What age did you stop watching "serious" anime and realized you are waifufag? For me, it's when I turned 19

What age did you stop watching "serious" anime and realized you are waifufag? For me, it's when I turned 19.

I just discovered Dirty Pair and I see it here. What are the odds? Are you me, user?

Everyone here is just a part of your split personality David

I'm not watching anime for waifus anymore, since I have settled down with my oc waifu. It's better this way, of course I still get annoyed when best girl doesn't win, there isn't much to be watched anymore for me, seen all good physiological and horror anime and other more serious ones, moe is shit, same for sports, sols, musical, etc..

You mean stopped being a pretentious elitist fuck shitting on anime for being too moe or pandering and obsessed with having perfect taste? I think 22.

Pretty good considering it's posted at least once a day here.

I was always attracted to female characters. Dirty Pair is one of my favorites.

I pretty much stopped watching anime seriously when I was 15. I still spend most of my time reading manga, though. I'm never going to leave this place, am I?

I watch all kinds of anime, but I don't think there was a time in my life that I didn't have a crush on or fap to fictional characters.

I started saving pictures of cuties when I got my first laptop at 18, but I would have been doing so way earlier if I had my own computer at an earlier age

I never did. I just stopped being serious about anime.

Never, I'm not some faggot who can only enjoy anime one way and not the other

Not really stopped watching them, but when I was 20 when I got a job, I started to care less and watch laidback anime and moeshit more.

i don't have a waifu because im not fucking autistic and actually have a social life instead. sorry.

I started watching anime for the cute girls and then got into watching and reading more serious stuff.

I never did because i'm not an autist and can appreciate both serious stories and hot waifus

That is just masturbation user, or at best incest

Implying that's bad thing

fuck off faggot i watch anime because i like anime

I can do both. But that said I can't watch Dirty Pair TV for shit these days. Every episode, every fucking episode.


It's awful. The OVA and some of the other specials are okay but jesus christ this shit is bad.

>watching and liking anime just because it's anime

Absolute no taste

1400+ completed, i watch it because i like it and don't just pretend to like you newfag retards.

>newfag retards.
Weird sudden outburst, you feel threatened?

>complaining about someone who watches anime

I don't get your point, no one is complaining.

I stopped watching anime that may make look more mature in conversations since age 15. Like telling everyone I just watch 80s anime. I just watch whatever I might like disregarding the art style.

Late-Sophy I started the SOL dive thru HS. Started with Fate/Stay Night which was actually basically my first anime (I blame my neighbor for constantly barraging me with his latest animu)