ITT: Characters too good for their respective series.
ITT: Characters too good for their respective series
>not even saiyaman version
You tried
I would argue Might Guy instead of Rock Lee
Literally Vegeta, one of the only characters in this shitty anime that make progress but the authors can't let him have moment to shine.
ITT: Characters too perfect for their respective series.
Ah yes,the ''I haven't watched the show but I've heard about the gaara vs lee fight was really good so I am going to use this as my answer to make it seem like I actually watch the show and fit in''
>watching Naruto to fit in on Sup Forums
You lost, buddy?
Oh yes, because people will respect your opinion more on Sup Forums if you watch Naruto, which used to be banned on sight.
the fuck
I watch Naruto and Boruto, and admit it. Who cares about what others on Sup Forums think? As long as you aren't shitting it up.
This kid is the ultimate fucking jobber.
The show was shit, but I couldn't stop liking it because of how good they were,
>not Goku
You're doing it wrong
>pointless edge: the character
>confirmed not to have watched the show
DM wouldn't have been a quarter as good if it wasn't for Kaiba and his autism.
They didn't give him enough time as the only main character
kurono was such a little faggot i hate him
>kid who kept going straight for the super moves and fucked himself repeatedly
Always felt like he didn't belong in Naruto. He should have been the MC of a kung fu manga or some shit.
I don't think I've seen someone so passively aggressive over something so insignificant
maybe until they completely destroyed his personality after the cell saga
He's LITERALLY the protagonist we should have had, like, in-universe Mirio was the original successor and has all the personality traits a real MC wanting to be the Symbol of Peace would have. He feels like he's the protag of his own cool series and whatever he's doing is more interesting than our overshadowed Deku.
That syndrome of a character being unironically too good for his manga hurts, because it shows that if the author wanted he could write something at that level, but chooses to go a different route.
What a terrible character.
What a terrible show.
Your tears are still delicious to this day
It's not fair.
He really deserves something better than Super.
old man deserved peace
>The mary sue of dragonball
He has that. Battle of the Gods.
That's actually cauli
still makes me laugh
>as a child, earns 100 million dollars in a single day
>dad jumps out the window the moment he hears that Seto took the company
>takes control of an entire city for a card tournament
>builds ridiculously impractical jets shaped like his favorite monster and flies them everywhere
>changes predestined fate and sacrifices a god to his Blue-Eyes because his waifufagging was just too strong
>literally in love, actual romantic/sexual love, with Blue-Eyes
>establishes a massive university explicitly to teach people to play card games better, changing the face of education worldwide
>builds a space elevator and rides it just to use an AI he programmed to solve the millennium puzzle
>overpowers omnipotent magic with sheer bravado
>summons a god that no longer exists to defeat an opponent who can freely manipulate perceived reality
>ushers in a new era of technological enlightenment for the world
>peaces out and flies an interdimensional rocket to the Egyptian afterlife just to get his runback
Kaiba is an absolute fucking madman and I love everything about him
these two
wrong girl
A friend i wish i actually had in real life
This is a troll, because everyone knows Naruto is shit.
>mistaking Gohan for Caulifla
Gohan is more of a joke that ends up being rekt and saved by everyone.
>b-but he has biggest potential
Even his own father takes huge dump on THAT one.
When I was a kid I was always pissed when Gohan got screen time, and the Buu saga was kinda bad because of this
Still the most manliest Gundam series to this day
what happened here
There is a man with mental issues that randomly posts porn and claims to be underage in order to get banned.
He does this often.
>turned Piccolo into a cool guy
>got Piccolo killed
I'm conflicted over Gohan.
Best/only reason to read this series.
>builds ridiculously impractical jets shaped like his favorite monster and flies them everywhere
Best boys, but the rest of the characters are great too
Dbz is a good series. And if you're taking about dbs then gohan is ruined (like every others characters) so just as bad as it's series.
>watch Naruto
>fit in
Pick one.
Wrong character.
Too perfect.
I must admit that I am surprised by Beerus progress and development. He has become one of the best things in Dragon Ball. He and his angel are easily stealing the scene from everyone.
keep in mind he had an important protagonism while Naruto was still a really really good anime/manga
the momment they decided to save Sasuke was when the show went downhill lil by lil.
Gohan is a fucking nerd who deserves to be emasculated and/or cucked.
Sad when I'm saying that about one of the strongest characters in the franchise.
His dad knows.
Always felt like he should've been in GitS or something.
>M-muh pairings were canon so Bleach totally wasn't trash guys!!
ahggg marry me