Madoka Magica

2 hours before the end, what will be announced?


Homu x Saya being canon

>not kyoumado

The worst thing is, user can be right.

Wasn't it something for the gacha game?

no, since it' related to the gatcha, it will be either a event for that or, in the best case scenario, an OVA to promote it

You answered it yourself, OP.

what could this even be they wouldn't announce an English version in Japanese would they

Here comes nothing!



Live action summary movie.

just fuck my shit up senpai

fuck you sayaka

It was obvious it was going to be Sayaka, but I still feel incredibly disappointed.

An anime about Sayaka's POV?

Sayaka added to the game.

I don't see why this is a bad thing.

I already have Mami. Now to get Sayaka.

Anons, there are only three constants in the anime business: lies, treachery, and goddamn pachinko.

And Gundam.

Honestly this.

Eva Braun was a magical girl.


Come here fell/a/s. We even have our own calcio team. 'Him' even shows up.

Lurking there from time to time, but I don't have any real desire getting into plot developments of a game with fanfiction-tier writing. Original seiyuu voices and some of the designs are good, but it's not enough. There are better ways to waste time in this world.