?