do you like chubby lolis?
Do you like chubby lolis?
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I like Mitsudomoe, does that count? Mitsuba should probably consider a healthier diet and exercise plan.
Mitsuba is a goddess.
No, that's child abuse.
Mitsudomoe would be perfect if it wasn't for the lack of puffy vulvas and more shots like this one.
ravioli ravioli blah blah blah
but yeah, i do, OP.
yes, it would improve with more ecchi, but honestly I was amazed at what we did get, and as far as the comedy goes it's somewhere in my top 3, too.
80% is Mitsuba pics and I love it
I prefer bushy lolis.
She's skinny and creepy in the manga.
Until COOL realizes the errors of his way and fixes her.
>This artist
Name? Not like reverse searching cropped shit works.
Do we really wanna make manga comparisons? Did you read the Mitsudomoe manga? They did get rounder later, and the art improved in general, but they made them extra-round for the anime. It's a shame really, Finishing Mitsudomoe left a gaping hole in my heart, and crotch, so I tried to read the manga but ended up giving up.
He is talking about Kanna, who is a skeleton in the early chapters.
Yes... I understood that. And I'm saying that the Mitsudomoe manga has the same/similar problem.
Chubby, no. Thick, absolutely.
Official art.
I prefer my chubby girls to be more mature.
The chipmunk faces are the best part of this show.
and more shit
if you look at the first chapters of the manga and these art, it looks like two absolutelly diferent person.
Also, how does the manga ended? Its the ending better than that Hitora non-h doujin?
somebody post mochi mochi nanoha
Nice quads but I still like her.
imagine having taste this shitty
MU says it's still ongoing.
It ended about august of last year:
Theres even a blogger that was really sad mentioned there, looked really lost because of the ending.
Damn, that dude is devastated.
But now I also want to know how it ended.
Well, its just one guy i sunfish translating it. So if its to wait him, it'll take a few years for us to know how it ended.
Not even a fatfag but Hotaru legitimately looks better fat.
Her design takes well to it, and, fuck, with the amount of candy she eats she'd need an insane metabolism to avoid putting on weight. There's only so many calories that can go to your tits.
>Hotaru's hourglass figure enhanced by candy
>Keeps eating until she gets a belly.
A nice big belly looks good on the right girl. Or, I think so.
What makes a girl "the right girl?
I like lolis with podgy bellies, but I don't like actual obese lolis. A nice soft round pudgy tummy is lovely.
And the other perfect example.
I couldn't give you objective qualifications. It's like porn or art. You can't nail it down hard and fast. You just know it when you see it.
I see.
Naturally this means you have to put up with a lot of women who don't look good with a belly. But the diamonds are worth all the coal.
As long as you find what you're looking for it doesn't really matter.
Mind sharing that?
Artist is obviously Naoshi Onizuka
It is unacceptable to not recognize his art
Forgive me.
I refuse.
I love ALL lolis.
me on the left
Me eating a banana after playing with my Switch.
you cant love ALL the lolis
They make my wiener hard, and I can prove it.
Why not? I do love all lolis. Child lolis, legal lolis, skinny lolis, fat lolis, flat lolis, oppai lolis, pubescent lolis, prepubescent lolis, meganekko lolis, genki lolis, shy lolis, tomboy lolis, slutty lolis, pure lolis. ALL lolis are unique, special and wonderful in their own way,
You can't say you love chubby lolis unless you can fap to this.
>fatty posters
Most disgusting thread EVER
Get banned creeps
Is it possibly atte7kusa?
I can't believe I just found him the other day.
Thats just sick
Who cares? Reported