season 2 fucking when
Season 2 fucking when
>Source: Light novel
Literally soon
holy fuck, didnt know about this
sora no baka
Is this actually decent? I hate the premise
Why is Izuna so sexy?
Was the movie worth watching?
I find it really funny but some people have issues with how the main characters win their games.
Watch it and if you didn't know like the first 3 episodes you can drop it.
How can you hate the premise?
Its dumb but in a fun way. And it looks great, esspecially the colors. The movie is good. Magepunk.
>brazillian writer
I thought it was fun so just watch it retard.
NGNL: Zero is coming out very soon OP.
Season 2? Never.
>February 23rd
Too long
I definitely like the artstyle
I thought it was a fantastic show.
I rewatch it a lot of times.
The film ends in a s2 tease, and they said at AX they wanted to make it.
Wow! 2 one cour seasons! You've proven nothing!
2 seasons is 2 seasons.
Using red outlines on the characters is so great.
You're sad.
It's decent and makes very good use of colors. Only the word game is worth giving a shit about, the rest is mostly resolved through dumb shit, it suffers from a case of "smart characters written by dumb people".
>didn't watch the movie in theaters
They actually change depending on the scene/lighting. Sometimes they are more purple or pink.
It's poor man's Kaiji except isekai
>mfw I did
Was worried at first, as some of inazuma in the first segment was weirdly pixalized in a bad upscale sort of way. Didn't notice it the rest of the film.
this desu
NO Games
NO Life
NO Season 2
If you want more buy and read novel.