Just rewatched Cromartie after several years

>Just rewatched Cromartie after several years
>Still don't understand what was wrong with Mechazawa

Is there just a cultural barrier that my filthy western brain can't cross?

Well, nips are short, maybe that's what's bothering you.
Mechazawa is just about average, it's the others that are drawn like gorillas.


This, it's mostly the fact that he looks like a mook in a school full of "gang leader" types, you know? Don't worry about crackpots like

Hey man that's just rude.
How would you like it if someone called you a robot?

Is this some weird cultural Japanese thing. Mind explaining?

been thinking about it for a while now, it might be that he has a new hat

He is too badass to be a robot. Impossible.

Yeah but tough dudes are supposed to be stoic. It's not as big of a deal as people like you seem to believe.

Is this the new reptilian thing? You conspiracy nuts are crazy!

He seemed like a generic tough guy, but beneath his steely facade I think he had some wires crossed

Brainlet doesnt get it

>mechazawa meme
>jackie chun =/= muten roshi
>king is strong

These shits need to be stopped. It was funny the first few time s but retards on Sup Forums run the jokes to the ground.

You wanna talk about it man?

the English dub is so fucking good


He has such a soothing voice.

>not listening to Wakamoto

Nah, that's not it


just because he's a little shy doesnt make him a robot.